Chapter 136 The Results of Training

The direction in which the big tree fell was exactly where Zhuqing and the others were, but their expressions remained unchanged.

Seeing that the big tree was about to collapse, Xiaowu's pink skirt swayed, her slim and slender body stayed still, and she punched her head out of thin air, and the big tree actually stopped falling! ! !
What stopped the tree from falling was a pink fist formed by condensing soul power under it! ! !
Just below the pink fist is Xiao Wu in pink hot clothes and hot pants.

But Xiao Wu is not as leisurely as Zhuqing Rongrong. She has been transmitting soul power to the pink fist.

Suddenly, Xiao Wu's clean long legs bowed slightly and jumped lightly, and the place where she originally stood was already dented.

The big tree that stopped falling was also straightened by the pink fist at this moment.

Xiao Wu, who was in the air, punched out again. The big tree was easily penetrated by the pink fist, making a hole the same size as the pink fist, and fell to the other side.

With this operation, Xiao Wu fully applied the control of the external soul release skill. Zhuqing Chengrou couldn't help but admire her inwardly, but she resisted the urge to applaud because Rongrong was still not performing.

Rongrong didn't see much of Xiao Wu's operation, he just thought it was gorgeous and showy.

Since she wants to compete with others, Rongrong naturally doesn't want to admit defeat. How can she not amaze the sisters?
Rongrong raised his hands at the same time, supporting his right hand with his left hand, and the soul power of a level 27 great soul master surged in his body.There seemed to be some powerful attack coming out of his right hand.

Rongrong was a little worried that it would be too powerful and hurt her sisters, so she shouted, "Go away quickly."

Xiao Wu, Zhu Qing, and Cheng Rou took a few steps back, their faces becoming solemn.

Finally, Rongrong was no longer in control, and a burst of cyan soul power was quickly released from her hand, blowing a gust of wind.


However, there is only a gust of wind...

"Fart?" Xiao Wu wondered, "How did Rongrong do this?"

I saw the blue soul power released by Rongrong like mist, stirring up the fallen leaves on the ground, and then dissipated in the air without a trace...

"The power of the little fairy's fart is really powerful." Xiao Wu flashed her beautiful eyes and couldn't help but say again.

It was already an embarrassing scene, but when Xiao Wu said this, Rongrong's fair and shiny face instantly turned red.

In addition to being disappointed in my heart, I was even more ashamed and wanted to dig into the cracks in the ground.

Without comparison, there is no harm. Rongrong, who doubted his life, had abnormal eyes and froze in place.

Cheng Rou and Zhuqing hurriedly stepped forward to express concern and comfort.

"Rongrong, it's your first release. It's already very good to be able to achieve this level."

"Yes, Rongrong, don't get confused."

After being comforted by her sisters, Rongrong felt a little better. Fortunately, she was not looked down upon by all her sisters...

"Rongrong, someone with big breasts and a strong soul really doesn't apply to you." Xiao Wu complained, "How can you call Sister Xiao Wu if you don't hold grudges?"

"Hmph, I, Ning Rongrong, will not be defeated so easily." Although he was looked down upon by Xiao Wu, Rongrong didn't care. He calmed down his emotions and closed his eyes to adjust his state.

Seeing Rongrong like this, Zhuqing Xiaowu felt relieved. She was indeed not a girl who gave up easily.

Zhuqing Xiaowu walked away, each practicing familiar soul releasing skills, while Cheng Rou gave guidance to Rongrong.


In Shrek Academy, Tang San and the four boys started practicing again every day, the usual battle training.

Dai Yubai Ma Hongjun was a little speechless. He fought with his own people every day, and he had already heard the words "Look at me wrapped in blue and silver"...

"Blue Silver Coil." Seeing the right moment, Tang San moved sideways and used his first soul skill on Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun.

"Phoenix bathed in fire." Ma Hongjun has long been dissatisfied with this grass. It is entangled every day. Is this uncle's fire a vegetarian?
Sure enough, even the Blue Silver Grass, which already possesses multiple abilities and is extremely tough, becomes vulnerable when encountering fire, like a moth to the flame.

The blue and silver entanglement was easily broken by Ma Hongjun.

Dai Yubai seized the opportunity and used two soul skills one after another, "White Tiger Body Shield, White Tiger Splitting Light Wave."

Tang San actually laughed secretly at this, even though this battle was one on two.However, Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun could only use the first two soul rings, but he could use three soul skills.

Bluesilver grass has no effect on Ma Hongjun, it's part of Tang San's plan.

Tang San dodged one after another, still using blue and silver entanglement to block Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun.

Even though Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai kept destroying the Blue Silver Grass, the toxins had slowly eaten away at them.

Ma Hongjun, Dai Yubai and Tang San have been training together for almost two months. They even know how old Tang San is and how long they are. They have already taken precautions against Tang San's toxin, but this toxin is difficult to prevent, and the two of them still fall prey to it.

Realizing that Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai were getting a little impatient, Tang San seized the opportunity and cleverly made a sneak attack, using his third soul skill, Spider Web Binding, to trap Ma and Dai.

Under the Grandmaster's announcement, Tang San, who suffered some trauma and his clothes were burned, won.

Seeing that the battle was over, Oscar hurriedly stepped forward and handed the three super sausages to help them recover from their injuries.

Dai Yu, Baima Hongjun and the others did not care about the results of such a training battle.

If he really beat Tang San, it would be a nightmare. Yu Xiaogang didn't know how many more laps of running training he would add to everyone.

"Boss Dai, the master has hidden many tricks from us. Xiao San followed the master to train privately again." Ma Hongjun looked at Tang San and Yu Xiaogang's leaving figures with some dissatisfaction.

"Fat man, don't think about it this way. The jade beast is not that tall. It is estimated that this jade beast only has these basic methods. It may be a training method thought up by his family." Dai Yubai thought for a while and said disdainfully.

"Boss Dai is wise. If that jade beast is really capable, he won't be a great soul master now." Ma Hongjun chuckled.

Dai Yubai was away to see Tang San and Yu Xiaogang, so he turned to Oscar and said, "Xiao Ao, give us some sausage packages."

"Okay, thank you for coming, Boss Dai. I'll keep the accounts. Remember to pay me the money." Oscar was very enthusiastic.

I have roots...

"Xiao Ao, thank you, let's go first." Dai Yubai threw part of the sausage to Ma Hongjun, said goodbye to Oscar, and left Shrek Academy with Ma Hongjun.

Oscar's eyes were filled with envy, he went to Fengliu again, he could play with so many of my big sausages...


"Boss Dai, you are still wise. Everything is planned clearly." In the mountain forest, Ma Hongjun put on the birdman costume prepared by Dai Yubai in advance. With Ma Hongjun's figure, he looked like a big bird. Fat chicken.


In the mountain forest, the closer you get to where Xiao Wu and the others gather, the more strange sounds you hear.

After Rongrong failed to release his soul skills initially, he was stimulated by comparing the excellence of Xiao Wu and others.

But he was often silently attacked by Xiao Wu and others, so he had already automatically adjusted his mentality.

After many attempts and with Cheng Rou's guidance, he was able to successfully release an attack formed by releasing his soul power.

"Biubiubiu." Xiao Wu made a shooting gesture with both hands, and soul bombs shuttled through the air. The bullet-like soul power attacks kept hitting the surrounding trees.

As Xiao Wu moved with small steps, the branches of the dense and splendid trees around her were constantly shot down by Xiao Wu.

Seeing the branches and leaves piled on the ground around her, Xiao Wu nodded with satisfaction.

It takes too much soul power to release an attack by releasing the soul power yourself, and the output of the soul power is very small, and the power caused is also very limited, which is not something that can be squandered by the current level of strength.

So Xiao Wu came up with the idea of ​​condensing the soul power into the form of sharp bullets during the release process, causing concentrated damage to the enemy.

After a whole morning of hard thinking, and with the foundation of cohesion, Xiao Wu finally succeeded and taught this method to the sisters.


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Thanks to Meng De, Fish Bones, and Hamster for their monthly support.

Thanks for the tip of Fish Bones
(End of this chapter)

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