Chapter 139 Hu Liena’s troubles
Yu Xiaogang took Tang San away, no longer paying attention to Dai Yu, Baima Hongjun and the others.

Shrek Mountain Forest
The four Zhuqing people moved away from the place where they were stationed before. In fact, the area around that area was almost destroyed by Zhuqing Xiaowu Rongrong, and there was no natural protection.

The four girls finally unanimously decided to move to the large rocks on the edge of the pool to build a tent.

At the same time, we should also plan the next direction of cultivation.

Two months have passed since they came to the mountains and forests, and Zhuqing shared his soul control skills with them.

Xiao Wu also taught everyone the skills of gathering strength.

Rongrong had already taught the three of them how to control distractions.

Now, everyone has initially mastered and tried Cheng Rou's soul power outward attack. From now on, all they need to do is practice regularly and become familiar with it.

For Rongrong, there is no comparison with her sisters. The most important thing now is to improve her soul power.

Otherwise, in the future, these sisters will all be awesome. If they are too different, will they still recognize themselves?
In addition to practicing his soul power level every day, Zhuqing Chengrou spends more time integrating what he has learned these days and fully applying it to combat to improve his actual combat ability.

Xiao Wu was puzzled. Now, everything that needs to be learned has been learned, everything that needs to be taught has been handed in, and everyone's soul power levels have improved.

But because Xiao Wu wanted to hide the fact that she was already a soul sect, she showed her level 30 soul power to her sisters, but she was still not in a state to obtain the third soul ring.

It's not a problem if this keeps going on. What should Little Rabbit Paper do?
Why leave the sisters for a while, and then return with a third soul ring? They won't doubt it...

"It's so annoying," the sultry Xiao Wu couldn't help but lift up the roof of the tent to form an open-air tent.

Xiao Wu, who is already about [-] years old, would still be a little girl if it weren't for the fact that her skin is too tender and pink, and her front is flatter.

Xiao Wu looked up at the night sky. Once, on the roof of the dormitory at Notting College, she looked up at the stars with Brother Su Chen. Brother Su Chen, don't you miss Xiao Wu?

Day and night, I miss you all the time, but there may be no response. Brother Su Chen, Xiao Wu hates you, but Xiao Wu still has to rely on you.

Xiao Wu couldn't help but think of a way to break away from her sisters and get a third soul ring without being suspected.

"Xiao Wu is having supper." Rongrong's numb voice sounded outside Xiao Wu's tent.

"I won't eat it if it's not made by Zhuqing."


Dai Yubai Ma Hongjun had to admire the ability of the healing soul master, which was much more effective than a big sausage. His original injuries were almost invisible after treatment.

It would be great if they could have a healing soul master as their girlfriend, a steady stream of people... The two of them couldn't help but have this idea.

"Boss Dai, why are you back so early? Haven't the roosters crow yet?" Oscar, who was feeling sad in the aisle, was very suspicious when he saw the two of them returning so early.

Dai Yubai Ma Hongjun moved forward, and the two of them put a hand on Oscar's shoulder, making Oscar feel heavy and his body could not help but tremble.

"Good brothers." Ma and Dai said at the same time. Oscar's sausage indeed played a huge role today. They were grateful in their hearts and couldn't help but feel proud to have a food-based soul master brother like Oscar.

"Hey, Boss Dai, we must be brothers." Oscar raised his chest and shoulders, showing confidence.

"If you are a brother, give us a few more sausages." Dai Yubai said politely.

"Okay, Boss Dai." Oscar enthusiastically conjured up some sausages and handed them to the two of them.


Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai live under the same roof. There is only less than two meters between their beds. From time to time, they can see each other's familiar faces and figures.

The two of them were lying on the bed at the moment.

"Boss Dai, do we still have a chance to take revenge? We didn't find those four hateful girls today." Ma Hongjun was very decadent. He had to train in the future and couldn't even collect bees. How could he still have the energy to find the four girls in the mountains and forests.

"If we have the chance, starting from tomorrow, we will go out for two hours every night to look for them in the mountains and forests." Dai Yubai said firmly with his eyes flashing.

"Ah, when we have this time, why don't we just be hardworking little bees." Ma Hongjun shook his head, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Shut up and listen to me." Dai Yubai said sternly.

When he saw such a domineering and stern Boss Dai, Ma Hongjun's face turned slightly red and his aura instantly disappeared. "Okay, Boss Daidai."

Everything that happened in the forest today, Dai Yubai still thinks is too bizarre now that he thinks about it.

At a distance of [-] meters in the air and the blind spot covered by trees, Dai Yubai did not see Zhuqing and the others.but

His intuition told him that all this might have something to do with the four Zhuqing people.

"Perhaps there is really a treasure that can improve one's cultivation? Fatty, do you think such a treasure will appear in the mountains and forests? Did the four girls Zhu Zhuqing borrow the treasures to practice so they don't want to be in the academy." Dai Yubai's eyes flickered. , a sudden whim.

"Boss Dai, maybe this is really possible, otherwise how could a little girl, Rabbit, beat me up so easily." Ma Hongjun clenched his fist and smashed it against the wall, "And we are not willing to live in the mountains, how could a girl be willing to live in the mountains? Living in the mountains and forests, there must be something weird."

"Indeed, there are a lot of problems when I think about it now." Dai Yubai put his eyes on Ma Hongjun's strong legs and thought.

"Boss Dai, shall we tell the master?" Ma Hongjun's eyes were fixed on Dai Yubai's chest.

"No, he doesn't believe it even if I tell you. And if there really is such a treasure, he will keep it for himself if he gets it." Dai Yubai looked at the roof, and he looked unhappy when he thought of the jade animal.

"Okay." Ma Hongjun seemed a little obedient.

"Sleep." Dai Yubai closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.


woohoo hoo...

However, what the two people who slept there didn't know was that there was a person on the beam of their roof who had overheard everything.

This man is Tang San, the king of thieves, the master of thieves, and the reborn Tang San who was forced to jump off a cliff by the outer disciples of the Tang Sect in Shushan.

Tang San's eyes turned purple, and his Purple Demonic Eyes activated, checking whether Dai Yu, Bai Ma, Hongjun and the others had really fallen asleep.

After confirming that it was correct, he landed gently and silently walked out of Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai's dormitory.

Tang San thought about the information he had just received, Xiao Wu, the treasure that enhances cultivation...

In the Wuhun Palace, as a saint, Hu Liena took the trouble to look at the pile of letters on the official desk.She wanted to light a fire and burn all these documents to make her mood better.

The teacher is really too cunning, and he actually goes into seclusion to practice these days.

As a saint, Hu Liena was pushed to the position of pope, experiencing the happiness of the pope in advance and handling a lot of affairs.

Through personal experience, Hu Liena realized how difficult and great teachers are.

"Xiaorou, Rourou, sister Rourou, when will you come back? It's so boring. My sister is already hungry and thirsty..., bah, my sister's hands have recently learned some skills, and her hands are already hungry and thirsty. Who will I find if you don't come back? ." Hu Liena kept playing the table with her slender jade fingers, as if she was performing the most comfortable musical score.

"Su Chen, what is Su Chen doing?" Thinking of Su Chen, Hu Liena instantly fell into a love storm. She was like a happy, happy and satisfied goddess in the love storm, and also like a fragile and weak elf in the love storm.

Can the teacher and Su Chen make it?The teacher is sharp-tongued, has the best appearance and intelligence, is the best in Douluo, and is aloof. If the teacher doesn't object, no one will refuse.

But the teacher seems to be a little shady about Su Chen?

No, if the teacher doesn't agree with Su Chen, then I can't marry Su Chen.

The more Hu Liena thought about it, the more she fell into it.

Ah..., it’s so annoying. If the teacher doesn’t marry Su Chen, I can’t be with Su Chen either.

The teacher must agree, the teacher must agree...

Hu Liena kept mumbling, but her hands had already begun to read a letter.

However, what Hu Liena, who was working hard and falling into a love storm at the same time, didn't know was that Bibi Dong, who had completed her retreat, had already seen and heard everything Hu Liena said outside the door.


Thank you for the reward of Wuwei Wanhua Buyu. Thank you for the monthly ticket support of Hua Buyu.

(End of this chapter)

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