Chapter 138: Zhuqing’s Mutation
"Boss Dai, the intensity of this massage is no worse than that of those sisters. It is also all-round. It will be great to get this treasure later." Ma Hongjun felt it carefully, his eyes lit up, and he thought of something. Excited, Rongrong, who can emit cyan light spots, has already regarded it as a treasure.

"Yes, I do have a skill." Dai Yubai also showed joy. It is both gorgeous and practical, wonderful.

"Hey, this treasure can also emit pink light spots, which is really cool. Let's experience the difference."

Ma Hongjun saw the pink light spots that followed the cyan light spots again. With joy, he and Dai Yubai bathed in the pink ocean...

"Rongrong, you are really awesome with Rong Naida. Look how happy they are and they even like your soul bomb." Xiao Wu looked at the two birdmen who were getting more and more excited and complained to Rongrong.

"You don't understand this. This is a tactical seduction. When they get closer, I'll punch them one at a time." Rongrong did not feel depressed, but instead acted shamelessly and did not panic at all.

"Go ahead and dream, you have no chance." Xiao Wu patted Rongrong and smiled proudly.

I saw the two birdmen entering the sea of ​​pink bombs without any precautions. After struggling in the powder bombs for a while, they began to free fall...

The pink ocean blocked the space where the two could move, and hit them with a hundred consecutive blows, mercilessly beating their strong bodies that had been built after nearly two months of running. Flesh and flesh were flying everywhere, pear blossoms were stained with blood, and chickens were flying with eggs.

The two of them have been working hard these days, and the strong will they have gained through hard training is slowly blurring...

How could there be such a disgusting attack? No, it was an underestimation of the enemy. Even the martial spirit had no time to possess it...

Annoyed and regretful, but the two fallen people could not think about this now.

With their tenacious will to survive, Dai and Ma worked hard to summon martial spirits to possess them. Possession by martial spirits can make their physical fitness and recovery faster.

Soon, the two of them gained control of their bodies and reluctantly flapped their wings to minimize damage after landing...

"Let's go pick up the trophies." Xiao Wu pulled Rongrong and said happily. In the future, with this magical hunting skill, are you afraid that there will be no good food?
"Xiao Wu, you will steal my limelight." Rongrong said stubbornly, but he was still very happy to hold hands with Xiao Wu.

"Wait a minute, there's a situation." Cheng Rou's face hardened, she stopped Xiao Wu and the other two, and quickly backed away with Rongrong in her arms.

Xiao Wu looked in the direction of Zhu Qing and noticed something unusual. She quickly kicked her legs and jumped back.

Zhuqing had been sitting cross-legged and meditating for several hours. At this moment, her whole body was filled with purple light, and the rays of light scattered in all directions, threatening the surroundings.

The martial spirit appears and automatically possesses her body. She has an proud figure and undulating curves, making her look like a cold, ruthless and extremely charming goddess.

"Is this soul power?" Xiao Wu was shocked, how could such profound soul power appear in a great soul master.

Cheng Rou was as shocked as Xiao Wu. Zhu Qing's soul power seemed to have no ceiling limit and would never bottom out. It was still releasing soul power continuously.

"Cheating?" Rongrong spoke incoherently, somewhat confused about the current situation.

"Don't go there, she's making a breakthrough." Cheng Rou stopped Rongrong who wanted to go over to help Zhuqing.

Finally, Zhuqing opened her eyes, looked in one direction, raised her right hand and swiped hard, ripples appeared in the void, and all the soul power of her body was condensed into this claw.

Wherever the five purple flying lights passed, everything was destroyed, and a vacuum zone about 10 meters in front of him was cleared.

A strong wind blew by, but no dust was seen.

Is this the power of a great soul master?

The hearts of Xiao Wu and others were filled with turmoil, even the Soul King and Soul Emperor couldn't do it.

Zhuqing smiled slightly, with some satisfaction in her eyes. This was exactly the terrifying power that she had thought about for a long time and concentrated all her soul power on the five claws possessed by the martial spirit.

..."Boss Dai, we are okay." Ma Hongjun's voice was hoarse, but he could still hear the excitement of surviving the disaster.

The ground was full of tree branches, piled up into pieces, and the two of them happened to fall on the thickest branch. In addition, the two of them flapped their wings desperately to slow down, and their buttocks actually hurt after landing! ! !

"Go to the city to find a healing soul master first." Dai Yubai struggled to get up. Even though he landed safely, he was still seriously injured by the pink soul bullet.

The two of them devoured Oscar's recovery sausage like crazy. Their fatigue and pain subsided a little, and their injuries also improved a little.

Ma and Dai supported each other, various emotions flashed through their hearts, and finally left the forest...

"Zhuqing, why are you so powerful?" Rongrong walked lightly to Zhuqing's side. The terrifying soul power and that blow once again made Rongrong realize the gap.

"I have had opportunities before, and my soul power is relatively strong and powerful." Zhuqing said with a slight smile, beautiful and flawless.

Zhuqing said it, but didn't explain it clearly. Rongrong couldn't ask in detail, so he could only nod his head understandingly.

"Zhuqing, does the skill you release have the characteristics of a martial spirit? The power and effect are different from ours." Xiao Wu was shocked in her heart. This is the real tolerance that is great. Compared with Zhuqing's, Rongrong's , like fireflies competing for brightness with the bright moon, overestimating one's own capabilities.

"Yes, when I was possessed by the martial spirit, I concentrated all my soul power on my sharp claws, which had the effect of breaking through the air." Zhuqing opened her red lips lightly and answered seriously.

Cheng Rou was shocked that she had learned how to use the external soul power and the concentrated soul power in martial arts so quickly. This talent was not inferior to her own.

To apply the external soul power to the state of possession by the martial soul, you completely need your own understanding.It took Sister Nana a month to successfully achieve this step. Even if Sister Nana was lazy, she was still far behind Zhuqing.

Cheng Rou was hesitant in her heart. If the fourth sister grew up, there would be several people who could defeat her in the future.But the most terrifying thing is what to do if you become the enemy of Wuhun Palace in the future. The most important thing is that you have yourself to blame for this.

They are all our sisters, let’s talk about it when the time comes.Cheng Rou can only leave this problem to time first...

Dai Yubai Ma Hongjun came to Soto City and quickly found the healing soul master who had cured their hidden illness last time.

"Hey, your down there isn't healed yet?" The healing soul master was confused, thinking that the two of them started fencing again to heal that area. Logically speaking, it would be healed by now.

"Yes, no, we have other injuries, please help us treat them quickly." Ma Hongjun said quickly.

The two of them had put on a new set of clothes when they came down the mountain.

Dai Yubai threw a bag of gold coins directly on the table.

Seeing that the two of them were still so cheerful, the healing soul master didn't ask any more questions. He accepted the money obediently, then stood up and took off their shirts, revealing their extremely rosy skin.

The soul master shook his head helplessly. He couldn't accept the old age, but young people can play...


However, Dai Yubai and Dai Yubai didn't know that they were walking on the streets of Soto City before. When they came here, they happened to be seen by Yu Xiaogang, a master and disciple who came to Soto City to meet friends.

Tang San hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't step forward to recognize Dai Yu, Baima Hongjun and the other two. It was really too unusual for the two of them to walk arm in arm and support each other on the street.Moreover, their faces were ugly and they seemed to be seriously injured.

"Teacher, why are the two of them so seriously injured that they have to come to see a healing spirit master?" Tang San looked at Yu Xiaogang in confusion.

Yu Xiaogang shook his head, "Maybe it's because I lost the fight with another college, or because of other reasons. Xiaosan, keep an eye on these two people these days to see if there is anything unusual about them."

"Okay, I'm not at ease if they do this." Tang San nodded in agreement, but his inner thoughts were unknown to outsiders.

(End of this chapter)

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