Chapter 135 Cheng Rou’s thoughts
"Sister Rourou, can we try to release the soul power tomorrow?"

Rongrong was looking forward to it. After practicing for so long, and with Teacher Cheng Rou's attentive teachings, tonight, everyone finally mastered the connection and operation of the points where the soul power is released.

Rongrong rotates the point route, and the glow fills the palm of his hand, and he even feels like his soul power is being released.

If Cheng Rou hadn't stopped her and asked her to try to be released tomorrow, Rongrong wouldn't have endured until tomorrow.

With such a cool ability, of course the earlier the better~( ̄▽ ̄~)~
Rongrong, as the little princess of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, one of the three sects, is the strongest among the auxiliary soul masters and is recognized as the number one auxiliary soul master in the mainland.

But even with these honors, she never imagined that she would have such a powerful and dreamy day.

As an auxiliary soul master, not only does he now have a fighting ability that is no worse than a battle soul master of the same level, but he has also developed the soul master's soul power and physical strength, allowing him to develop in a variety of ways.

What a shocking thing it is for an auxiliary soul master to have such a change! !

Rongrong was sure that coming to Shrek Academy was the most correct decision she had ever made.

"Well, I will try to release it for the first time tomorrow, and tonight I will adjust my soul power to the best state." Cheng Rou nodded and said confidently.

"Oye, let Xiao Wu see my powerful soul tomorrow." Rongrong's expectant heartstrings were finally released, making a light and numb sound.

Xiao Wu was also full of expectations. The more means he had, the more guarantee he would have in the future. What's more, he had such a heaven-defying ability to release soul power.

"Rongrong, are you the only one with strong soul power? You can't even have half as much soul power as me." Xiao Wu said disdainfully. Rongrong's little girl has been a little bit crazy lately.

"Tsk, tsk, Xiao Wu, soul power is actually directly proportional to certain parts of the human body." Rongrong's eyes locked on a certain part of Xiao Wujiao's slim body, his white teeth flashed, and he smiled maliciously.

"You! Huh! What kind of fallacy is this? Tomorrow you will know that this is a mistake, a very, very wrong." Xiao Wu naturally understood what Rongrong meant and was very unhappy, but she looked at something between Zhu Qing and Cheng Rou. Finally, he added, "At least it doesn't apply to you, and you are proud of being older than me? Can't you compare with me in other places?"

Xiao Wu added in her mind: Is it considered big if it is twice as big as me?

"Hehe, want to compare money?" Rongrong thought for a while and said.

Xiao Wu: ***
Rongrong: xxxxx
The two of them could not help but exhale the fragrance...

At this time, Zhuqing put the two roasted chicken drumsticks into the mouths of Xiao Wu and Rongrong respectively, who were spitting out fragrance.

"Ah, it's so hot." Xiao Wu and Rongrong exclaimed at the same time, their lips trembling.

Cheng Rou was laughing beside her.

Although the chicken legs were hot to the mouth, Xiaowu Rongrong and Xiaowu Rongrong did not dislike it. Instead, they drooled and waited for the moment of exit (><)☆

Zhuqing is also looking forward to the power of the soul power being released tomorrow.

In this way, you are one step closer to the freedom and love you want...

The four people picked up the chicken legs and touched them together in front of the fire. The jumping sparks illuminated the four gathered chicken drumsticks, but what they reflected was the unchanging friendship between the four girls with hot hearts.

"Dry legs." Xiao Wu said loudly, taking the lead in eating.


The three of them praised Zhuqing's cooking skills more and more. They still find it unreal how a girl who is younger than them and as talented as them can cook so many delicious dishes.

After a hearty meal of dried meat, the four girls lay on the tree canopy and looked up at the starry night sky.

The light of the stars also illuminated four extremely beautiful girls.

In the quiet night, there are always unknown sounds of birds chirping, insects and wolves roaring.

But these did not affect the inner happiness of the four girls at all. Occasionally, Xiao Wu's clever whistle came out... "You go and have a rest. I will keep vigil for you." Cheng Rou turned around gently and said.

Without hesitation, Zhuqing and the others jumped directly from the tree crown, landed lightly, and entered their respective tents to adjust their status.

Cheng Rou was still in the tree crown, but she was sitting cross-legged on the tree crown. In front of her was a delicate and elegant sword, which was her martial spirit.

Cheng Rou looked at the Purple Emperor Sword with soft eyes and murmured, "It must be you, right? Otherwise, where would I be now?"

Cheng Rou put away the Purple Emperor Sword and looked at the bright moon in the distance. She had been away from Wuhun Hall for a few months. She missed her teacher and sister Nana very much.

However, Cheng Rou understands that the most important thing now is practice. Only when you become stronger can you protect your teacher and sister Nana, right?
The key to Xiao Wu's power gathering, Zhu Qing's soul power control, and the release of her own soul power flashed in Cheng Rou's mind...

Cheng Rou understands that when these skills are used in combination of two or three, it is the most terrifying place.

Although she has never seen the power of a 10-year-old soul skill, Cheng Rou guessed that when her strength reaches the level of a titled Douluo in the future, when she uses soul power and gathers power to explode or gathers soul power to release it at the same time, the power may not be less than 10 The power of ten-thousand-year soul skills is much greater than that of fixed-year soul skills.

Under normal circumstances, the strength of Titled Douluo of the same level is determined by their soul bones, in addition to the age of their soul rings.

Owning a soul bone is equivalent to possessing a skill, and the growth potential of this skill is much higher than that of soul skills.

It can be said that under the same conditions, soul bones determine the outcome of a titled Douluo.

Cheng Rou confidently compared the unique skills of herself and Xiao Wu Zhuqing to three special soul bones that have extremely high growth potential and can be fused and used together.

What a terrifying thing this would be. The power is not as simple as one plus one equals two. There is no opponent at the same level.

Cheng Rou guessed that Zhuqing and Xiaowu also understood that the three people's skills could be combined...

That night, Cheng Rou remained on alert, guarding the safety of Zhu Qing and the other three people in the tent...

The next day, at five o'clock in the morning, it was still dark, and the three of them walked out of the tent as if they had made an agreement.

Zhuqing prepared breakfast for everyone as usual, and Cheng Rou and the other three stared at Zhuqing's making process, seeming to be learning from it.


Zhuqing, Xiaowu, Rongrong and the others closed their eyes, feeling the rising sun.They are slowly entering a state of inner peace and clarity.

For the first time, the soul power is released externally. In this state, it is like being able to observe the flow of one's soul power internally. It is possible to know the flow of one's soul power more accurately, and it is easier to find problems, and the safety is higher.

Finally, the three women had no distracting thoughts, and they simultaneously opened their beautiful, calm and confident eyes.

The soul power circulates in the meridians, and under the influence of the consciousness of the three people, it lights up different points.

At this moment, the soul power had changed due to the connection of many points. They felt a kind of control that moved according to their heart, and there was a power coming out of their bodies.

Finally, all the points were connected, and the soul power in the meridians automatically moved faster.They followed Cheng Rou's instructions and concentrated their thoughts on their palms.
With the control of their thoughts, the arms of the three people were filled with glow.

Zhu Qingming's eyes were firm and his face was cold.Step forward with your left foot, turn sideways, then step forward with your right foot, waving your arms.

Five purple claw strikes were released from her right hand, hitting the big tree 10 meters in front at a speed that pierced the air, carving five deep claw marks on the trunk of the big tree.

Blow by an oncoming breeze, the big tree collapsed in sections.


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(End of this chapter)

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