Chapter 154 Tang Yuehua: Is it really a fall?

Tang Yuehua's calm and beautiful eyes were a little suspicious. She looked at the surrounding environment, and fragments flashed through her mind. The last memory was fixed on the scene of drinking with Su Chen Xue Qinghe yesterday.
after after...

All blank?
Tang Yuehua's calm eyes showed panic and he quickly checked his situation.

I still smell good, Handuo smells good, bah, that’s not the point now.

Tang Yuehua checked carefully and breathed a sigh of relief. Except for the clothes being a little wet, everything else was normal.

"Huh? What's going on."

Just when Tang Yuehua was halfway up, his body seemed to have muscle memory, and his feet unconsciously moved together and he knelt down.

Burning pain instantly hit her buttocks, and Tang Yuehua couldn't help but scream.


After a night passed, the nerve-paralysis effect of alcohol was gone, and of course all that was left was pain. Qian Renxue was merciless.

"I, what happened last night? What happened?!" Tang Yuehua looked at her long and slender legs, confused, and kept kneeling, lost in thought.

At this time, Tang Yuehua saw Su Chen coming after hearing the sound, with resentment in his eyes but inexplicable happiness in his heart.

"Where were you last night? How did I become like this?" Tang Yuehua asked angrily. If it weren't for Su Chen, she wouldn't have indulged and drank so much.

"Mrs. Yue, what's wrong with you? There seems to be something wrong with this posture." Su Chen was confused. Tang Yuehua put her legs together and bent her waist slightly forward, maintaining an extremely charming and alluring kneeling posture. Unexpectedly, she thought she was practicing yoga.

Tang Yuehua's face turned red, and she knelt down hurriedly and shyly, "I don't know why, my buttocks hurt. Can you come over and help me up?"

"I heard that you made trouble in the yard last night after being drunk and fell down." Su Chen said sympathetically, walked over and took Tang Yuehua's beautiful arm, and gently moved her to the bedside.

"I heard? I was drunk and you didn't take care of me last night?" Tang Yuehua was unhappy and her face darkened, as if someone owed her hundreds of millions.

"There are differences between men and women. I'm afraid that Mrs. Yue will investigate later and it will have a bad impact." Su Chen defended and answered naturally.

"You fart." Tang Yuehua was angry and wanted to play hard with this ungrateful young man.

Tang Yuehua saw that Su Chen had no intention of helping her put on her shoes, so she stopped talking and put them on herself with difficulty.

Tang Yuehua was still unconvinced. With Su Chen's support, he asked more than ten guards and maids in succession, and got unanimous answers.
Some guards said they didn’t know, and some maids said that Mrs. Yue was dancing last night and accidentally fell down...

Tang Yuehua had no choice but to remain suspicious, pretend to be elegant, and got into the carriage to return to Tiandou City with Su Chen.

But Tang Yuehua in the carriage was also extremely charming.

Because of the burning pain in her buttocks, Tang Yuehua did not change out of her yoga pants or sit down, but instead changed several ways of kneeling and sitting from time to time.

This undoubtedly shows the charm of a damn mature woman, with a graceful figure, the undulations of the body curves are perfectly outlined, bright red lips, soft orchid breath, and a dreamy fairy mist emanating from it.

Occasionally swaying her body, swinging her jade body, changing her sitting posture, it's so beautiful.There may be something intentional on Tang Yuehua's part, as the carriage was soon filled with her body fragrance, exuding the breath of restlessness or spring...

Even if she changed her posture from time to time while sitting on her knees, Tang Yuehua did not look inelegant at all, she was still so elegant and natural, and even her face did not show any signs of losing her composure.

But she could vaguely see Tang Yuehua's beautiful eyes looking at Su Chen opposite her from time to time, with a cunning light flashing past.

Naturally, Su Chen would not be disturbed by this little trick. He would watch what he should see and close his eyes if he didn't want to see it. Everything was so natural and undisguised.

But because of this, Tang Yuehua felt secretly proud and began to plan the next step...

However, what dissatisfied Tang Yuehua was that time passed too fast, and not long after, the carriage returned to Tiandou City.

But Tang Yuehua quickly cheered up. Listening to the sound of people outside the carriage, Tang Yuehua actually thought of something exciting.

"Brother Su Chen, I'm in trouble. Can you help me find out what's going on?" Tang Yuehua said softly and pitifully, with a beautiful country, "I went out for a drink and you suffered this. If you don't please me well, you can do it again next time." I’m not going either.”

Seeing Su Chen closing his eyes and paying no attention to him, Tang Yuehua became unhappy and complained in his heart, "You don't cherish my feelings at all?"If you don’t have a sister to accompany you to drink, is that considered drinking?Drinking with a beautiful woman makes you happy. You two men don’t understand this?

"Brother Su Chen, if you don't come over and rub it for me, I will spread rumors to Tiandou City, saying that you made me injured." Tang Yuehua said very weakly.

Su Chen opened his eyes. It would not be a good thing if it really spread like this. There was Bibi Dong in front of him and Qian Renxue in the back. If it spread to the ears of these two people, no matter whether it was true or not, the score would be lowered.

"Yuehua, it hurts in your body and in my and Brother Xue's hearts, but the pain cannot be shared together. I can't do anything but pray for you." Su Chen knew that Tang Yuehua was just talking, but who could It's guaranteed that an angry woman will do something she wouldn't even think of.

"Brother Xue and I will go next time. Don't go drinking with us." Su Chen added.

"Ah, you" Tang Yuehua's elegance and harmony disappeared in an instant, and some just glared, but because the movement of getting up was too big, the pain hit again.

"Ah..." Tang Yuehua covered her mouth with both hands, trying to prevent the sound of pain from spreading outside the carriage.

Su Chen looked at Tang Yuehua who was about to face the ground and had no choice but to hold her up, but Tang Yuehua fell onto Su Chen's waist.

Tang Yuehua felt proud, I won, the method was indeed more difficult than the difficulty.Tang Yuehua choked and said, "Look at it for me. No, you can't look at it. Please scratch it for me. It's very itchy."

Su Chen understood what Tang Yuehua was talking about, hesitated for a second, and finally chose to help the injured Tang Yuehua.

"is it here?"

"No, sir, please be gentle."


Su Chen was shocked. How should he describe this comfort and flexibility? No wonder Qian Renxue couldn't put it down last night...

But Su Chen was also mourning for Tang Yuehua's plump butt in his heart, hoping not to be spoiled by Qian Renxue. I would be very gentle.

Tang Yuehua pursed her lips, her face flushed, and she didn't know what she was thinking in her heart.

Outside the car there are people coming and going, but inside the car is a different scene.


Su Chen gently helped Tang Yuehua get out of the carriage, but Tang Yuehua kept the carriage moving forward, heading towards Su Chen's home.

Su Chen felt helpless and understood what Tang Yuehua wanted to do. He probably had to leave home for a few days.

However, Tang Yuehua was secretly happy. She didn't expect that getting hurt would be beneficial, so she just stayed at Su Chen's house to see what he could do.

Because the injured area is too embarrassing, if the healing soul master misunderstands it and spreads rumors everywhere, it will be more harm than good.


Tang Yuehua was extremely confident that Su Chen would not kick her out, but after being helped into the room by Su Chen, Su Chen actually ran away from home.

Tang Yuehua was lying on Su Chen's bed and cursed very unwillingly, "Asshole, am I so unworthy?"

Two drops of tears flowed out of her beautiful eyes for no apparent reason...

Su Chen naturally didn't want to pay attention to Tang Yuehua. Tang Yuehua was the dignified master of Yuexuanxuan. He had a high status, so he would starve to death?Do you have the ability to solve such a trivial matter?Su Chen naturally didn't believe it.

She probably just wanted to stay at Su Chen's house and instruct Su Chen to take care of her.

Tang Yuehua stood up angrily and took off all his clothes with difficulty.

It can be seen that the yoga pants thrown on the ground are soaked with sweat, which is caused by her enduring the pain.

A perfect white body was reflected in the mirror.

Her figure and temperament are all indescribably beautiful, but she

But he frowned,
Turn around, face away from the mirror, and look at the buttocks where the pain is most severe.

The red buttocks were as hot as if they had been burned by fire.

Tang Yuehua was very confused. Was this really injured by sitting on the floor?

Tang Yuehua felt that observing in the mirror was not enough, so she actually used a terrifying yoga posture to show the terrifying flexibility of her body, and moved her head closer to observe carefully.

Is this the terror of Douluo Yuexuan, the first noble lady?It can be either sweet or salty. Although he has no experience, he still seems to know everything.

Tang Yuehua checked carefully again and found no fingerprints. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

"If someone hit me with the palm of my hand, I might as well die, but luckily I didn't."

Tang Yuehua retracted the difficult form, and after looking around Su Chen's room, he pulled Su Chen's quilt to the floor in a fit of displeasure, and then lay on his back on it.

It can be seen that the door is not closed at this moment, but Tang Yuehua does not seem to be worried that Su Chen will come back, as if she sees the extremely fragrant scene at this moment, or does she think it doesn't matter even if Su Chen sees it?
Only Tang Yuehua knows the answer, or maybe she doesn't understand it either?

"What on earth am I doing, but why do I feel so unwilling but so looking forward to it?"

"Did I deceive my feelings, or...was I dominated by my feelings..."

"I don't believe you won't go home..."

Tang Yuehua thought and murmured to himself, and finally became calm.


(End of this chapter)

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