Chapter 140
After Bibi Dong practiced in seclusion, her whole body seemed to be filled with charm, and her beautiful eyes revealed a sense of indifference and aloofness.

She has a graceful figure, undulating curves, and is extremely proud.

Looking at this disciple quietly, Bibi Dong's stunning face felt helpless and shook her head gently.

But for some reason, the corner of her mouth showed a smile that was more eye-catching than the stars. It was obviously not because she was disappointed with Hu Liena...

Bibi Dong did not disturb his apprentice's work and turned around to leave.

Bibi Dong came to the highest point of the Wuhun Palace, and his figure was beyond compare.

She admired the cold night sky from high up alone. The pope's long dress reflected a noble, elegant and sacred woman...

In the meeting room of the Qibao Glazed Sect's main hall, a disciple of the sect was hurriedly reporting to Ning Fengzhi on the recent situation of the major powers in the mainland. Of course, the one mentioned the most was the Wuhun Palace.

"Sect Master, Wuhun Palace's drastic reform is probably a big deal." said a direct member of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

"Continue to observe secretly." Ning Fengzhi shook his head and said, unable to tell his true thoughts.

Just investigating secretly?

The people in the sect don’t understand. Shouldn’t they join other sects to discuss it?
"In the future, Douluo Continent will surely unleash a bloody storm and reshuffle the cards." Ning Fengzhi said secretly in his heart.

Ning Fengzhi, who secretly took refuge in Wuhun Palace, already understood the terrifying ambition of Pope Bibi Dong.

A man who knows the current affairs is a hero. Ning Fengzhi understands that even if he gets close to the Tiandou Royal Family and forms an alliance with the Tiandou Royal Family, he will eventually be defeated by the Wuhun Palace and will even be treated as the most powerful pawn by the Tiandou Royal Family.

The royal family and nobles are intertwined and complicated.There are overt and covert fights between the royal family and nobles, and it is impossible to guard against them.

The Qibao Glazed Sect is an outsider to them, and it is basically impossible to trust each other. Some small things are enough to make both parties suspicious of each other.

Through Pope Bibi Dong, he obtained the sacred Qiluo Tulip. Ning Fengzhi has evolved his martial soul into the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, and even has the ability to aspire to be a titled Douluo.

But what makes Ning Fengzhi most happy is that he and Uncle Jian recently went out to obtain the soul ring of a nearly 5000-year-old soul beast. Not only did he possess the eighth soul skill, but what was even more terrifying was that his soul power directly reached level 85.

This is not only the improvement brought by Qiluo Tulip, but more importantly, even though Ning Fengzhi knew that he could not break through level 79, he still did not give up training.

During those years, I never gave up on cultivation, and worked hard to break through the limits and break through the shackles of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda at Level 79.

My character, coupled with all those years of hard work and taking all kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures, I have accumulated a lot of experience and finally got the reward.

At this time, Ning Fengzhi felt a sense of transcendent self-confidence.With his powerful amplifying auxiliary effect, coupled with Uncle Jian and Uncle Gu’s absolute offense and defense, they will be Douluo’s strongest trio in the future!

If God stands in the way of God, even the Pope may not be his opponent...


Morning is the best start of the day, but Rong Rong is not in a good mood today.

"Xiao Wu, are you leaving?" Rongrong was shocked. Parting always happened inadvertently.

"Yes, but I will be back in about half a month, don't miss me." Xiao Wu patted Rongrong's jade-scented shoulder and grinned.

"Xiao Wu, you are not leaving the sister group and not coming back." Rongrong was a little reluctant and confirmed again.

"How is that possible? My brother is really nearby, I'm going to find him." Xiao Wu despised Rongrong.

"But, Xiao Wu, although you said it very clearly, is there such a magical bracelet?" Cheng Rou was confused. If the bracelet lights up, does it mean that Brother is about a hundred kilometers away?When we have never seen the world?

"Yes, my brother made this. It's so magical." Xiao Wu said matter-of-factly, without blushing or heart beating.

The three of them looked suspicious, but it was difficult to say anything.

"Xiao Wu, don't you really need us to accompany you to find your brother?" Zhu Qing also said softly. It was obvious that they were both sorry for Xiao Wu's sudden departure and also cared about Xiao Wu.

"No need, cultivation is important, and I'm not a child anymore, I can take care of myself." Xiao Wu smiled obediently and declined politely.

"Then...I'm leaving. I'll be back in half a month at the latest, Bai Bai." Xiao Wu glanced at the three of them one last time, then turned and left.

Under the reluctant watch of the three sisters, Xiao Wu moved quickly through the mountains and forests, and soon disappeared under the cover of the complex terrain...

Xiao Wu walked along the mountain forest, away from Shrek Academy and Soto City.

Xiao Wu didn't know where her destination was, so she moved forward according to her heart.Suddenly leaving her sisters and starting her lonely journey, Xiao Wu also felt uncomfortable for a while without the warm time with them.

Who wants to be alone? It’s just that they haven’t found the right friend.

Xiao Wu didn't think too much. It was a bit dangerous to go to the Star Dou Forest alone. It was better to find a hidden place to practice.

Suddenly, Xiao Wu felt something in her heart, her eyes narrowed, and a somewhat familiar face and figure appeared in her sight.

Xiao Wu's heart trembled slightly as she slowly walked towards him along the path covered with flowers.

Xiao Wu's eyes slowly started to turn red. The boy kept looking at her, and she also kept looking at him.

Xiao Wu walked closer, and the young man's handsome face slowly matched the face of brother Su Chen in his memory.

When Xiao Wu looked directly into the boy's starry eyes, those eyes were still so attractive to her, extremely deep.

Xiao Wu has determined that this is the brother she has missed and wanted to see for many years.

Tears of disappointment fell from Xiao Wu's eyes, and Xiao Wu said slowly, "Is it Brother Su Chen?"

Su Chen picked up the wine bottle, took a sip, hugged the dazed Xiao Wu, and kissed her gently.


It's still such a familiar and nostalgic feeling, just like when I was in Qishe, I was so intoxicated...

Xiao Wu could no longer endure it. The strength she had gained over the years seemed to disappear at this moment, or find a home. She locked Su Chen tightly with her hands...

After a long time, Xiao Wu finally let go of Su Chen in embarrassment.

The reunion made Xiao Wu extremely happy. It turned out that my brother was still the same brother...

"Brother, you can't kiss Xiao Wu casually next time. Xiao Wu is no longer a little girl." Xiao Wu lowered his head, his face full of shyness, and there was inexplicable expectation and mischief hidden in his shyness.

Su Chen: ...

"I understand." Su Chen nodded lightly, "Xiao Wu is indeed not a little girl anymore, so she can't be frivolous."

"Ah, brother, I mean..."

Xiao Wu hurriedly explained after hearing Su Chen's answer, but before she could finish speaking, her delicate right hand was pulled by Su Chen and she walked forward.

"Brother, where are we going?" Xiao Wu felt the warmth coming from her arms. It was safe, gentle and practical. The place with brother is indeed the best place.

Xiao Wu was addicted to this and couldn't extricate herself for a long time.

"Go home." Su Chen replied simply.

"Go home!" Just two words made Xiao Wu so excited and happy that she could not speak.

Before taking five steps, Xiao Wu found that the surrounding environment had changed.There are towering trees everywhere, full of rich natural primitive atmosphere, and an extremely familiar feeling.

Xiao Wu's heart sank, it turned out that she wasn't going to her brother's house...

However, Xiao Wu thought of Er Ming, the great Ming in Xinghu, whom she hadn't seen for a long time. Last time, she refused Er Ming's request to meet.

Brother, did you always know that I never returned to the Star Dou Forest?Xiao Wu felt warm in her heart.

However, Xiao Wu still asked, "Brother, your family is also in the Star Dou Forest."

"No, I'm taking you home." Su Chen replied calmly, seeming to be far away from Xiao Wu, but also very close.

"Oh, I thought I was going to my brother's house." Xiao Wu said tenderly with a smile.

Su Chen didn't answer, just listened to the chirping of birds and insects around him.


Don’t compare it to humanities. If you don’t like it, don’t read it.

(End of this chapter)

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