Chapter 151 Tang Yuehua’s troubles
The next morning, Tang San arrived at Yu Xiaogang's residence early and gently opened the door.

In the room, the teacher was alone, riding on the bed with his butt raised and moving back and forth. Tang San had long been used to it.

The teacher is so great, he practices this set of movements unremittingly every day.

According to the teacher, you must strive for excellence in everything you do and achieve perfection among perfections.

"Teacher, I'm here." Tang San said warmly.

"Well, you're here." Yu Xiaogang put his butt away naturally, exhaled sharply, and stood up from the bed.

"Teacher, can martial arts be fused?" Tang San asked curiously, not caring about the water stains and odor on the bed.

"Xiaosan, this is a good question. Since you asked, I will give you a detailed introduction to the knowledge of martial soul fusion." Yu Xiaogang came to the table and took out a one-centimeter-thick book.

The name of the book is a bit strange, but the author writes Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Xiaogang searched the catalog and flipped through it slowly, "Xiaosan, this book contains my lifelong knowledge, which I discovered and researched. If you want to fuse martial souls, you have to find two...

Even two identical martial spirits may not be able to possess martial soul fusion skills, because this requires complementarity and perfect matching..."

Yu Xiaogang read the book tirelessly, and Tang San listened with rapt attention.

"Teacher, the martial spirits of Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun can be fused." Tang San thought for a while and decided to tell the secret.

"Xiao San, it seems you didn't pay attention to the lecture." Yu Xiaogang was a little unhappy, took off his belt and slapped Tang San hard.

Tang San's face hardened, even though he knew there was a whip hidden in his belt, he didn't dodge. As a teacher who taught him his profession and solved his doubts, Tang San, who had a feudal mentality, would not go overboard.

"Dai Mubai's martial spirit is a white tiger, and Ma Hongjun's martial spirit is a grass chicken. How can they complement each other and match each other? As a royal family member of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Yubai can be paired with the Nether Civet Cat for martial soul fusion. Do you understand?" Yu Xiaogang You're welcome to preach, how can two unrelated martial spirits be fused.

"But, teacher, I really saw it with my own eyes last night. They went out secretly last night. I thought there was something wrong, so I followed them out. When I arrived, I found that the two of them had fused into a flying tiger that was radiating flames. "

Tang San considered it in his mind and didn't intend to tell the actual situation.

"Is that so? Let's ask them later." Yu Xiaogang was doubtful. It seemed that the disciple had no need to make up a lie to make himself happy.


On a helpless day, Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai were so exhausted that they had to get up early in the morning and go to Shrek Square for training.

Even if the injuries were healed by the healing soul master, the lost vitality and hidden injuries could not recover so quickly. They were a little disgusted with such training.

At this time, Tang Sanyu and Xiaogang came together.

"Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, what did you do when you went out last night?" Yu Xiaogang shouted sternly.

"Master, hehe, we are all men, we know a lot." Ma Hongjun flattered.

"Come on, you guys went up the mountain last night." Yu Xiaogang frowned slightly.

"Yes, Master, we went to the woods to eat pheasants." Ma Hongjun said happily with an innocent look on his face.

Yu Xiaogang's eyes narrowed slightly, "Show me your martial soul fusion skills. I have extremely high insights into martial soul fusion skills and can guide you to become stronger."

"What, martial soul fusion skill? Who?" Oscar who was standing aside was very surprised.

"Master, what martial soul fusion skills are there? You mean Ma Hongjun and I have martial soul fusion skills?" Dai Yubai asked disdainfully.

"Yes, my disciple Tang San saw it with his own eyes." Yu Xiaogang acted extremely confident, but in his heart he also doubted the authenticity of Tang San's words.

"Haha, Master, you don't even understand the basic knowledge of martial soul fusion. The only people in our Xingluo royal family, the Dai family, who can fuse martial souls are the Xingluo Zhu family." Dai Yubai mocked ruthlessly, looking at Yu Xiao provocatively. Just.

Yu Xiaogang looked at Tang San gloomily, feeling very unhappy. After all, even Yu Xiaogang himself felt that the fusion of Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai's martial souls was outrageous.Now that I have received replies from the two of them, I am even more certain that it is disciple Tang San who wants to make a fool of himself.

Feeling the teacher's anger, Tang San trembled in his heart.

Who would have thought that Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai didn't want to admit this kind of thing, and they didn't give him Tang San face.The mute suffered a lot.

"Today, run 30 laps! Go run now!!" Yu Xiaogang said angrily, turned and left.

"Boss Dai, Fatty, you guys..." Tang San looked at them and spoke helplessly, wanting to get the answer from their faces. "Xiao San, thank you for your help last night. We are still brothers, but some things are not that simple." After Dai Yubai finished speaking, he ignored Tang San and ran away quickly.

Ma Hongjun also followed closely.

Oscar rubbed his head, not quite understanding, so he could only start running after him.

It wasn't until the three of them left that Tang San clenched his fists, and his eyes showed a hint of cold light.


In Shrek Mountain Forest.

After Zhuqing made breakfast this morning, he was not in a good mood. He sat on a big rock and pretended to meditate, but in fact he was feeling sad.

Throughout the morning, Zhuqing was still immersed in the sadness in his heart.

The breeze blew by occasionally, but it couldn't blow her long, straight black hair like a waterfall. Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she couldn't stop talking, but in the end she could only let out a long sigh.

Alas ╯﹏╰
She originally thought that her cooking skills had reached a level where she could conquer Su Chen, and she would bind his heart tightly after that.

But after eating Xiao Wu and bringing back hot pot last night, my mentality exploded.

Zhuqing didn't know which bastard invented the way to eat hot pot. It was so delicious^ω^.

But if hot pot is promoted and girls treat Su Chen to hot pot every day, then his advantage will be gone (◣д◢)

Zhuqing looked around and saw that the sisters were practicing seriously. He also adjusted his mentality and started to enter the cultivation state again...

In Heaven Dou City.

Tang Yuehua wore an exquisite and expensive casual dress, a long skirt trimmed with silver ruffles.The water in her eyes was sparkling, and she seemed to have infinite tenderness.

The graceful and delicate body is mature and concave and convex, perfectly outlining the natural and exaggerated curves, which is pleasing to the eye.

But from another angle, it can be seen that the slender and sexy legs hidden under her skirt are actually wrapped in a pair of pink tights.If a Blue Star person appears here and sees it, he will definitely find that it is actually a pair of shark pants full of guilt.

This is exactly the hot-selling clothing that Tang Yuehua accidentally bought from a clothing store.

Tang Yuehua was staring at the sky in a daze. The relationship between the three of them really bothered her.

Tang Yuehua himself has a good impression of Su Chen and has the intention to further develop the relationship between men and women.

But occasionally, it can be seen that Su Chen seems to have more affection for Xue Qinghe than friendship.

Xue Qinghe expressed that he liked him again, but most of the time he was flirting with Su Chen.

Tang Yuehua even suspected that these two men were abnormal in some aspects.

For this reason, she didn't sit still and wait for death. Xue Qinghe didn't care, but Su Chen had gone through many shameless tests and couldn't stand it anymore.

Tang Yuehua's face turned red with embarrassment, and she secretly made small moves with Su Chen, taking the initiative to flirt with him, even if he wanted to give up, he was still ashamed.On the surface, he was getting close to Xue Qinghe, so as to get closer to Su Chen and seduce Su Chen's curiosity.

But Tang Yuehua felt that this could not continue, and the relationship between the three of them was becoming increasingly abnormal.

He was riding two boats, Xue Qinghe was riding two boats, and Su Chen became the final victim! !

Although he thought about playing with Su Chen, Tang Yuehua felt that Su Chen was very pitiful. After all, he was only a child.

"Yuehua, let's go."



Fanfiction, self-created plot, don't read if you don't like it.

(End of this chapter)

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