Chapter 15 Zhuqing’s Transformation
(There is another chapter above, which I can’t see yet)
"Are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid, but I hope to become stronger. Only when I am strong can I control my own freedom." Zhuqing said firmly.

"Is that so? The belief in becoming stronger allows you to defeat the fear of the unknown. It's great, but what do you think being strong is?" Su Chen asked

"At least I have to become a titled Douluo so that I can have the right to get rid of my family and get rid of the shackles of the Star Luo Empire." Zhuqing's beautiful eyes were firm and full of faith.

"No, you are wrong. At least you must be able to cook and live. When we go to the Star Forest, we will not take the crowded road. Can you survive? We will still sleep in the wild at night." Su Chen finished. He laughed and walked forward leisurely.

Zhuqing also thought about keeping up with Su Chen.

"I won't really starve or freeze to death," Zhuqing thought about this question, "Has he really thought about leaving me alone? He won't even cook for me! Why doesn't he take any responsibility?"

Zhuqing, who never relied on others and had a cold temperament, actually began to complain about Su Chen in her heart...

Possessed by Zhuqing's martial soul, he used all his soul power and speed to barely keep up with Su Chen.But she finally couldn't hold on anymore. She didn't know how far she had walked. She just felt that her legs were no longer her own.

She saw Su Chen stopped for her and smiled. She thought Su Chen would ignore her.

Zhuqing wondered if there would be a scene of her being carried forward by a boy...

"Isn't this enough? If you stand up and move forward, you will become stronger. If you fall to the ground, you can only stop here." Su Chen said in confusion.

Zhuqing returned to reality from her fantasy and stared seriously at this young man who was both extremely kind and extremely strict to her.

Maybe this was the feeling of being on a pirate ship and not being able to get off. Zhuqing felt very bitter in his heart, but he still used his remaining willpower to support himself and stood up.

"That's pretty good. Please pay me the food." Su Chen praised and held the wine bottle for a while.

Zhuqing thought for a while, stood up on tiptoes with difficulty, and kissed her without any emotion.

Or maybe not only did he get on the pirate ship, but his emotions were also played with.

Zhuqing thought to himself, and did not look at Su Chen next to him, but walked forward with difficulty.

But this time, she found that with every step she took, her physical and soul power was recovering one point!She moved forward again, getting more and more relaxed...until a hundred steps later, she found that her soul power was abundant and her physical strength had returned to its best. Not only that, she also found that her total soul power had increased!
How is this possible? Douluo Continent has never heard of anything that can increase the total amount of human soul power.

Another thing that worried Zhuqing was that her body excreted a lot of filth, which made her dirty now and her body still smelled a bit. She was embarrassed and uncomfortable. What girl doesn't love beauty and cleanliness.

However, she looked at Su Chen who was already in front of her, and had no choice but to follow suit, and it seemed that she would meet very few people if she followed Su Chen...


As night fell, Zhuqing hugged dry firewood and finally followed Su Chen to a small lake.

Zhuqing was happy, it turned out that he also had time to unwind his feelings.

Zhuqing put down the dry wood and jumped directly into the lake at a very fast speed without looking at Su Chen. She didn't want her dirty and ugly appearance to be seen by Su Chen, which would damage her image too much.

Zhuqing, who jumped into the lake, revealed her little head and saw Su Chen staring at her, which made her embarrassed to take off her clothes in the water.

"Su Chen, you are not allowed to look, turn around." Zhu Qing said shyly.

"What's so nice about you?" Su Chen laughed, thinking that this girl was developing ahead of schedule, and he didn't forget to take a sip of the wine from the flask.After drinking, he turned around and lay down.Zhuqing felt relieved and began to take off his clothes in the water.

Pieces of clothing were thrown ashore by Zhuqing. Whether intentionally or not, Zhuqing accidentally threw the skin-friendly pants on Su Chen's face.
Zhuqing was blushing and embarrassed. This was the original flavor. Especially today, her body didn't know what was going on and discharged a lot of dirt. Although she had just washed it in the water, it still smelled.

After thinking about it, Zhuqing didn't care anymore, just pretend it didn't happen now. Who told him to be so close and not let me clean it early, hum ╯^╰

Su Chen, who had already fallen asleep, felt something covering his face. He reached out to pick it up. It turned out to be a piece of cloth. Su Chen pulled it with both hands out of curiosity...

Zhuqing happened to see this scene, and now she wanted to snatch it away. It felt like she was being pulled and insulted...


"Su Chen, can you move my soul guide to the shore, and then you go farther away." Zhuqing begged, because she accidentally threw the soul guide too far just now.

"Yeah." After Su Chen finished speaking, he was already waiting under the big tree in the distance.

Zhuqing was extremely yearning for this method of teleportation. He played with his hair, stepped onto the shore, and took out a bath towel from the soul guide to quickly wipe his body.

It's a pity that no one appreciates this beautiful scenery now. She has fair skin and a curvy figure, especially since she hurriedly put on clothes.

"Okay, thank you." Zhuqing whispered, although his voice was small, it was penetrating.

After Zhuqing put on her clothes, she looked at herself carefully. She found that her skin was whiter and tenderer than before, and her Q elasticity was much better than before.

She had been busy chasing Su Chen before, and before she had time to try her skills, Zhuqing kicked the air a few times. She found that the toughness of her body was also very different from before. It was as if she was as weak as a child before. Now she has indeed grown up like an adult. This transformation-like change makes Zhuqing feel happy, she has become stronger.

Zhuqing ran over and hugged Su Chen, thanking him: "Thank you."

"It's your own efforts, isn't it?" Su Chen said gently without hugging Zhu Qing.

"Just thank you." After saying that, Zhuqing left Su Chen's chest and picked up dry wood to light a fire.

She is no longer as stupid as she was yesterday. This Su Chen is not afraid of the cold, but she is afraid. She can say that she learned from yesterday's losses.So she saw some useful dry wood on the road and picked it up.

Beside the fire, Zhuqing's clothes were roasting. Except for a little dry food this morning, she had not eaten anything yet.

She knew that this Su Chen was probably too lazy to go on a hunger strike and had to do everything by herself.

"Su Chen, look at your clothes for me. Don't get burned. I'll go pick up some firewood." Zhuqing said harmoniously.


Zhuqing discovered that Su Chen was actually very easy to get along with, but why did he become more and more dependent on him? Is it because of trust?Is it trust rather than dependence?

After Zhuqing gathered the wood and made fire, she was looking for prey in the dark. She wanted to hunt, make delicious food, and make someone drool, beg her⊙▽⊙
A knife flew out of his hand and he succeeded with one blow. The last thing the owl saw in the world was a shooting star...

Su Chen was very amused when he saw Zhuqing unskillfully cleaning the prey's internal organs. Did he close his eyes to clean it?
Zhuqing was also feeling bitter. In the past, when she went out to retrieve soul rings, she would be accompanied by a guardian who would help with arrangements for life, accommodation and transportation. She looked at the guardian's outdoor cooking skills and secretly made a note of it.

But today, when she did it herself, she realized how difficult it was. She couldn't bear it, so she closed her eyes and slowly dissected...

(End of this chapter)

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