Chapter 149 Tang San: My ice is pure and pure

"I'm not in the same group as them. I found them sneaky, so I followed them. I wanted to protect you when you were in danger." Tang Sanzhong had a sincere look on his face, defending his righteous words.

"Okay, you can go." Xiao Wu said, showing no signs of happiness or worry. She didn't care about Tang San's true purpose.

Rongrong was confused and didn't understand why Xiao Wu let Tang San go so easily.Tang San clearly had a different purpose, but he didn't say much.

Xiao Wu knew that attacking Tang San now would only be counterproductive.

Tang San's good father, Tang Ritian Douluo, was a powerful titled Douluo, far beyond what a few people could fight against now.

If I have a brain convulsion these days and suddenly come back and find that my son is disabled and hemiplegic, he will be so angry that he won’t talk about martial ethics. He will beat us little girls with the Clear Sky Hammer and even force us to take care of Tang. Three, it would be an even bigger loss.

Having been acting for several years, Xiao Wu is not missing out on this opportunity.

"Xiao Wu, I'll wait for you to come back." Tang San didn't expect to get through so easily, and he didn't stay for a long time. After speaking affectionately, he helped Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai and walked bumpily out of the mountain.

Seeing Tang San walk away and disappear into the darkness, Rongrong couldn't help but worry and said, "Xiao Wu, do you have any feelings for Tang San?"

When Xiao Wu heard this, she was obviously unhappy, her pretty face darkened, and she wanted to slap Rongrong hard on the face.

"Rong Rong, no one will think you are mute if you don't speak." Cheng Rou came over and resolved the embarrassment.

Rongrong chuckled and realized that the question he just asked was stupid.

"Xiao Wu, have you had dinner?" Zhuqing ran over and asked with concern. Xiao Wu came back earlier than they expected. Maybe Xiao Wu didn't find the brother she liked very much?
"Not yet, but I brought some good things for you." After receiving a burst of concern from the sisters, Xiao Wu no longer looked like a girl with something on her mind, and she said happily.

"Ah, as long as you come back in good condition, why don't you bring any gifts?" Rongrong raised his slender fingers and poked Xiao Wu's waist with a smile on his face.

"It's none of your business." Xiao Wu slapped Rongrong's fingers away and criticized Ning Rongrong unceremoniously.

"You, hum." Rongrong turned his head stubbornly, feeling aggrieved.

Xiao Wu took out a large pile of unknown fruits, ranging from cute pink to gorgeous dark red, as well as some common colors.

These are the fruits that are abundant in plant soul beasts deep in the Star Dou Forest, which are rarely visited by humans.
Not to mention Zhuqing, even Ning Rongrong and Cheng Rou, two representatives of the top forces, could not recognize all of these fruits, and their quality was much higher than the tributes they had seen.

These fruits were the fruits that Xiao Wu looked cute and pitiful today and begged Su Chen to accompany her to pick them.

"It's an advantage for you, here you go." Xiao Wu took out a cranberry from the fruit basket and gave it to Rongrong who was having a bad temper.

"Hmph, that's pretty much it." Rongrong took it pretending not to care.


In the mountain forest, Tang San was holding a man on both sides of his arms.

At this moment, Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai could speak, but their consciousness was still very confused.


"Boss Dai"


"Boss Dai"


The two called each other's names more and more affectionately, making Tang San feel numb.

Suddenly, Tang San's whole body trembled, and goosebumps broke out.

Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai actually regarded Tang San as their opponent.

One of his hands actually stretched out to Tang San's buttocks at the same time, even more so while walking around.

Call the other person's name.

Love is so deep, how can it stop here? Tang San glanced around and found that Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai were slowly approaching, actually trying to lick each other with their eyes closed.

But if this continued, they happened to be unable to kiss each other, and could only kiss Tang San in the middle.Tang San was furious in his heart, how could he let Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai succeed and ruin his innocence, and immediately wanted to throw them away.

But something happened that made Tang San curse in his heart. He didn't know whether it was because the blood of Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai condensed on Tang San's clothes or for some other reason. He found that no matter what, he couldn't get rid of Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai. They looked like I applied two pieces of dog skin plaster.

Tang San closed his eyes, suppressing the unwillingness in his heart, and forced Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai to succeed, leaving a deep blood-red kiss on the side of his face.

The two kisses seemed to drain all of Tang San's strength, and Tang San fell backwards helplessly.

Fortunately, Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai were seriously injured. After the kiss, they had no extra energy and fell into coma again.

Otherwise, Tang San's behavior of falling down would lead to another exciting three-person battle.

After a long time, Tang San came back to his senses from his despair, and used both palms to slap Dai Yu, Baima Hongjun and others on their faces.

clap clap clap...

Perhaps his palms were sore, Tang San stopped his excessive behavior, took out a rope, tied it to their feet, pulled them to the road, found a wheelbarrow, and pushed them to Soto City. …

Rongrong and the four of them sat together, happily tasting the gifts Xiao Wu brought back.

Although Zhuqing and the others didn't ask any more questions, they became curious about Xiao Wu's identity. Would a family that could produce these strange fruits be ordinary?
Although Xiao Wu explained that it was given by his brother, it still aroused curiosity in the hearts of Zhu Qing and the others.

Perhaps, Xiao Wu’s brother is not simple...

"Zhuqing, does it matter if you were poisoned?" Xiao Wu blinked her beautiful eyes and asked curiously.

"It's okay. This kind of poison will disappear automatically if it doesn't last long." Cheng Rou explained while tasting the sweet peach. Occasionally, the peach burst into juice, making the three of them look at her.

"Yes, the soul power can gradually be communicated and used." Zhuqing gently sucked the juice of a strange fruit, and she felt fascinated.

"Ah, why can't I communicate the soul power yet?" Rongrong's face turned red. It was obvious that he had tried his best to communicate but failed to communicate the soul power.

"I guess you are too weak." Xiao Wu pointed out the key point.

"Hmph, believe it or not, I will torture you with one hand." Rongrong refused to admit defeat. These days of hard work, coupled with the insights gained from previous battles, gave Rongrong a lot of confidence that he would not lose ugly.

"Do you really want to try? I'm level 31 now." Xiao Wu released the spirit ring, and three yellow, yellow and purple spirit rings rose from her feet, looking at Rongrong provocatively.

"Xiao Wu, are you going to get the soul ring these days or are you going to find your brother?" Rongrong realized something was wrong and quickly changed the subject.

"Of course I found my brother, and then my brother took me to get the soul ring." Xiao Wu said happily, with sweetness and happiness in her eyes.

"Congratulations, Xiaowu. I thought I didn't find your brother. I went to pee." Rongrong stood up and disappeared into the woods.

Seeing Rongrong disappear into the darkness, Cheng Rou shook her head and praised Xiao Wu: "Xiao Wu, was the teleportation before your third soul skill? It's so amazing."

"Yes, it's a pity that the teleportation distance is not very far." Xiao Wu regretted.

"But it still greatly improves the strength." Zhuqing praised. Just imagine, Xiao Wu has now mastered their respective secret skills. After mastering them, he teleports without leaving a trace and delivers a fatal blow to the enemy. Not to mention the same level, if he crosses the level, Not a defensive soul master, few people can resist it.

"Hehe, it's still not as powerful as Miss Rongrong's urine escape. How did Rongrong learn this when I was away these days?" Xiao Wu couldn't help but joke when she found Rongrong still hiding in the woods.


Rongrong in the woods couldn't stand these taunts anymore, so he jumped out of the darkness and kicked Xiao Wu.

"The eldest lady is here, Xiao Wu, get out of here."

But Xiao Wu didn't panic at all. Seeing Rongrong's attack coming, Xiao Wu moved to the side and easily dodged it, and even grabbed Rongrong's waist during the flying kick.

Ning Rongrong was placed on Xiao Wu's lap and held in her arms, her face turned red.

"Xiao Wu, please...let me go." Rongrong's numb voice was defiant and shy.

However, Xiao Wu raised the corners of her mouth, smiling with some evil intentions, and quickly moved her hands towards Rongrong's front Rou Nuan.


(End of this chapter)

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