Chapter 134 is a good thing

Seeing that Tang Yuehua didn't know what he was afraid of, Su Chen explained: "This is called ten-dimensional space. It is made of cotton, non-woven fabrics and other absorbent materials that are harmless to the human body. Its function is to absorb."

"You mean it's for sucking on it?" Although it was the first time he saw this strange band-aid, Tang Yuehua quickly reacted, seeming to be pointing out something, and his eyes were curious.

"Yeah." Su Chen looked at Tang Yuehua and nodded.

"Don't lie to me. How to use it." Since it was made by Su Chen, Tang Yuehua was no longer cautious. He was inexplicably trusting. He took the ten-dimensional space from Su Chen's hand and looked at it curiously.

Su Chen leaned into Tang Yuehua's ear and whispered lowly...

"I understand, come as soon as you go." Tang Yuehua's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to try the effect to see if it was as magical as Su Chen said.

In fact, Tang Yuehua really came this time, and it was fake last time.

"Brother Su, did you do this?" Qian Renxue asked tentatively.

"No, this was recently developed by the Jiujianxian Sect, and I happened to take some from it." Su Chen explained, after all, it was not good to be misunderstood, as it might make some people think it was bt.

"It's such a strange sect." Qian Renxue said casually, "Can you give me some too, and I'll take them back to study."

"Okay." Su Chen readily handed out several dozen to Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue took it from Su Chen with satisfaction and appreciated that Su Chen didn't ask any questions.

Looking carefully at the ten-dimensional space, it is thin and very soft. It seems to be divided into three layers?But is the adsorption effect really that good?Won’t leak?

Qian Renxue was confused...

Not long after, Tang Yuehua appeared from the room with a happy face, danced nimbly in a circle, found Su Chen's position, and hugged Su Chen.

"Brother Su Chen, this is really a good thing. It is not only more comfortable than what I used before, but also very convenient." Tang Yuehua was very pleased.

When Qian Renxue saw Tang Yuehua's proud look, she knew he was a good guy.

Tang Yuehua was secretly pleased. More importantly, it was very hygienic and the effect was better than before. It was also very thin and beautiful ()
Su Chen pushed Tang Yuehua away and said disgustedly, "Have you washed your hands?"

Tang Yuehua: xxxxxxxx
Qian Renxue looked at Tang Yuehua's deflated appearance, suppressed a smile and said, "Brother Su, Yuehua likes it so much. I think it is a very good thing. If this can be extended to Douluo Continent, how many women will benefit."

"Brother Xue, I didn't expect that you care about all women and are a role model for us." Su Chen couldn't help but joke, and then said, "Come on, I heard that the sect is already planning to promote it."

"That's great. If you can contact me for promotion, I will do a good job in publicity." Tang Yuehua said happily.

Qian Renxue and Su Chen looked at Tang Yuehua at the same time, "Go wash the dishes."

Tang Yuehua was at a loss for words. Looking at Su Chen and His Highness the Crown Prince's eyes, they knew they couldn't escape this time. T_T
Damn ten dimensions...

Tang Yuehua obediently walked to the table and put away the dishes...


In Shrek Academy, there are two special beings among the hard-trained teenagers. They suppress the feeling of taking off and always make a whooshing sound when running.

The villagers were curious about what made the two young men so excited at first. After asking the teachers at the academy, they learned that they were carrying forward the spirit of perseverance and training hard and continuously.

Slowly, the villagers began to accept the inspiring shouts and called the two young men, spirited young men and role models for our generation.

Some villagers were attracted by their spirit of hard work and constant self-improvement, so that when they trained, several villagers would watch from time to time.

Among them was Cuihua, the ex-girlfriend Ma Hongjun had talked about, but there was already a man beside Cuihua.

Obviously, Cuihua, who was not a soul master, got married after leaving Ma Hongjun and became a wife.

Ma Hongjun didn't feel anything about it. He just loved his body.

After the four people finished running, they entered the large medicine vat and began soaking to relax their muscles and activate their blood circulation, strengthening their roots and strengthening their vitality.These days, his nerves have been hit hard, and despite the mental and physical torture, with strong anger, Dai Yubai actually upgraded his level by one level at this moment, reaching level 38! ! !
Aww! ! ! !

Dai Yubai vented his inner excitement loudly, but it was just the price of rising to this level...

As Dai Yubai waved his arms, bursts of water splashed out of the barrel, making the small room wet.

"Fat man, I... have been upgraded." Dai Yubai was full of pride. Although it hurt, he was very pleased. Everything seemed worth it.

After all, according to the original cultivation speed, it would take at least more than a month to reach level 38.

"Boss Dai is awesome." Ma Hongjun, who was in the same room as Dai Yubai, shouted loudly and began to flatter him skillfully.

Dai Yubai's evil eyes were filled with pride, and he really enjoyed the feeling of being complimented.

"Boss Dai, we are training every day. When will we have our own time to do what we want to do?"

Ma Hongjun complained that he got up earlier than a chicken and trained more tiredly than an ox.After a tiring day, I can only rest at night. From morning to night, it is difficult to squeeze out some time for myself.

"I feel faster. When I first started training with Jade Animals, I would faint after running more than ten laps. However, it has been almost 2 months. We have gradually adapted to this kind of running training, but it has improved our physical fitness more and more." The more limited it is." Dai Yubai thought for a while and said.

"Then Boss Dai, when will we take revenge on those girls?" Ma Hongjun was both angry and greedy when he thought of those girls.

A week has passed since Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun returned from double cultivation in the hotel.

But while they were busy dealing with Yu Xiaogang's declaration of practicing cultivation, they also had to take care of physical and mental trauma.

Intense leg movements also resulted in slower recovery from wounds under the body, and faintly irritated nerves from time to time.

Therefore, there was no time to go to the mountains and forests to inquire about the four girls.

"Go tomorrow. After Yu Zhu arranges for our battle training tomorrow, he seems to be going to the city with his disciples to visit friends. No need to run." When Dai Yubai heard Ma Hongjun mention those girls, he clenched his fists and his face became gloomy.

Because the strength of Xiao Wu and others was too weird, Dai Yubai was more curious about how they cultivated and became stronger in the mountains and forests...


The four elf girls in the mountains behind Shrek are surrounded by mountains and forests, and tranquility is the reflection of their hearts.

Under the beautiful natural scenery, they look like four ascetics, but they always feel that there is something more than the ascetics.

Zhuqing, Xiaowu, and Rongrong spent the entire morning and evening meditating on the point connection diagram these days.

The rest of the time is spent practicing according to their own plans.

For example, Xiao Wu will spend her extra time practicing Zhuqing's use of soul power.

Rongrong wants to spend time consolidating and deepening the control of his soul power and strength.

As for Cheng Rou, as the instructor, she was not idle while Xiao Wu and the others were practicing her soul power releasing method.

Carefully guide and guard from the side to protect them from danger.

We are also monitoring Zhuqing and others to see if there will be any abnormal point operation errors.

After all, errors in point operation are not a trivial matter. The excessive soul power that has nowhere to be placed will cause problems in the body at any time.

Rongrong made such a mistake during this period. Fortunately, Cheng Rou helped Rongrong resolve the crisis in time.

Otherwise, the activated soul power cannot be released and calmed down, and it will run wild in Rongrong's body, which will cause unimaginable consequences! !


(End of this chapter)

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