Chapter 144 Xiao Wu is not a little girl

The mountain forest is pitch black at night, and from time to time you can see green or purple lights hidden in the canopy or dense leaves.

Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai searched hard in the mountains and forests for a long time, but did not find many useful clues. Instead, they broke out in a cold sweat.

"Boss Dai, let's go back." Ma Hongjun shrank, his face turned black, and occasionally the cool wind blew from his back, making his hair tremble.

He couldn't help but squeeze Dai Yubai's hand harder.

"Well, come back tomorrow." Dai Yubai was also helpless. The mountains and forests were huge and the road was difficult to walk at night, so he could only explore different areas next time.Holding hands with Ma Hongjun, they encouraged each other to go back down the mountain.

Tang San, who was secretly observing, was disdainful. With the progress of the two of them, is it really useful?Chicken-hearted.

But when he thought that there might be clothes left by Xiao Wu in his trouser pocket, Tang San felt a little better.

Tang San took out the pink stockings again and murmured to himself: "Is this love..."


In the Star Forest
After a hot pot meal, Xiao Wu's little hands gently caressed her smooth and slightly bulging belly, which was extremely satisfying.

"Brother, it's great to have you here." Xiao Wu leaned next to Su Chen, admiring the Star Lake under the night light with him.

Just because there is one more person, the Star Lake that has been seen for tens of thousands of years is extremely beautiful at this moment.
After a long time, Xiao Wu enthusiastically pulled Su Chen into the tent he had set up.

Su Chen had no choice but to accept Xiao Wu's enthusiasm.

The tent is filled with sweet girly fragrance, pink bedding, and pink interior.

The tent is not big. With two people lying down, their bodies are restricted and they can touch each other even if they move a little. It is already crowded.

"How can I still sleep with my brother when I'm not a little girl anymore?" Su Chen asked Xiao Wu interestingly, crossing his legs after lying down.

Xiao Wu smiled and relied on Su Chen, "Yes, Xiao Wu is not a little girl anymore. Brother, I can't be as dishonest as before at night."

Su Chen couldn't help but recall the past. He and Xiao Wu slept together before, and they were never dishonest at all. They only massaged Xiao Wu occasionally. Is Xiao Wu trying to blame me?
Xiao Wu looked at the sea of ​​stars in front of her and understood in her heart that if she wanted to sleep with her brother at this age, she would have to use this kind of restriction so that she would not escape and take it for granted...

But Xiao Wu's hand dishonestly reached into Su Chen's clothes, and kept tracing love on Su Chen's skin...
"Brother, let me tell you, I have a good sister named Zhuqing. Her boyfriend is from your sect, that is, your subordinate. Every time I mention the Jiujianxian sect, Zhuqing becomes cold. A smile will appear on your face..."

The night passed and until dawn, Xiao Wu had endless things to say and was still sharing with Su Chen what he had seen and heard over the years.

The sun in the sky had already begun its work. Su Chen stood up and got out of the tent, but Xiao Wu reluctantly held him back.

Xiao Wu was worried that if she let go, she wouldn't know when they would meet again.

"Xiao Wu, I'll take you back in a few days. I'll first..."

Before Su Chen could finish speaking, Xiao Wu's eyes were watery and she seemed extremely aggrieved.

She said pitifully and coquettishly, "Brother, can I just stay with Xiao Wu for one day?"

Xiao Wu felt reluctant to give up. This night was very drinkable and short.She didn't know how long it would take before she would have such an opportunity to rely on her brother.

The beautiful and pitiful jade face is covered with red clouds, and the big gem-like eyes are very smart, but there is a glimmer of light.

The exposed thighs are straight and slender, revealing a large area of ​​crystal skin.The upper body is so soft and frail that no one can bear to hurt it.

Who would have thought that Xiao Wu would act like a spoiled child now, making Su Chen feel a little embarrassed...

When Xiao Wu heard the answer she wanted, she jumped up on the spot, dancing her slender jade legs, jumping for joy like an elf.

"Brother, I will take you to Xiao Wu's many secret bases today. There are a lot of fun and delicious foods. They are absolutely amazing and can only be found in the Star Dou Forest." Xiao Wu couldn't wait to pull Su Chen and share her past with him...


After completing the battle training, the four brothers started running again.

But this kind of training is getting easier and easier for them, and now they can chat easily while running.

"Boss Dai, why are you out of shape for the battle training today?" Tang San approached Dai Yubai and asked pretending to be concerned.

"Don't worry about men's affairs." Dai Yubai said displeasedly, but after glancing at Tang San, he immediately added, "Xiao San, you are pure and innocent, and you don't even understand what you say."

Tang San: I... just your man, Dai Yubai naturally doesn't want to tell Tang San that he has been injured a lot recently, and he has been out at night, and his energy has not recovered yet.


Xiao Wu carried a basket of red berries, happily held Su Chen's hand, and walked through the primeval Star Forest.

At this time, a rustling sound came from the grass next to Li Li, which attracted Xiao Wu's attention.

Xiao Wu's eyes lit up, thinking it was something fun again, so she pulled Su Chen and quietly walked over, squatted down and spread out the grass curiously.

On the soft mat paved with withered bluesilver grass, there were actually two rabbits busy breeding offspring...

Two Rabbits:! ! !
Xiao Wu's face turned red and she quickly stood up, pulling Su Chen away from the place of right and wrong with both hands.

Xiao Wu felt shy, these rabbits were too extravagant and lewd, and they were immoral in broad daylight (д).

Xiao Wu saw Su Chen staring at her, and her heart tightened. She puffed up her red face and said carelessly, "Brother, Xiao Wu Xiao Wu is not such a rabbit. Xiao Wu has never done anything like this before she transformed. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Da Ming and Er Ming, I used to stay with them, and my mother also controlled me very strictly."

Although ordinary rabbits have several days of estrus every month, if Xiao Wu can't even overcome this, how can he possibly cultivate to the 10-year level, let alone gain the respect of the other two 10-year-old soul beasts.

Su Chen smiled slightly and didn't care about Xiao Wu's explanation, "Xiao Wu, there is something on your face."

"Ah, what's there?" Xiao Wu hurriedly wiped her red face with both hands.

"Kind of cute."

bang bang bang...

Xiao Wu's heart beat uncontrollably, and her face turned red.

"I hate it, brother~" Xiao Wu stamped her feet, extremely shy.

The next second, Xiao Wu and Su Chen returned to Star Lake.

Xiao Wu stopped being shy and looked at the surrounding environment with envy in her heart. She was able to cross the distance and appear in Star Lake without knowing it. This method was miraculous.

"I'm leaving." After saying that, Su Chen could no longer be seen.

"Really? Has the day passed like this? If I had known earlier, I would have asked my brother to accompany me all day and night. Time spent with me is always so fast."

Xiao Wu stared blankly at the place where Su Chen disappeared, dazed.

"Sister Xiao Wu, you still have us." Er Ming saw Xiao Wu sitting there in a daze, comforting him with a simple and naive expression.

"Er Ming, you stupid guy, what are you talking about? It's not like my brother doesn't want me anymore." Xiao Wu vented her anger at Er Ming, jumped on Er Ming's strong shoulders and sat down, looking at the afterglow of the setting sun, her beautiful eyes sparkling move……

The color of happiness and warmth is yellow, and the color of separation is also yellow.


For several days in a row, Dai Yu, Baima and Hongjun overcame their fear of ghost theories and persisted in searching for traces of Zhuqing and the others in the mountains every night.

Tonight, the two of them had searched every corner of the mountain forest. There were no traces of the girls at all. Finally, they followed the river to the clear water pool in the mountains...

"Boss Dai, there is a tent over there." Ma Hongjun took Dai Yubai's hand and hid behind the shadow of the tree in the darkness.

"Idiot, can't I see? Keep your voice down." Dai Yubai cursed in a low voice and pinched Ma Hongjun's leg.

"I'm sorry, Boss Dai." Ma Hongjun muttered, lowering his head, a little embarrassed.

"Boss Dai, do we want to go over there and kill them all?" Ma Hongjun's eyes changed and he made a gesture of wiping his neck, his eyes full of hatred.

"You want to die? Can you beat them? What's more, they may have some hidden tricks now." Dai Yubai cursed again.


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(End of this chapter)

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