Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 145 Dai Mubai and Tang San’s plan, is the girl in danger?

Chapter 145 Dai Mubai and Tang San’s plan, is the girl in danger?
(The last few hundred words at the end of the previous chapter have been modified)
Even though it was a little far away, there was fire in that direction.Dai Yubai could also see a pretty and graceful figure from a distance, exuding soul power fluctuations, guarding the four tents dutifully.

"If I had come closer, they would probably have discovered it and alerted them."

Who would have thought that these girls are so alert and have a clear division of labor at night.It becomes even more difficult to make a surprise attack and capture them while they are sleeping.

Dai Yubai decisively took Ma Hongjun's hand, left this place, and returned to Shrek's direction.

Tang San, who was hiding in the darkness, also agreed with Dai Yubai's approach.

In Tang San's field of vision, the girl outside the tent was as calm as water, as quiet and natural as she was in the forest at night. She should be Cheng Rou without a doubt.

She exudes terrifying soul power, which shows that even if she faces the dark night alone, she is always vigilant...

"Boss Dai, what should we do next?" Ma Hongjun felt the warmth in his hands and said softly, not looking like an ordinary rogue.

"There's nothing that money can't solve. If there is, then it's because there's not enough money." Dai Yubai smiled evilly, a little coldly, but more proudly.

Dai Yubai's confident smile also made Ma Hongjun feel confident.

Ma Hongjun's eyes lit up, "Boss Dai is rich, powerful and well-established, and yet he's so handsome and reliable. It's great..."

"Have you ever heard that... the soul is gone?" Dai Yubai looked at Ma Hongjun and said inscrutably.

"Soft Soul Powder? Is it the magical medicine that is circulated in the underground world that is necessary for soul masters to rob houses? It is also an expensive medicine?" Ma Hongjun was surprised and showed a nasty expression, "This is precious, one pack is enough for me to be a little bee several times. , collecting honey without any worries.”

Dai Yubai smiled mysteriously and said nothing more.Pulling Ma Hongjun along, he quickened his pace and returned to the academy.

Tang San, who was following the two of them, also smiled mysteriously. Apparently, the two of them had the same idea...

Two days later, Dai Yu, Baima Hongjun and others relied on the sneaky skills they had learned over the years to finally figure out the living habits of Zhuqing and the others.

Of course, Tang San's secret help was indispensable, such as letting Yu Xiaogang give them a few days off...


Xiao Wu curiously watched Xiao Qing doing pull-ups and sit-ups crazily, and couldn't help but admire her.

Xiao Qing is the Azure Bull Python recruited by Su Chen. In the past few days, Xiao Wu and Da Ming Er Ming persuaded him to stay and has been stationed in Xing Lake regularly.

Xiaoqing is also the name Xiaowu gave her.

Xiao Wu also had a general understanding of Xiao Qing's hobbies. He liked sports and fitness and exercising.

And when Daming saw his kind working so hard to become stronger, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed...

Xiao Qing's long and delicate body was hanging from a high cliff, and she was exercising her waist like crazy. The crystal flesh on her body became tighter with every flexion and extension.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Wu seemed to think of something in her mind, and saliva overflowed from Cherry's little mouth...

"Xiao Wu, take you back to the academy."

Su Chen suddenly appeared next to Xiao Wu.

"Brother!" After a few days, Xiao Wu couldn't help but feel excited when she saw Su Chen again.

Xiao Wu moved forward, wanting to hug Su Chen hard, but Xiao Wu finally chose to embrace gently.

"Xiao Wu, do you want to eat me?" Su Chen was helpless, why did he use so much saliva.

Xiao Wu's face turned red and she buried her face in Su Chen's clothes to wipe it.

"No." Xiao Wu's pretty face puffed up her cheeks and stamped her feet. Although her height was no longer in the range of a child, she still looked cute.

It turns out that Su Chen's sudden appearance made Xiao Wu so happy that she forgot for a moment that she still had the perfume in her mouth that she just looked at Xiao Qing's flesh, causing her to...


Dai Yubai and Dai Yubai followed the planned route, avoided the sight of several girls, walked around behind them, and came to a clear and pure pool.

The water that keeps flowing out of this pool is the common source of drinking water and domestic water for Zhuqing and others. This is their purpose.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, their eyes evil and extremely ugly.

Dai Yubai squatted down, took out a gold jar, opened the mouth of the jar, and poured the white powder into the pool.

"Boss Dai, how much does this cost?" Ma Hongjun's flesh ached and he patted Dai Yubai's straight buttocks, wondering if he could save some for reselling later.

"Take out the can in your hand and pour it in." Dai Yubai whispered, feeling that Ma Hongjun was not up to par, "I am short of this little money, which is enough to support you for a lifetime, and you won't be able to spend it on fun." "Okay, Boss Dai."


Tang San, who was observing secretly, was speechless when he saw this scene. How stupid are these two people?

There is still some time before the girls come to get water, so if you put it in now, the potion will be lost with the water and most of it will be wasted, leaving only a weak potency, which may not be effective on those girls.

But Dai Yubai's next behavior made Tang San secretly dumbfounded.

I saw Dai Yubai constantly taking out jars from the soul guide and frantically scattering white powder into the pool water, just like Ma Hongjun, whose expression was twisted at this moment.

The white powder is colorless and odorless when dissolved in water.Dai Yubai was not worried that those girls would find out, and the effect of this medicine was only useful to soul masters.

"Boss Dai is awesome, I'm afraid not a drop in the water is water." Ma Hongjun looked constipated, but still said proudly.

"It's great to be rich? Day!" Tang San saw Dai Yubai's behavior of spending money like water, and thought of the days when he raised his father for a few copper coins, and felt very unhappy.

Tang San was still a little worried about these two people, so he took out a hollow copper pipe from the 24 Mingyue Bridge and poured the powder contained in it into the downstream pool water.

This is exactly the soul-loosening powder that Tang San prepared himself based on the knowledge of his previous life. It has the same effect as the soft soul powder.

The three girls who were practicing didn't know that they were being targeted by three hungry wolves.

Zhuqing exited the state of soul power cultivation, opened her eyes, moved like a mortal, with undulating curves, and stood up gracefully.

"Zhuqing, I have to trouble you to prepare delicious food again. (^_^)" Rongrong blinked his beautiful eyes, smiled lightly, and his hair was flowing and smooth.

"Eating Zhuqing's cooking always feels right to my stomach."

Zhuqing's figure was graceful and graceful. She smiled gently and said, "It's okay, you can just eat if you like."

In fact, Zhuqing is quite grateful to Rongrong, Xiaowu and Chengrou. Because of the comparison between these three people, they often eat the food she made, which also made Zhuqing's cooking skills improve a lot, allowing Zhuqing to conquer Su Chen's stomach clearly. Cooking is getting closer (ω).

Zhuqing looked at the sky and saw red fiery clouds.The fiery dusk is coming to an end, and it's time to cook.

After walking a hundred steps, Zhuqing came to the usual water point.

The clear and sweet water in the pool flows out from the small pool where Dai Yubai and others secretly added powder.

Zhuqing was oblivious, picked up two buckets of water, carried them back to the tent not far away, and started cooking.

Who would be so bored as to drop this colorless and odorless drug into flowing water and use it against a few little girls?
Zhuqing and the others didn't think anyone could be so boring, and someone would do such a thing against them.

Dai Yu, Baima Hongjun and others hid in the big tree from a distance and observed everything that happened.The two looked at each other and smiled sinisterly, already imagining how to ravage these girls.

Tang San, who was secretly observing in another place, frowned, where is Xiao Wu?Why is Xiao Wu nowhere to be seen? Could it be that he was killed by Zhu Zhuqing and the others?

Thinking of this, Tang San felt angry from his heart...

As the smoke rose, the fragrance of the soup soon began to fill up, and the thick fragrance began to permeate around Rongrong and Cheng Rou.

The two of them were not thinking about practicing. They stared at Zhuqing seriously, exploring how the delicious dishes appeared from her hands...

Somewhere in the Shrek Mountain forest, a man and woman suddenly appeared here.

The girl is slender and light, with long scorpion braids. She holds the boy's arm tightly, with a sweet smile on her lips, like a pair of lovers in love.

But after the boy sent the girl here, her figure transformed and disappeared.

A breeze blew by, turning the girl's eyes red.

The girl murmured to herself, "Next time, can you not come and go like the wind..."

The girl looked up at the sky, the sun was setting in the west, "yellow is warm and empty..."



Fanfiction, self-created plot, don't read if you don't like it.

(End of this chapter)

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