Chapter 150 Four Girls Eating Hot Pot

Zhuqing Chengrou looked at this scene with a look of disbelief on her face. Why did Xiao Wu not see her for a few days? She became even more bold. She didn't dare to be so blatant before.

"Xiao Wu, you...bastard." Rongrong gritted his teeth and quickly broke away from Xiao Wu's arms, but his face couldn't help but turn red.

"That's right, he's not much older than me." Xiao Wu clapped her hands and didn't care.

"You." Rongrong turned around, lowered his head and squatted down, ignoring Xiao Wu.

At this moment, Rongrong's heart was extremely complicated. She found that she was not angry at all, but she was still looking forward to what would happen next...

"Sisters, I also brought you a very, very explosive surprise." Xiao Wu solemnly declared. Seeing that Rongrong was unhappy, she became happy.

"Surprise?!" Zhuqing Chengrou had a question mark on her face.

Seeing that the sisters' interest was aroused, Xiao Wu said proudly, "It's a super delicacy that you haven't tasted before. I learned it with great difficulty."

Rongrong, who was having a bad temper, was also interested in Xiao Wu's surprise and felt itchy in his heart. But when he heard that it was a delicacy he had never tasted before, he couldn't help but complain.

"Come on, I haven't tasted any delicacies. You didn't say you wanted to make spicy and fragrant delicacies."

"Hey, I didn't expect you to know this. You are indeed the tapeworm in my heart."

"You are the worm. I have been bleeding these days and cannot eat spicy food. I have no interest in it." Rongrong raised his head and looked at the moon, raising the corners of his mouth with a proud look on his face. Without me, how can you still enjoy the food?
"But it really smells good." Xiao Wu said again.

"Don't bother me. If you say you're not interested, you're not interested. I'll starve to death in the middle of the night and I won't eat." Rongrong still maintains the arrogance of a young lady and tells you to bully me.

"Come on, Sister Zhuqing Xiaorou, I'll prepare a midnight snack for you. You practice first."

Zhuqing Chengrou nodded, closed her beautiful eyes, accelerated the movement of soul power in her body, and dissolved the remaining toxins...

Xiao Wu unskilledly took out a set of hot pot equipment from the soul guide and placed them in twos and threes.

This set of equipment was obtained from Su Chen after Xiao Wu begged Su Chen, served Su Chen attentively for an hour, used endless massage methods, and put on white silk for the last time.

Xiao Wu took out the pure water brought from Star Lake and poured it into the pot.

Xiao Wu opened the "Hot Pot Equipment Manual".
The first step is to press 'Open'...


Watching the hot pot equipment boiling water smoothly, Xiao Wu took out a variety of the best ingredients in Star Lake, and the most soulful among them was of course Xiao Qing's...

Xiao Wu felt that she was so evil. She clearly regarded Xiao Qing as a family member, but when her brother took meat from Xiao Qing, she also... harmed...

Although losing some meat is not a big deal to Xiaoqing who has super regeneration ability, I feel so sorry for her (><).

Xiao Wu neatly cut the azure bull python's meat into thin slices, and Xiao Wu also started to prepare various ingredients.

"Xiao Wu? I admired her so much that I thought it was some kind of trick, but it turned out to be a hodgepodge." Rongrong said to Cheng Rou and Zhu Qing, and gave Xiao Wu pigtails.

From Rongrong's point of view, when Xiao Wu boils water and cuts a lot of vegetables and meat, doesn't it mean they have to be boiled together?
Who wouldn't?

Rong Rong was even worried that Xiao Dan would cook something devilish.

Zhu Qing and Cheng Rou were curious about how Xiao Wu boiled the water. There was no fire. Could it be a soul-guiding device?

"Xiao Wu is pouring something into the pot, it can't be poison." At this time, Xiao Wu was putting hot pot base ingredients, and Rongrong happened to catch him.

Cheng Rou was speechless and Zhu Qing was speechless. Rongrong was probably the kind of person who would love someone instead of scolding him.

"Zhuqing, Rourou, don't eat it, it will definitely taste unpalatable." Rongrong began her little plan.

Suddenly, waves of brain-stimulating fragrance came from Xiao Wu, making Zhu Qing and Cheng Rou tremble.

"Zhuqing, sister Xiaorou, you can come over for supper." Xiaowu called softly.

Rongrong was still dissatisfied, "Is this ready to eat? There are vegetables around the pot, and there is probably only soup in the pot. Don't let Xiao Wu trick you into drinking the soup."

Cheng Rou smiled slightly and said, "Rongrong, why don't you go eat together?"

"If you don't go, I, Ning Rongrong, will never eat the food cooked by Xiao Wu even if I starve to death." Rongrong swore loudly.

"Pfft, it's up to you." Zhuqing ignored Rongrong and quickly approached Xiaowu.

What kind of delicious food can Xiao Wu make in such a short time? A sow can marry a man and have children, and I, Ning Rongrong, can become a mistress. It's outrageous.

Rongrong was still disdainful, Xiao Wu's cheerful look was not the material for cooking delicious food at all.

"Wow, what kind of meat is this..."

"Hey, that's how it tastes..." "It's delicious, how could it be so delicious..."


"Don't worry, there's more."


Listening to their conversation, Rongrong felt like he was about to explode, and his mouth secreted glutinous fluid.

After an inner battle between heaven and man, Rongrong stood up uncontrollably and walked towards Xiao Wu.

"Where's my bowl? Why don't you have my bowl?" Rongrong squatted down and said without shame.

Zhuqing and the others looked at Rongrong with disdain:? ? ?
"What are you doing? Am I not your favorite Rongrong?" Rongrong didn't care about the sisters' doubts and contempt. Seeing an empty bowl and chopsticks next to him, he unceremoniously picked up a piece of meat from the pot and ate it. stand up.

"It smells so good..."

Rongrong's eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, with a look of disbelief on his face. The perfect aroma of the food was flowing in his mouth, and the most primitive taste kept prompting him to produce sweet liquid.

What kind of delicacy is this? The chewiness of the meat itself drives the lips and teeth to open and close. The fluid between the lips and teeth stays for a long time. The numbing spicy food spreads all over the body. It feels like the body is about to float...


After a long period of treatment by the healing spirit master, Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai finally recovered initially, and returned to Shrek with Tang San in the early morning.

The three of them were silent, and the atmosphere seemed a bit dull.Occasionally, they encounter men with disheveled clothes walking unsteadily on the road. This is the life that Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai long for.

"Xiao San, thank you for bringing us back." Dai Yubai was the first to express his thanks. No matter why Tang San appeared there, Dai Yubai understood that Tang San saved his life.

"We are all brothers, so I should save you." Tang San was upright and didn't care.

Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun didn't say anything more. The three of them returned to different dormitories with their own concerns.

When Ma Hongjun saw Tang San return to the dormitory, his eyes changed and he closed the door.

"Boss Dai, I'm afraid Tang San knows about the fusion of our martial souls." Ma Hongjun looked unhappy.

Dai Yubai looked at Ma Hongjun with mixed feelings in his heart.Martial soul fusion is a powerful soul skill. One of the reasons why the Star Luo Empire is so powerful is also because there have been many martial soul fusions throughout the ages.

And the martial soul fusion skills they happened to have were perfect and powerful.Dai Yubai silently compared it in his mind, understanding that this kind of martial soul fusion far surpassed that of the Netherworld White Tiger of the Star Luo Empire.

Now that he is sober, Dai Yubai still cannot face this relationship and still thinks that Ma Hongjun is his best brother and roommate.

"Fat man, just hang out with me from now on. If we can fuse our martial souls, I may be able to compete for the position of emperor in the future." Dai Yubai said excitedly.

Ma Hongjun's heart tightened, and he kept following Boss Dai? …

This sentence kept repeating in his mind.

"Okay, Boss Dai." Ma Hongjun was very happy. He and Boss Dai had sex and beautiful women. He could also see Boss Dai's handsome face every day and occasionally take advantage of Boss Dai. He was very happy.

"Don't mention the fusion of our martial souls to anyone for the time being. As for Tang San, even if he tells Yu Xiaogang and we don't admit it, what can he do?" Dai Yubai said coldly.

Ma Hongjun nodded, "What should we do with those nasty thieving women?"

"Them? They won't talk much, except for the bitch Ning Rongrong. In the future, when we become strong, the first one to destroy is the Qibao Glazed Sect. Men are slaves and women are prostitutes." Dai Yubai felt resentful in his heart.

"Yes, I support Boss Dai with three hands." Ma Hongjun agreed.

"Fat man, we are practicing the feeling of martial soul fusion."

10 minutes

Two 10 minutes...

"Boss Dai, it's no good. There's no such feeling as the fusion of martial souls." Ma Hongjun was very shy.

Dai Yubai's mind wandered, "Does it mean that there are some restrictions or conditions for the fusion of our martial souls..."

Both of them couldn't help but think about this issue.

For the two people who have experienced the power and effect of martial soul fusion, they are unwilling to give up this opportunity and are eager to have it.

Since there is a first time, it can definitely be a second time.


(End of this chapter)

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