Chapter 141 Xiao Wu is also very tender
"Thank you, brother. The Star Dou Forest is Xiao Wu's home. I'm finally home. Brother, let's go to Xiao Wu's house to play together. That is also our home."

Xiao Wu was a little shy about meeting again after a long absence, but she still showed a bright and satisfied smile to Su Chen.
Seeing that Su Chen still didn't answer, Xiao Wu, who was behind Su Chen, moved forward and faced Su Chen face to face.

Xiao Wu took the initiative to hold Su Chen's hands with both hands, and led Su Chen forward while retreating.

"Xiao Wu, are you afraid of falling if you don't look at the road?" Su Chen inexplicably felt that Xiao Wu was a little naive and cute.

Xiao Wu smiled tenderly, brother would not let Xiao Wu fall.

A gentle breeze blew by, and long white clouds covered the lush green forest.

Holding the hands of the one you love and admire, walking together in the forest that has lived for tens of thousands of years, Xiao Wu thought, this should be the happiest, most romantic and longest-lasting beautiful thing in the world.

"Brother, I always feel like I've seen you recently, but I can't remember it." Xiao Wu stared at Su Chen with thoughtful eyes.

"By the way, brother, it turns out you are the Jiu Sword Immortal? It's sad that you look so familiar." Xiao Wu finally discovered the problem with Su Chen's clothing. Isn't it the clothing of Jiu Sword Immortal's followers that we often see?
It’s just that the temperament worn by those believers is completely different from the temperament worn by my brother.

"Brother, Xiao Wu is so stupid. Brother is so powerful. He must be the dream in the hearts of countless girls on the mainland. He is the Zi Zi Jiu Sword Immortal who is spread by word of mouth, right?" Xiao Wu widened her beautiful eyes, her eyes were filled with gleaming light, she wished she could Strip Su Chen naked to find out what's going on.

Su Chen nodded gently, maybe it would be nice to have such a delicate, cute and clever sister.

She has arched eyebrows, poetic eyes, a straight nose, bright red lips, a slim waist, and straight and slender legs.

In a few years, she will definitely be even more beautiful, or even more charming and tender.

Just looking at her was quite comforting.

"Wow, then am I not the sister of Jiujianxian? Let's see who dares to bully me in the future." Xiao Wu's eyes widened, and she took one hand away and pulled Su Chen around in circles with the other hand.

Xiao Wu was obviously very happy, even though she knew that Su Chen would not help her get rid of Tang Hao.

"Brother, let me tell you, since you left, I have been fighting wits at Notting College..."

Xiao Wu chattered all the way to Su Chen's ears about her experiences over the years, but it was as if she was personally there, depicting the perseverance and optimism of a little girl who was lonely and bitter.

Before I knew it, it was dusk.

"Brother, I met three sisters at Shrek Academy, which is great. One of them is named Zhuqing, and her boyfriend is also from your sect. And she also taught me a unique skill." Xiao Wu said happily.

"There is also Sister Cheng Rou. I think her identity is quite mysterious. She also taught Xiao Wu a special skill. It's amazing. I'll show it to my brother later." After walking for so long, Xiao Wu didn't seem tired at all. She blinked her big eyes and said, He moves his hands and is full of energy.

"As for the last sister, Ning Rongrong, the little princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect. She is quite a good person and quite generous, but she is a bit weak in strength. She also likes to pretend and show off, but she is often lectured by me." Xiao Wu Said proudly.

Su Chen couldn't help but enjoy listening to Xiao Wu's narration.

It turns out that Xiao Wu's life has become so exciting and interesting. She is no longer a Xiao Wu who only calls "Third Brother".

It also quietly broke the unfamiliarity and brought the two of them closer.

Xiao Wu couldn't help but feel happy when she saw that Brother Su Chen had always listened carefully and was not bored.

"Brother, Xiao Wu will show you now." Xiao Wu let go of Su Chen's hand, jumped lightly, and moved between the big trees.

The figure walks on the ground on the trees around her, either walking straight or vertically or lightly. She is like the most playful child in the dusk, carefree...

"Love missiles." Xiao Wu was very happy as she kept releasing soul bombs as she wandered around the trees.

Each leaf was accurately shot down by Xiao Wu, and fell to the ground as if in a regular pattern.


Suddenly, Xiao Wu let out a sweet cry.

As if her soul power was exhausted, her feet detached from the tree trunk without any warning and fell freely, feeling very powerless.

Xiao Wu closed her eyes tightly, she was looking forward to...

Sure enough, Xiao Wu did not feel the pain of close contact with the ground, but instead entered a gentle ocean, a safe fortress.

Xiao Wu opened her beautiful eyes, which were full of tenderness and happiness. "Brother, thank you. Xiao Wu has no strength now. Can you hold me like this till home?"

Seeing that Su Chen didn't answer, Xiao Wu said again, "Brother, keep walking along this road."

After saying that, Xiao Wu leaned close to Su Chen's chest and clasped Su Chen's neck with both hands, fearing that Su Chen would suddenly let her go.

Under the moonlight, the girl in the boy's arms has words of admiration, love, happiness and beauty written all over her face...

And behind them is a heart shape surrounded by leaves...

"Brother, you can reach my home through the forest in front." The figures of Da Ming and Er Ming flashed in Xiao Wu's mind, and she became extremely excited.

Star Lake is extremely clear, with towering trees reflected on the lake.

There is even a bright moon reflection in the lake, making it difficult to tell which one is the real night sky.

Xiao Wu jumped out of Su Chen's arms and breathed a long sigh of relief, "Ah, I feel so nostalgic."

Xiao Wu sucked hard the air in the Star Lake, which was far more moist and fragrant than the air outside.

A big guy who looked like an ape and a gorilla squatted on one side of the lake. He didn't know that someone had broken into Star Lake until he heard Xiao Wu's voice.

The muscles all over its body are as bulging as hills. It is strong and terrifying, and has a full sense of oppression. If an ordinary soul master faced it directly, he would probably be too frightened to move. If he was seriously weak, he would probably have fluid flowing out of his lower body.

"Er Ming, I'm back." Xiao Wu shouted loudly.

The Titan ape opened its huge eyes, emitting light like topaz, which was particularly eye-catching in the dark night.


With the roar of the Titan ape, huge bubbles appeared on the originally calm lake surface, and soon countless water splashes were stirred up. It seemed that the king was returning, and it seemed that a terrifying existence was about to arrive.

A huge bull's head of about 5 meters protruded from the water, and the majesty of the king spread.

The extremely huge body also rose into the sky, and the green scales symbolized the extraordinary.

"Xiao Wu." The Azure Bull Python spoke human words, and you could actually see a hint of human joy in its eyes.

"Da Ming." Xiao Wu waved his hand and shouted loudly towards the bull-headed spirit beast.

The Azure Bull Python wanted to get closer to Xiao Wu, but when the Azure Bull Python saw the human next to Xiao Wu, its eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Human, this is not the place for you."

The Azure Bull Python discovered that it couldn't see through this human being, and this human being didn't seem to care about it.

Su Chen really didn't pay attention to the two overlords in the Star Forest. He just wanted to satisfy Xiao Wu once and send Xiao Wu home.

"Da Ming, you are not allowed to be so cruel to my brother." Xiao Wu knew that Da Ming and Er Ming were extremely hostile to humans, but Su Chen was Xiao Wu's brother, so Xiao Wu naturally didn't want to make him unhappy when he brought him home for the first time.

"Xiao Wu, humans are extremely cunning. Don't believe it easily. What they want most is our soul bones." The Azure Bull Python was very worried and knew the character of humans.

Xiao Wu brought the human here, doesn't it mean that the human in front of him knows Xiao Wu's true identity?
Then if he is good to Xiao Wu, what else can he do besides coveting Xiao Wu's soul ring and soul bone?

"Brother? My biological brother or my godbrother." The Titan Ape's body shook, and his rich voice came out, but he looked at Xiao Wu with a somewhat honest look.

"Oh, what are you all doing? My brother is not the kind of person who wants Xiao Wu's life. Besides," Xiao Wu lowered her head and whispered, "my brother really wants Xiao Wu's soul ring and soul bone. Xiao Wu is also willing."

Azure Bull Python: It's over, Bobby's gone.


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(End of this chapter)

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