Chapter 9 The Free Wine Sword Immortal ([-]-in-[-], please vote)

Another year passed, and Su Chen's image was also spread among Douluo people.

Civilians in many villages and towns occasionally interacted with each other. After chatting and communicating with each other, they were surprised to find that a boy wearing tattered white clothes passed by their village and did something in their village.

That boy in some villages eliminated some bandits who were harming the villages and towns, giving the villages that were not wealthy at first a sense of security.Some towns have eliminated some local bullies who have been doing all kinds of evil for a long time, allowing the smoky towns to regain their former peace.
The boy was wanted by Imperial soldiers for this reason, but strangely he was never caught or even whereabouts.

Many civilians also gave this boy a title, Free Wine and Sword Immortal.

Because he always holds a wine flask, drinks without scruples, and enjoys himself leisurely, which is very enviable.He would hold a sword and do things that ordinary people would not dare to do, stand in front of those people, and kill these people with ease and contentment, without any discomfort, and the blade of the sword would not be stained with a drop of blood...

Su Chen, who was talked about by many civilians, was lying on the top of a towering tree.If someone passes by and happens to have excellent eyesight, he will be shocked and wonder if he has seen a ghost. How could there be someone lying on the top of the tree?

Su Chen looked at the starry sky, raised his right arm, and said in his mouth, "In that place that can only be reached by crossing countless endless seas of rules, the Immortal Emperor has long since ceased to be the Immortal Emperor. The world is so free and comfortable..."

Su Chen took a leisurely sip of the fairy brew, closed his starry eyes, and fell asleep.His hands naturally dropped, the wine bottle fell, and then disappeared...
In the Wuhun Hall of Wuhun City, Cheng Rou, who has been there for a year, has gradually become familiar with the Wuhun Hall.She is far superior to her peers in learning and cultivating wisdom, and is deeply loved by Pope Bibi Dong.

"Sister Nana, you're here." Cheng Rou's eyes were full of happiness, and she was delighted to see a charming woman with a fluffy fox tail walking in outside the door.

In her opinion, her senior sister had practiced seduction since she was a child. She was full of charm and charming, but she was unusually clean and self-possessed, with her body covered tightly. How could she be a vixen?

"Hehe, sister is here to see you. How are you doing with your practice recently?" Hu Liena also liked the teacher's new disciple, the junior sister. She was smart and could solve many problems easily, and she was also very well-behaved. Hu Liena, who had no girlfriend, instantly felt close to her.

Sometimes Hu Liena is even a little jealous of this junior sister, because she finds that the teacher cares for this junior sister more than she does.

"Sister Nana, this dress is so beautiful. Do you want to give it to me?" Cheng Rou's eyes were filled with anticipation as she looked at Hu Liena holding a beautiful dress in her hand.

"Yes, I went out for training and just came back today. I happened to see this nice dress and bought it for you." Hu Liena said with a smile.

Cheng Rou stood up and hugged Hu Liena, burying her head in Hu Liena's chest.

"Thank you Sister Nana. The smell on Sister Nana is very fragrant and soft. I will take advantage of Sister Nana and make your man regret it in the future."

Cheng Rou, in Wuhun Hall, gradually gained her own liveliness, and was no longer the humble girl who had to be careful in the slums.

"You are getting bolder and bolder. Sister, I am going to teach you a lesson." Naturally, Hu Liena would not be angry when a girl with a friendly feeling attacked her breasts. Instead, she jumped in and gave it a try.

After the two girls quarreled for a while, Cheng Rou put away the clothes given by Sister Nana and said, "Sister Nana, let's go find the teacher together. I have questions to ask the teacher."

"Well, I also have something to report to the teacher."

The two women held hands and headed to the Pope's office.

"Teacher, we are here." Hu Liena said happily.

Bibi Dong looked at the two beloved disciples who walked in and felt very happy. Over the past year, the two women got along well with each other and there was no fight for power.The absence of infighting is undoubtedly a beautiful thing.

Bibi Dong devoted all her kindness to her daughter Qian Renxue to Hu Liena. Her feelings for Hu Liena were like nurturing her daughter.

When it comes to Cheng Rou, Bibi Dong still treats her as a girl in the past. But Bibi Dong knows that although Cheng Rou is kind, she is smarter than her. Otherwise, how could Bibi Dong have such a tragic experience and pay her first love by mistake? The feelings of Qian Xunji who have been raised for many years...

Bibi Dong wanted to make up for her past regrets on Cheng Rou. She looked at Cheng Rou just like her past self, except that the teacher was her instead of the beast Qian Xunji.

Bibi Dong also found that her heart was gradually moving toward perfection. Although she still hated him, she was no longer so heartbroken.When you look at some beautiful things, you don't want to destroy them in your heart, but you feel a little more beautiful.

However, what Bibi Dong doesn't know is that there is a spiritual thought in the secret that is observing Bibi Dong's emotional changes and planning how to destroy Bibi Dong's beauty...

"Nana, Rourou." Bibi Dong greeted the two disciples cordially.

"Teacher, this disciple is bothering you again," Rourou said with a smile.

"Teacher, Nana is coming to bother you too, don't hate us." Hu Liena said playfully.

"Two fools, tell me what you have to say." Bibi Dong looked at the two lovely disciples and shook his head helplessly.

"Teacher, I want to know, is it really impossible for a martial soul to evolve because of a person tapping his forehead?" This year, Cheng Rou obtained two soul rings, entered the world of soul masters, and learned a lot Basic knowledge of soul masters.Although she had very little time to practice soul power, she still improved by 4 levels. It was through learning this knowledge that she understood how to turn a person without any soul power into an innate level 20 soul power and a god-level martial soul. The soul is such an incredible thing, no, it is simply impossible.

"Rourou, have you thought of that boy again? A boy, even if he is a god, may not be able to accomplish this. This is destined by nature and cannot be changed.

What's more, it turns out to be an incredible talent like yours. "Bibi Dong denied that the reason why Rourou gave her such a talent was because of a certain boy.

Can God do it?Maybe, but if God really had such ability, he would have secretly cultivated such a genius to inherit the divine throne. How could it be my turn, Bibi Dong, to inherit the divine throne?

Bibi Dong naturally didn't believe that God had the ability to change one's fate against the will of heaven. Even if he did, he would have to pay a heavy price. "But teacher, except for him helping me, how could I change from an ordinary person to such a genius with incredible talent?" Cheng Rou believed that she was not just an evolution of her martial soul, but a change in her talent and destiny, and she But he didn't do anything. He only had a dream for no reason.

"Rourou, don't doubt yourself, or the person who helped you awaken your martial soul didn't help you complete the correct awakening ritual because the soul power was too low, or your talent was too powerful and required specific conditions to awaken. "Bibi Dong thought of Gui Mei. Didn't he awaken his martial spirit by himself?There is also Qian Renxue, who also awakened his martial spirit through a special method in the Angel Family.

"Well, teacher, I will think it over carefully." Rourou thought deeply.

Bibi Dong sighed, did this disciple believe that the boy helped her?Want to stop it?If this continues, I'm afraid that boy will become Rourou's weakness.
Hu Liena listened in a daze beside her. Can you take off just by pointing at your forehead?I'm afraid it's not a dream, but Hu Liena naturally can't laugh at her junior sister.

"Sister, time will prove all this. There will be answers in the future. The most important thing for us now is to practice well." Hu Liena encouraged Cheng Rou, but in Cheng Rou's eyes, her senior sister's words seemed unfathomable.

"Yes, I know." Cheng Rou naturally would not be obscured by the fog in front of her. With such a heaven-defying talent, she naturally could not waste it. It would be disrespectful to him if she wasted her talent.

"Hehe, it's good to know. This is my good sister. Teacher, I came back from my experience and found a strange thing circulating in many towns and villages on the mainland. I came to share it with Teacher and Rourou." Nana said happily.

"Tell me." Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes lightened, slightly interested.

Rourou is also curious about what interesting things Sister Nana wants to share.

"People in those towns said that there was a man who was not very old, but he held a bottle of wine and a sword to stand in front of the evil. He was free and easy, and he cut off a mountain top with one sword, so that the robbers were too scared to come out of the mountain. Starving to death on the mountain top makes those evil young men who are usually arrogant and domineering dare not leave home...

Everyone respectfully calls him Zizai Jiujianxian. "Hu Liena finished a long list of anecdotes full of admiration, all expressing her appreciation for the Wine Sword Immortal and her hatred for those villains.

Cheng Rou listened with great interest. She also wanted to be such a person, to bring justice to the civilians, so that they could at least live in peace of mind.

Because when Su Chen and Cheng Rou first met, Su Chen didn't have wine or a sword, so Cheng Rou didn't think of the Free Wine Sword Immortal in the direction of Su Chen.

Bibi Dong had a different view, and said with a smile: "Nana, maybe an outstanding disciple of a certain family is going out to practice. You will be 15 years old in another year, and you should become a soul sect. You are better than anyone else. , which man in the mainland is not worthy of you? If in a few years, this Jiujianxian is still alive and has a reputation in the mainland, then the teacher will help you matchmaker."

"Ah, Teacher, I don't want it. I want to stay in Wuhun Hall and beside Teacher all my life." Hu Liena stamped her feet and said firmly.

Bibi Dong looked at Hu Liena like this. Although Nana was extremely determined now, Bibi Dong didn't believe it.

Who can resist love when it comes? The girl's beating heart makes people feel that this is more important than anything else. Didn't you ever think about giving up everything just for that man?It's a pity that he was too cowardly. Now that I think about it, I realize how stupid I was at that time.

"Rourou must always accompany the teacher."

"Two fools, the teacher will always be here." Bibi Dong naturally would not say anything unpleasant and ruin the atmosphere to make the two disciples sad.

"Nana, when you become a soul sect, the teacher will earn for you and make you a saint in the Wuhun Hall. You have to practice hard and convince the people in the enshrinement hall, you know?" Bibi Dong said suddenly.

"Ah, the disciple knows that he will work hard to cultivate and not lose the teacher's face." Hu Liena couldn't believe it. She didn't expect that the teacher wanted to earn for her and let her become a saint. The saint represents the next pope. Heir.

I don’t know how many people are fighting openly and secretly for this position.

"Sister Nana, you have become a saint, so you must protect your sister." Cheng Rou was also happy for Hu Liena. She believed that Hu Liena's talent could make her a saint of Wuhun Palace.

"Hehe, sister, I will protect you." Hu Liena held out her chest and said softly.

"Well, now that you have become a saint, you will definitely be busier. Then I will have more time to accompany the teacher and have the teacher all to myself." Cheng Rou said proudly and happily.

"What, you are despicable." Hu Liena knew Rourou's intention and was very angry, since she wanted to monopolize the teacher.

"Teacher, Nana should not be a saint, Nana should stay with the teacher." Hu Liena said coquettishly.

"Nana, do you know what you are talking about? Although I am the pope in the Wuhun Palace, the Enshrinement Palace has a profound foundation and is still stronger than us. Don't you want to become a saint to share the pressure for the teacher?" Bibi Dong was very stern, using I hope Nana really understands the importance of this mission.

Hu Liena seemed to understand, her face became serious, and she said seriously: "Nana knows. Nana will definitely work hard."

Bibi Dong smiled, stroked Hu Liena's head, and then looked at Cheng Rou.

"Rourou, would you blame the teacher for letting you hide your identity and not reveal your identity to the world?" Bibi Dong looked at Cheng Rou apologetically and said.

There are very few people who know that Cheng Rou is Bibi Dong's disciple, and there are even fewer people who know that she is Bibi Dong's disciple but know her talent.

Bibi Dong has been secretly training Cheng Rou to make her a trump card in the Pope's palace.

"Teacher, this disciple thinks this is very good. You can study without being disturbed, and you can also stay with the teacher." Cheng Rou was satisfied. She didn't care about the false reputation.

"Thank you for your hard work, child." Bibi Dong gently touched Cheng Rou's head, which sometimes made Cheng Rou feel that the teacher was caring for her like her mother.
(End of this chapter)

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