Chapter 137
Rong Rong naturally also learned skills from Xiao Wu.

"biubiubiu~" Rongrong kept releasing attacks from both hands, causing a certain amount of ornamental damage to the surroundings.

"Rongrong, are you tickling me?" Xiao Wu couldn't stand it any longer and couldn't help complaining. The sound from Rongrong was probably more harmful than the release of soul power.

"You" Rongrong wanted to retort, but after looking at the broken branches on the ground behind Xiao Wu, he didn't know what to retort for a moment.

You can't say it's shameful to destroy the environment. You can only swear secretly in your heart that sooner or later you will understand the true meaning of glory and greatness.

Rongrong ignored the plastic sister Xiao Wu and started to enter the serious mode again. However, before entering the serious mode for a few minutes, Xiao Wu ruined the atmosphere again.

"Rongrong, look, there is a big bird." Xiao Wu pointed in a direction, took Rongrong's hand and shook it.

Rongrong ignored it because he didn't believe in this excuse for disturbing this young lady's serious cultivation.

But Rongrong still took a sneak peek.

Sure enough, there were two big birds flapping their wings hovering in the sky in the direction Xiao Wu pointed. Rongrong estimated that they would be bigger than himself after shooting down.

The two looked at each other in tacit understanding, their playful and delicious attributes revealed.

"you say"


"Let's put it"


"Two birds."


"Shoot it down"


"Give it to Zhuqing."

"Making a barbecue."

The two of them looked at the big birds flying in the sky, thinking about the stunning food scenes in their minds, and finished the conversation one after another.

"Rongrong, can you beat me down?" Xiao Wu was provocative and naughty.

"Definitely, they seem to be inflexible. You will understand what the true meaning of Rong Rong is." Rongrong's aura suddenly changed, he held his head high, and it seemed that he was really different.

Even the breeze stopped blowing around her, as if everyone was waiting for Rong Rong's performance to see how she could knock down a large bird flying in the sky that was about a hundred meters high.

"Rongrong Missile." Rongrong said the most accurate words, but his body movements were soft and elegant, graceful and harmonious. Although his curves were not undulating, his small waist was full and round.

Soul bombs shot out from Rongrong's fingers one after another, flying towards the high school...

"Boss Dai, this little Ao's flying mushroom sausage is really good. With the birdman costume, no one will think that we are human beings at such a high distance." Ma Hongjun flapped his wings, feeling very proud, feeling the joy of flying freely in the air. Make him forget everything.

Ma Hongjun stood high and looked down at the entire forest. He felt that the entire forest seemed to be surrendering to him.

Ma Hongjun couldn't help but feel proud, "I, Ma Hongjun, the king of martial arts birds, the whole forest surrenders to my majesty and domineering power, haha."

Ma Hongjun opened his arms and hovered around Dai Yubai casually, then closed his eyes and said, "Boss Dai, I want to fly."

Dai Yubai was speechless: "Aren't you flying in the air? Don't disturb me looking for those girls."

"Boss Dai, let's take off together. Let's take off." Ma Hongjun said as usual, taking advantage of Dai Yubai's unpreparedness and holding on to Dai Yubai's majestic hand.

Dai Yubai couldn't help but panic: "I'm so damn fat, what are you doing? Let go, it's a bit...romantic."

After being pulled by Ma Hongjun and spun around a few times, Dai Yubai stopped struggling and felt romantic with Ma Hongjun.

It's no wonder that Dai Yubai has romantic thoughts. How can it not be romantic to hold hands passionately under the scorching sun in the sky and enjoy the surrounding environment together?

It's so simple for boys to become romantic out of the blue.

"No, let's take off together? Take off." Dai Yubai always felt that Ma Hongjun was hinting.

Dai Yubai's chrysanthemums tightened and she shook off Ma Hongjun's hand...

"Rongrong, are we too bad? They seem to be two birds in love." Xiao Wu looked up at the sky. Even though they were far apart, the two birds were holding hands, and they could feel their closeness. It's like a couple in love flirting.

"What! Then we should shoot them down. They have to show off their affection in broad daylight and they are all bullying me." Upon hearing this, Rongrong fired more Rongrong missiles in the direction of the two birds.At this time, Dai Yubai finally discovered that in a clearing covered by lush trees in the mountain forest, there were four unexpected small dots of different colors. Dai Yubai guessed that these were the tents where they lived in the mountain forest.

Just when Dai Yubai wanted to lower the altitude and investigate, a sudden sound pierced the air alerted Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun.

"What!" The two were shocked.

A dense group of cyan light spots, with unknown attack and power, weaved into a giant net, blocking all movements of Dai Yu, Baima Hongjun and the two of them, directly hitting them.

"Boss Dai, defend yourself." Ma Hongjun said hurriedly.

"No, it's too late." Such a gorgeous attack must be very powerful, and it was at high altitude. Dai Yubai could only protect his face with both arms, but his face was ashen. He couldn't imagine what kind of injuries he would suffer next.

The two closed their eyes tightly, regretting why they had to fly so high. Fear lingered in their minds.

They couldn't imagine what would happen if they fell from a height of over a hundred meters...

After a long time, the two opened their eyes and looked at each other with confusion in their eyes.

"What about the cyan light point attack?" Ma Hongjun shook his head and looked around, a little naive.

"Boss Dai, look, a few feathers have fallen off." Ma Hongjun pointed to the feathers floating around with confusion.

Dai Yubai was also confused, recalling carefully that his body seemed to feel like being nudged after closing his eyes.

"Fuck!!" Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai both cursed at the same time, thinking that they had just been teased.

"Rongrong, do you think you are great because of your glory?" Xiao Wu was scornful. She didn't like it and it was useless, so she beat a few bird feathers.

After experiencing several failures in pretending to be cool in the past, Rongrong no longer feels ashamed. Her sisters are not ashamed ()
"What's wrong? I haven't used one ten thousandth of my soul power just now. What's the problem?" Rongrong said exaggeratedly, pretending to be proud.

"Pfft." Xiao Wu clapped her hands and laughed.

At this time, Cheng Rou looked at the sky and suddenly said: "Hey, what are they doing?"

Xiao Wu, Rongrong and the two looked into the sky again, and saw two big birds in the sky flapping their wings, their claws intersecting, circling in the air, as if they were doing some kind of double dance.

"How unreasonable." Rongrong was furious, "This bird is clearly mocking me. I, Ning Rongrong, am reduced to being laughed at by a bird?"

"Rongrong Missile, Rongrong Missile..."

Rongrong kept swaying the soul power in his body, and blue soul bombs attacked the two birdmen again.

Xiao Wu shook her head, Rongrong's damage was not high in the first place, let alone hitting high and low, there was no harm at all from a distance, not even as good as scraping.

Xiao Wu raised her hands, holding her breath and concentrating, in a shooting position, aiming at the two birds in the sky.

"Xiao Wu missiles, bah." Xiao Wu fired pink light bombs.

In the sky, Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai let go of their hands and glanced below, showing disdain.

Most of the mountains and forests are filled with wild beasts and birds, so how could there be a powerful spirit beast?

The two felt ashamed of their previous behavior and ate another flying mushroom sausage.

"How dare you play tricks on us, Boss Dai, I will repay this humiliation tenfold." Ma Hongjun slapped his chest with both hands, very irritated.

"Fat man, the green light spot is here again." Dai Yubai sneered with disdain.

The cyan light spot almost became their inner demon before, but now it is just the object of their ridicule.

"You're welcome. Boss Dai, why don't we dance again, it's sarcastic, and it's quite atmospheric." Ma Hongjun twisted his hips and said hehe.

The two of them obviously no longer paid attention to the cyan light spot.

"No, lower the height and see what is causing trouble." Dai Yubai hesitated and refused.


The two of them faced the cyan light spot and slowly lowered their altitude in the direction of the cyan light spot.

Waves of cyan light hit the two of them, making them feel comfortable.


Thanks to Hamster, Book Friends 2021...5146 angel Bibi Dong for your monthly ticket support
Thanks to Hua Buyu for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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