Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 143 Xiao Wu did not eat the Azure Bull Python voluntarily

Chapter 143 Xiao Wu did not eat the Azure Bull Python voluntarily

After the contract was signed, she felt that her soul was baptized by a powerful light of life, which immediately touched every corner of her body.

From the inside to the outside, from the origin to every detail of the body, evolution is taking place.

This is the most essential change, and an incomparable sense of pleasure from the depths of the soul cannot help but emanate from the mouth.


Daming, who was in the lake, heard this tender breath and forgot his fear of the boy for a moment, and couldn't wait to put his head out of the water...

Not long after, the Azure Bull Python, which had suffered a lot of injuries before, could no longer see any damage.

Feeling the sublimation of her body, she was also in shock at this moment. It turned out that everything in the contract was true.

At this moment, she already knew how extraordinary the boy in front of her was.

He leaned down with his long, sleek body and looked at Su Chen with a surrendering and flattering look.

Su Chen didn't care about this, all he wanted was cow and python meat.

A piece of tender and exquisite meat fell from the Azure Bull Python's body. The Azure Bull Python endured the pain and groaned.

Xiao Wu was shocked again when she saw this bizarre scene.

I don’t understand what benefit I gave the Azure Bull Python, but he actually made a Azure Bull Python willingly sacrifice its meat.

But soon, Xiao Wu discovered that the missing flesh and blood on the Azure Bull Python was back to its original state, even better...

"Brother, it turns out that what you said before about wanting to eat Daming is true." Xiao Wu felt warm in her heart. Fortunately, brother didn't eat one of Xiao Wu's most important family members, otherwise no one could stop him.

"Yeah." Su Chen ate a few slices of meat, kept adding meat to the pot, and occasionally took a sip of wine, working very diligently.

Upon overhearing this, Daming was shocked. Inexplicable fear and coldness radiated from the depths of his soul. The peach blossoms in his eyes disappeared instantly, and his head quickly sank to the bottom of the lake.
"Brother, don't you want to eat rabbit too?" Xiao Wu looked at Su Chen who was handling the ingredients and asked curiously in a low voice.

"Yeah." Su Chen didn't care.

"Ah, brother, you don't want to raise me up and fatten me up, do you?" Xiao Wu flashed her big eyes and asked.

Su Chen's eyes moved on Xiao Wu, but he didn't answer.

"Brother... Xiao Wu will give it to you tonight..." Xiao Wu's voice became smaller and smaller.

Su Chen suddenly patted Xiao Wu and Xiao Qiao Dou, "Fool."

Xiao Wu chuckled, curiously watching her brother playing with his cooking skills, his eyes filled with little stars.

But after some testing, Xiao Wu already understood that my brother had changed.

He is no longer the crazy kid who just wanted to play without restraint, nor is he rude to Xiao Wu. He is much more serious.

Even the brother in front of me looks like a real brother, tender and spring breeze...

"Brother, what is this? It's red." Xiao Wu inhaled the wafting fragrance hard, and perfume unconsciously appeared in her mouth.

Su Chen said nothing, picked up a piece of cut meat and put it into the pot.Soon after, he gently picked it up and put it to Xiao Wu's rosy mouth.

Faced with such high treatment, Xiao Wu's joy almost burst into her head.

"I'm sorry, Daming, I didn't mean to do it." Xiao Wu muttered in her heart, but she was already enjoying the extremely tender and delicious meat in her mouth.

"This smell." Xiao Wu turned into Kaziran's big eyes, staring longingly at Su Chen.

"Put it in the pot yourself." Su Chen naturally saw through Xiao Wu's intention and wanted to feed her.

Xiao Wu felt aggrieved and began to pick up the meat by herself, but her movements were very agile, and the bottom of the plate of meat had reached its bottom in a short time.

The Azure Bull Python, who had been thinking about it for a long time, looked at Su Chen's satisfied expression on eating meat. Instead of being displeased, he was actually excited inside. He was already thinking about how to exercise his body...

The fragrance filled the entire Xinghu Lake, and there was also sweet laughter...


"Xiao Wu, let's take a bath together." After practicing, Rongrong opened his eyes and said suddenly.

Zhuqing and Chengrou looked at Rongrong at the same time.Rongrong:......

After the embarrassment, Rongrong smiled.

In this mountain forest, Xiao Wu and Rong Rong often bathe together and keep each other company. Rong Rong has not yet adapted to Xiao Wu's departure.

"You said, Xiao Wu will not betray us, so leave the sister group." Rongrong frowned slightly, not showing his white teeth. Although he was not stunningly beautiful, he felt soft and light.

"Probably not, she just said she would be away for a few days." Cheng Rou said, her light and refined appearance showed a strange look, Rongrong might have been overly worried.

"She will come back." Beside her, Zhuqing spoke, with bright eyes and white teeth, and red lips. Although she didn't smile, she was charming.

"That's good." Rongrong breathed a long sigh of relief, his brows relaxed, his eyes as bright as stars.

"Rong Rong, are you encountering any difficulties in your cultivation?" Cheng Rou and Zhu Qing looked at Ron Rong with concern.

Although Xiao Wu left, the cultivation of the three of them could not be left behind.

"Yes, yes." Rongrong was not polite, told the two girls about the difficulties he encountered, and humbly accepted their guidance.

A new path appeared in front of Rongrong. How could Rongrong be willing to be an auxiliary soul master? Naturally, he had to go all out.

In Shrek Academy, the moonlight shone into Shrek's dormitory.

Dai Yubai opened his eyes from self-cultivation and looked up at the moonlit sky outside the window.

The night is dark and windy, which is the best time to go out and do things.

"Fat man, let's go." Dai Yubai stood up, whispered softly, and pushed Ma Hongjun, who was lying flat.

"Okay, Boss Dai." Ma Hongjun opened his eyes, grabbed Dai Yubai's hands, rubbed them, and immediately let go.

The two opened the door softly and left, walking out of Shrek quietly and with ease.

Tang San on the roof flashed his purple eyes, jumped slightly, and followed calmly...

After Dai Yu and Baima Hongjun came to the forest, the two of them spent some time and finally found the area near where they fell last time.

"Boss Dai, why has this place become like this?" Ma Hongjun's face was filled with shock, as if he was being targeted by a terrifying entity.

In front of them, there should have been dense woods, but they disappeared.It was as if part of it had been wiped away by the Creator, and a new vacuum zone appeared. The surrounding trees seemed to be tortured by something, and the branches were not covering the body.

A strange gust of wind blew forward, making a crying sound, making the two of them shiver and their legs became cold.

As for the traces of Xiao Wu and the others' previous tent-based life here, Zhu Qing and Cheng Rou deliberately blocked them with branches and leaves, erasing most of them.

Dai Yu and Baima Hongjun hold hands, which seems to give them a sense of security in the strange environment.

The two looked at each other and couldn't help but muster up the courage to face difficulties.

Dai Yubai turned his brain and fell into deep thought.The sudden and strange attack during the day yesterday, and the drastic changes in the landscape at night. Could it be that those girls were responsible for all this?What treasure did they get?Or maybe I learned some skills in the mountains...

Various possibilities flashed through Dai Yubai's mind...

The two held hands and continued to move, looking for clues in the mountains and forests, hoping to find something.

Tang San, hiding behind a big tree, seemed to be one with the night.

He watched condescendingly as the two of them left a certain distance away, then activated his purple devil eyes and scanned the ground where the two of them had just been.

"This is this?" Tang San jumped down and cleared the branches on the ground, revealing charred charcoal, broken bones, flat ground, and...
It was obvious that someone had lived here.

Tang San picked up the last item, which was the broken pink stockings.
Tang San's purple eyes turned red, with an unreasonable surprise on his face.

I glanced left and right and found no one around, so I hid it in my pocket very excitedly...


It's a fanfiction, self-created plot, don't compare, don't read if you don't like it.

(End of this chapter)

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