Chapter 152 Tang Yuehua is drunk
Tang Yuehua looked for fame and saw a magnificent carriage outside the house.

On the carriage, Xue Qinghe and Su Chen were looking at themselves on the balcony with smiles.

Tang Yuehua also smiled slightly, her charm and dignity, and her reserve and dignity that made people thousands of miles away disappeared in an instant.With brisk and elegant steps, she hurried downstairs, stepped into the carriage, and went out with them...

On the carriage, Qian Renxue, disguised as Xue Qinghe, smiled warmly and looked at Tang Yuehua openly, but she was cursing in her heart, bitch~

Tang Yuehua held Su Chen's and Qian Renxue's hands with his left and right hands respectively.When she looked at Qian Renxue, although her stunning face was like spring breeze, she felt disdain in her heart.

The prince is just my tool.

When Tang Yuehua looked at Su Chen, she felt secretly happy and proud.

This is my sister's toy.

After all, Tang Yuehua did not dare to admit or announce his feelings for Su Chen.

On the surface, she is the master of Yuexuanxuan.Secretly, few people know that she is the sister of the leader of the Haotian Sect, and she is also the spy of the Haotian Sect. How can she be as simple as she appears when she is shouldering the heavy responsibility of the sect.

If you really openly like a 10-year-old kid, as a symbol of the Tiandou Empire's etiquette, you will face all kinds of overwhelming ridicule and harassment, as well as the sect's incomprehension and targeting...

The carriage passed the city gate, drove along the official road, and traveled for two-quarters of an hour to a luxurious landscape courtyard with beautiful scenery.

Su Chen and Qian Renxue supported each other and walked out of the carriage holding hands.

"Brother Su, slow down."

"It's okay, Brother Xue, please be gentle."

Tang Yuehua got off the carriage with a resentful look on his face, complaining in his heart: These two people really have no gentlemanly demeanor at all (˙ー˙)
"Brother Su, this garden is a special place for entertaining envoys from noble principalities from all over the world. Today we are being treated very well." Qian Renxue said with a dignified appearance and a very natural and easy-going attitude.

Tang Yuehua also rarely showed an appreciative smile to Xue Qinghe.

This time, it was Xue Qinghe who invited Tang Yuehua and Su Chen to have a picnic together.

Tang Yuehua knew in her heart that this was just the prince's behavior towards her. He didn't know how many nobles and royal families invited him, but he didn't even see them.

He was able to come only because Xue Qinghe invited Su Chen.

It can not only lead people to have fun, but also tease Su Chen, which is a good thing.

After Su Chen got off the carriage, he heard the symphonic sound that could only be emitted by a waterfall hitting the rocks, but he did not see the waterfall.

Su Chen had to lament the enjoyment enjoyed by the rich, the real landscape garden!Fortunately, I met the rich woman Qian Renxue, so I probably won't be fooled in the future.

The three of them walked slowly, walking through the symmetrically distributed luxurious courtyards, entering the Xiulin, passing through the Yating Pavilion, and finally saw the true appearance of the waterfall.

There are towering trees everywhere around the waterfall, giving it a sense of vicissitudes of history, but the towering trees do not block the sun.

It seemed that Qian Renxue had already planned today's itinerary. The three of them came to a large enough stone pier and sat down.

From this stone pier, you can have a panoramic view of the waterfall flowing down from three thousand feet. It is so powerful that it makes people feel broad-minded.

Above the heads of the three people, there hung a curved rainbow that lasted for a long time, with colorful and bright colors.

Qian Renxue took out three jugs of wine and three wine glasses from the exquisite-looking soul tool. It was self-evident what their meanings were.

Tang Yuehua was not prepared for this.

When it comes to my drinking capacity, I, Tang Yuehua, have never been afraid of anyone. I would have been picked up before I could drink enough...

Even Tang Yuehua was still thinking about what good things he should do to these two men after he drank them down.

Drinking with them with joy, Tang Yuehua's ever-spreading smile turned out to be more attractive than the rainbow.

"Haha, Yuehua is such a good drinker." Qian Renxue praised, "But how can you have fun just drinking, Su Di, I'm not willing to hand over the hot pot."

After being reminded by Qian Renxue, Su Chen also took out the special hot pot base and put it into the stone pot that Qian Renxue had prepared.

I don't know what kind of heat source was used under the stone pot, and the water had begun to bubble.

"Su Di, you are still reluctant to share this unique secret recipe with me." Qian Renxue pretended to be disappointed, and suddenly her eyes were fixed on the ingredients Su Chen brought out.

"Hey, what kind of meat is this? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"Soul beast meat." Su Chen answered casually.

"Oh~" Qian Renxue clenched her fists in her heart. If it weren't for the fact that she was disguising herself as a man and Tang Yuehua wasn't there next to her, Qian Renxue would probably have beaten Su Chen into a Muggle without any courtesy, or at least kicked him without mercy.

Why are you talking about soul beast meat?
"Hey, why is it so delicious?" After one bite, Qian Renxue forgot about the unpleasantness just now, her mouth was fragrant and she couldn't help but praise.

"Yes, the meat is fragrant. This meat is completely different from what I have eaten before. How can there be such delicious meat?"

Tang Yuehua was also shocked, thinking it was a beef-type soul beast at first.

But the texture is tender and delicious to an indescribable degree, and the fragrant taste stimulates the nerves and makes it feel like a new life.

This is definitely not comparable to beef.

Not to mention Tang Yuehua Qian Renxue, how many people in Douluo Continent have tasted the meat of the Azure Bull Python, and even dare not think about it, and even fewer people know about the Azure Ox Python?

Tang Yuehua's eyes condensed, and tears began to flow from her textured red lips. As if she had discovered prey, she divided most of the meat on the big plate into her own plate.

Tang Yuehua was not embarrassed. Obviously, this was not the first time she had done this, and she was not polite to Xue Qinghe and Su Chen.

Even when the meat was being eaten, Tang Yuehua was still staring at Su Chen and Xue Qinghe, trying to protect his meat from being taken away.

Qian Renxue, who was hiding under the Xueqing River, was already furious in her heart and clenched her fists, but on the surface, she was still no different from usual.

"Wait a minute, you will suffer." Qian Renxue could only comfort herself in her heart.

"Yuehua, drink."

"Yuehua, pour you some wine."

"Mrs. Yue, it's done."


Unknowingly, the three of them drank thirty bottles of expensive royal tribute wine, and Tang Yuehua was soaked to the skin and extremely hot under the double heating of alcohol and hot pot.

Tang Yuehua's head was in a daze and she unconsciously took off her skirt...

On the other hand, Su Chen and Qian Renxue had no intention of getting drunk.

Qian Renxue also marveled in her heart. She was not drunk because she had a method to relieve hangover. Why was Su Chen not drunk?
Of course, Su Chen wouldn't get drunk, and this amount of wine was nothing more than drizzle to him.

But Su Chen's eyes were fixed on the drunken Tang Yuehua at this moment. Tang Yuehua, who had taken off her skirt, was even more attractive.

It turns out that what is really hidden under the skirt is the yoga clothes. The tight figure is perfectly displayed, the bumps and bumps are clearly embellished, the exposed smooth belly is beautiful, and the slender and evenly long limbs are gently swaying, silently and incomparably charming.

Not to mention that elegant and noble temperament when drunk, it makes people feel itchy inside, and they can't help but want to raise their hands to touch her face.

Is this the charm of a classically harmonious lady wearing yoga clothes?
Xue Qinghe also noticed something strange, put his hand on Su Chen's shoulder and said with a smile, "Brother Su, do you have any thoughts about Yuehua?"

Qian Renxue looked at Tang Yuehua at this moment. Although she was amazed by his good figure, she secretly cursed him as a bastard and looking for death.

Su Chen was shocked. The more natural and calm Qian Renxue was, the easier it was for him to be fatal.

Su Chen didn't want to lose the rich woman's care and happiness.

"I'm admiring it on behalf of Brother Xue. Madam Yue is really beautiful. Brother Xue is so lucky." Su Chen admired and put his backhand on Qian Renxue's shoulder.

"Haha, Su Di, it's just a woman, nothing can compare to our affection." Qian Renxue acted very refreshingly, as if that was all.

Poor Tang Yuehua didn't know that he had been sold.

"Brother Su, let's carry Yuehua back." Qian Renxue looked at Su Chen and said interestingly.

Because of the heat, Tang Yuehua instinctively took off her skirt to show off her different beauty, but it could not hide the fact that she was so drunk that she lost her memory.

She just lay down instinctively, holding the wine glass tightly in her hand.

The drunk Xunxun had a faint smile on his face, but there were two tears falling from the corners of his eyes.


Fanfiction, self-created plot, don't read if you don't like it.

(End of this chapter)

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