Chapter 10 Meeting Hu Liena

Year after year, one year passed, Hu Liena was 15 years old, and she came to the Soul Sect as she wished.

And Cheng Rou has also reached the age of 9, but she is already a soul master! !

Hu Liena was filled with envy: Innate talent is really important!He only has level 9 innate soul power, and the gap between him and Cheng Rou is not that big. In a few years, this girl might catch up with her. How should I protect her then?
Hu Liena couldn't help but think about the scene a few years later in her mind. Her junior sister hugged her and said to her, Sister Nana, my sister will protect you, don't be afraid, and then the two of them slowly got closer...

Hu Liena hurriedly shook her head: "All I was thinking about were some ghost scenes."

However, Hu Liena vowed not to let such a scene happen. She would improve her cultivation faster and work harder.

"Now that everyone is here, let's go to the Star Dou Forest to get the soul ring.

This time, when entering the Star Forest, Elder Ghost and I will only follow in secret and will not appear.If your performance is too poor, I will register it and hope you will not disappoint the Pope. " said a person with baby-like skin and charming appearance.

If it weren't for his Adam's apple, it would be difficult to tell his gender.This person is Ju Douluo Yueguan. This time the two Pope disciples went out, and the Pope asked the two titled Douluo to follow him, which shows how much he attaches importance to him.

"Yes," the two men and two women replied respectfully.

The four of them got on the carriage and went there, but outside the carriage were two sad-looking gay men, but inside there were two beautiful girls talking and laughing.

Yan felt bitter in her heart. She was so close to the goddess Nana, but there was a barrier between her that could not be broken.

Xie Yue was also worried. He found that his sister no longer loved him as a brother, and transferred all her love to the girl named Cheng Rou.

"So love will disappear, right?" Xie Yue murmured to herself.

A few days later, Su Chen happened to come to the Star Forest. The 9-year-old no longer looked like a child, nor was he wearing shabby clothes. Instead, he was wearing an old white windbreaker and white pants.

The way he dressed did not make passers-by feel weird, but rather they looked at him differently.

Nothing else, because this kind of clothing has become popular in mainland China in recent years, especially among the people.It's all because Jiu Jianxian dressed like this, and everyone followed suit.

Therefore, a person wearing such clothing will make people think that he is a righteous person, and it will also make some robbers and bullies afraid.I'm afraid that the person wearing this is the Jiujianxian, who kills people without blinking an eye or showing blood.

The bullies were trembling with fear from the rumors, fearing that they might accidentally see their bodies from another angle.

Therefore, no one thinks that Su Chen must be the Zi Zi Jiu Sword Immortal.

This was Cheng Rou's first time traveling like this since she joined Wuhun Palace. She would always look at the world curiously on the carriage. She found that there were many men wearing old white clothes on the road. Their expressions and postures seemed to be full of confidence.

"Sister Nana, why are they dressed so strangely?" Cheng Rou was confused. She had never seen anyone dressed like this before.

Hu Liena naturally knew what Cheng Rou was asking, "Sister, they should all be fans of Zi Zi Jiu Jian Xian. Dressing like this when going out can avoid a lot of things, and you can also find some friends with the same aspirations.

You see, the few people over there are strangers who don’t know each other, but they greet each other because of their clothes. It seems that they want to go drinking together. "

"Ah, is one person's influence really that great?" Cheng Rou didn't understand.

"Maybe, silly sister." Hu Liena touched Cheng Rou's head and said, bully her as much as you can now.

"In that case, we are all imitating that Sword Immortal. So who is the Sword Immortal and what does the Sword Immortal look like?" Cheng Rou asked in a low voice, feeling Sister Nana's touch.

"I don't know, no one can tell what he looks like, or it's everyone, or it's just anyone who does what the Jiu Sword Immortal should do." Hu Liena said with her sister's inscrutable demeanor.

"Sister Nana's words always enlighten me." Cheng Rou nodded.

Hu Liena was happy in her heart. How could she have the majesty and pride of a senior sister without showing her hands?At night, in the Starry Forest, Su Chen was lying on a big tree in the sky.The branches were lush and leafy. Su Chen felt very comfortable and rolled on the branches.

At this time, a snow-white fox about 2 meters tall was walking in Su Chen's direction.When the passing spirit beasts saw it, they all gave in and showed friendly faces.

It came under the big tree where Su Chen was, and it had a strange feeling, as if there would be something it needed here.

The fox gently moves on the branches
A snow-white, extremely clean fox appeared in Su Chen's field of vision. It came behind him and used it as a pillow, with its hair as a quilt.Naturally, Su Chen would not refuse such a good thing, and he was a fox without the smell of a fox.

The snow-white fox was both excited and shy. When it came up, it found a human in white.

She didn't know why she felt fear, and even her spiritual sense told her that as long as she dared to use any skills on this boy, she would disappear from this world forever.
In this dilemma, it chose to please, showed the friendliest behavior, and came behind the young man to become a pet.

It felt unusually gentle and comfortable to be held by this boy, safe and even enjoyable
Under the bright moonlight, these two warm white figures became the highlight of the night.

The next day, the four Hu Lienas arrived in the Star Forest. After helping Cheng Rou obtain the third soul ring yesterday, their mission was half completed. Today, they began to look for Nana's suitable soul ring.

From a distance, they saw a snow-white color dotted on the tree crown. Out of curiosity, everyone approached and came to the tree to see what it was.

Only then did I realize that it was a very similar rare spirit beast in the legend, the White Charming Spirit Fox!

The four people were shocked and began to plot...

A ray of fire burned the branches, but Su Chen still didn't wake up.Linhu nimbly jumped up with Su Chen and came to an open space.

The spirit fox's snow-white hair exuded soul light as it stared coldly at the four people in front of it.

The four of them were also wary of the spirit fox, and were surprised to find that there was a white figure on the spirit fox's back, enjoying or sleeping?

"People and foxes are in love." Hu Liena said in shock what she couldn't believe.

This fox and one person, so close to each other, could it be anything other than the love between humans and foxes.

The three people listened to Hu Liena's speech, and their hearts shivered.

After Cheng Rou saw the man's face clearly, although there were some changes from what he thought before, wasn't this the boy he had saved?
Cheng Rou walked over and wanted to acknowledge him, but found that she still didn't know what to call him. When she came 2 meters in front of him, she stood like that. After thinking for a while, she suddenly said, "Long time no see."

Su Chen opened his eyes, glanced at Cheng Rou lightly and said, "Well, is there anything else?"

After saying that, Su Chen half-closed his eyes again and became confused.

Rourou didn't know how to answer for a moment, feeling a certain sense of loss in her heart.

Hu Liena kept looking at the junior sister who took the initiative to go forward, but after Cheng Rou's conversation with the young man, she also stepped forward.

"Rourou, do you know her?"

Cheng Rou replied lostly in her mind: Yes, just turning your back on him and chatting for a few words does that count as knowing him?

"Well, I know him." But Cheng Rou added in her heart: the kind of acquaintance without knowing the name.

How could Hu Liena not see that her junior sister was very concerned about this boy, but this boy actually ignored her junior sister?

Hu Liena was also angry. Why did the junior sister like a boy who had an affair with a spirit beast and wore shabby clothes?

(End of this chapter)

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