Chapter 16 Zhuqing’s second soul ring

After Zhuqing finally cleaned it, he held it next to the fire, recalling the way the guardian roasted it before and started to imitate it...

Soon a burning smell came, and Su Chen laughed.

"Don't laugh." Zhuqing was dissatisfied with who could succeed the first time.Isn't it just a little burnt?

"This half is for you, you must finish it." Zhu Qing tore off half of the burnt meat and gave it to Su Chen, nervously and with a commanding tone.

However, Zhuqing saw Su Chen holding the meat she had worked so hard to roast. With a look of disgust on his face, he tore off the burnt meat, revealing some of the meat that was not burnt inside and ate it.

Zhuqing then showed a satisfied smile. The first time was a failure, but I will continue to work hard (_)

Zhuqing picked up some grass, piled it on the ground, and lay down on it to sleep. She felt the warmth from the heat of the fire.

But when she found that Su Chen's figure had disappeared, she looked at the silent night and felt scared.

"Su Chen," Zhuqing shouted.

"Why did you call me?" Su Chen suddenly appeared in front of Zhu Qing.

"No, I thought you were captured by bad guys." Zhuqing told an immature lie.

"Tomorrow will be even more tiring, are you ready?" Su Chen said.

"Yes, ready." Zhuqing replied.

"Then go to bed quickly." Su Chen carefully looked at Zhu Qing's face.

"Well, are you sleeping in a tree?" Zhuqing was a little scared.

"How about sleeping next to you?" Su Chen joked.

"Well, sleep next to me." Zhuqing said seriously, "But don't have any inappropriate thoughts, okay?"

Zhuqing thought of the boy's previous scene, he had that ability.

"Are you afraid of the dark night?" Su Chen said interestingly as he took a sip of wine, shook his body.

"No, forget it if you don't like it, I'm going to sleep." Zhuqing was blushing and still a little angry, then she pulled up the quilt and covered her head.

But soon, Zhuqing discovered a figure lying next to her. Through the corner of the bed, she saw Su Chen's joyful and warm face. The more she looked at it, the more fascinated she became...

Zhuqing was wondering what kind of power could make someone she had known for two days become so trusting. She began to recall how she met Su Chen...

A few days later, Zhuqing looked at the primitive forest that exuded a mysterious and dangerous atmosphere, and she finally arrived at the Star Forest.

His eyes were a little moist.

She was in a lot of pain these days, but after the pain, every part of her body felt relaxed and happy.

She has been chasing Su Chen crazily these days, but every time she is exhausted, Su Chen will always look back at her and encourage her. She is reborn again and again. Every day, dirt and impurities are removed from her skin, It was discharged from every part of the body, which refreshed her understanding. It turns out that the human body is so dirty (⊙o⊙)!

After each new life, she can feel her great improvement and is full of hope for tomorrow.

But every next day, she found that there was more invisible pressure on her body, which consumed her soul and physical strength crazily, making her spend every second in difficulty...

Walking in the Star Forest, Zhuqing discovered that there were people wearing the same clothes as Su Chen inside and outside the Star Forest.She knew, it turned out that in the Tiandou Empire, such people were not suppressed...

In the Wuhun Palace and the Pope Palace, Bibi Dong looked at the secret report in his hand and directly let the paper fall into pieces.

How dare this little man take another girl and promise to marry this pope. Sure enough, the man is not a good person. He started to be half-hearted at such a young age...

An unreasonable anger grew in Bibi Dong's heart, but she had nowhere to vent it.

She had previously decided to let this boy enter the Soul Soul Palace and become her tool, but he was also hers. How could he not be angry that he was taking a girl out now (◣д◢) Zhuqing and Su Chen were already in the Star Dou Forest Been here for a few days.Zhuqing has felt the love and tenderness of the world in the past few days, and she finally no longer has to go through the kind of training that is squeezed dry.

But what makes Zhuqing regretful is that if he is not squeezed dry, he will not be able to have the pleasure of rebirth, physical and even mental transformation.

And her thoughts also made Su Chen see that combining work and rest was the answer and reassurance Su Chen gave her.

Zhuqing looked at the Star Dou Forest and saw the towering trees everywhere, feeling full of awe of the Star Dou Forest.

Zhuqing punched a tree trunk as big as the mouth of a bucket, and the tree was punched through like paper.

Zhuqing had a feeling that her current physical fitness and stamina were not inferior to those of Titled Douluo, and her total soul power was even many times higher than those of the same level.

In the past ten days, she had undergone earth-shaking changes, and she could only bury the shock in her heart.Every time I asked Su Chen why she had such a big improvement, Su Chen would always give a perfunctory answer that it was due to her own hard work.
An idea came to Zhuqing's mind, he was invincible in his class!You can torture by leapfrogging, and you can withdraw from the upper level.

But Su Chen also told her some bad news. Because of the large amount of soul power, upgrading was more difficult than others.

However, Zhuqing discovered that the bad news Su Chen said could be ignored, because her soul power absorption and cultivation speed had also been improved.

"How many years do you want to absorb for your second soul ring?" Su Chen asked tentatively.

"I feel like I can absorb less than [-] soul rings," Zhuqing said confidently and proudly.It seemed like she really wanted Su Chen to praise her.

"Well, so how many years do you want to absorb it?" Su Chen said with a smile.

"I listen to you. I don't think it is necessarily a good thing if the number of years to absorb the soul ring is too high. It will bring a lot of trouble." Zhuqing expressed his thoughts seriously.

"You are very smart, keep up with me." Su Chen praised, neither greedy nor greedy, his character is still there.

Zhuqing looked at Su Chen's figure moving quickly in the forest and hurriedly followed.Zhuqing found that this time, there was no pressure on her body, and she moved lightly in the forest, so fast that she couldn't see anyone moving...

Zhuqing followed Su Chen and came to a soul beast that could not move. Zhuqing looked at the soul beast in front of him seriously. It was the Yueling Civet, a rare soul beast in time.

There is a mark of the moon between its eyebrows, and its whole body, except its tail, exudes the bright color of the moon.

Zhuqing knew that this was the soul beast that Su Chen had found for her, and she couldn't bear it, not only because of its cute appearance.

The Yueling Civet Cat is actually a kind-hearted soul beast. It is precisely because of its kindness that it has been culled by humans in large numbers and has become a rare species.

Until this moment, there is still no hatred in its eyes. There is only a regret, a regret. It regrets why it ran out for fun...

"Su Chen, thank you, can you change it to another one? It's so pitiful." Zhuqing saw the emotion in the eyes of this soul beast and couldn't bear to say.

"Please beg me, I will think about it." Su Chen looked at Zhu Qing, slightly naughty.

Zhuqing felt that she shouldn't hesitate at all about this kind of thing. Did she think this was the difference between her and Su Chen?

Isn’t it intimate enough to pay for food every day?

"Su Chen, Qiuqiu, please let her go." Zhu Qing's cold voice was filled with flattery and temptation.

When Su Chen heard this voice, he instantly felt like his whole body was in balls, so numb.

"Do it again." Su Chen said deeply.

"Su Chen, Qiuqiu..."


Yueling Civet Cat: xxxxx
Su Chen walked forward and faced the spirit beast. Zhuqing was surprised to find that a purple spirit ring appeared on the head of the spirit beast.

(End of this chapter)

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