Chapter 155 Yu Xiaogang: Manna from heaven!

The sun is shining brightly, not a single white cloud can be seen in the vast sky, and the light blue is very fresh.

Today was perhaps the day Xiao Wu was most looking forward to entering the city. Early in the morning, Xiao Wu urged Zhu Qing to get up and cook. It seemed that there was some special charm in the city that kept her motivated.

Zhuqing felt a little relieved that her cooking skills were not useless, at least Xiao Wu still needed them, and at least hot pot was not commonly used.


The four girls were walking on the trail and saw the four brothers who never missed running.

"Hey, it's become a lot easier for them to run. They don't have to shout slogans anymore." Rongrong's pretty face was confused, and her white jade neck stretched out.

"A pig can climb a tree after running like this for more than two months." Xiao Wu complained helplessly, Rongrong was having trouble with his brain.

Rongrong: ...

"But I don't think they are strong. I can defeat one or two of them." Rongrong stretched his figure and said calmly.

"Oscar's auxiliary soul master, are you included in this list? How shameless. It's embarrassing to have a sister like you." Xiao Wu felt chilled by Rongrong's future. All these days of learning have been in vain?

"I can beat four with one!!" Rongrong raised his fist and showed a confident smile on his lips, but looked at the four Shrek boys with disdain from the corners of his eyes.

Xiao Wu Zhuqing and Cheng Rou stopped and stared at Rongrong.


Rongrong didn't change his expression and said, "Is this possible? (ω)"

"Aren't you embarrassed?"

"Is there a possibility that you can actually defeat one or two of them, including Yu Xiaogang? Rongrong, go beat him up." Xiao Wu couldn't help but see Yu Xiaogang drinking tea on the roadside ahead. said.

"Support." Cheng Rou's eyes lit up and she nodded.
"Well, I support it too." Zhu Qing jade body swayed and she said casually.

"But, Xiao Wu, why?" Rongrong wondered, why are you expecting the elderly? ?

"Of course it's to disgust you." Xiao Wu muttered to herself.

"You defeated him, I'm telling you." Xiao Wu treated Rongrong like a big sister, which was a bit unreasonable.

"Okay, okay." Rongrong tapped her forehead, but she was still confused, did Xiao Wu and Yu Xiaogang have any disputes in the past? ?

Rongrong walked forward, with bright eyes and white teeth, and said loudly, "Master, long time no see, more and more..."

The voice was numb, like flattery.

"Huh? It's you guys, what are you getting?" Yu Xiaogang looked at the four girls very naturally, as if he no longer remembered the previous shame.

"Of course it's getting more and more."

"What's getting more and more?" Yu Xiaogang was a little curious.

"Don't worry, I'm still thinking about it." Rongrong was speechless. He didn't know how to describe you. I just wanted to say hello to you.

"By the way, we are getting smaller and smaller." An idea flashed in Rongrong's mind and she said sweetly.

"Little fresh meat? As expected of Ning Fengzhi's daughter, I feel that my body is getting younger and younger recently." Yu Xiaogang held his head high and showed a flattering smile on his lips, which was very natural and calm.

Rongrong: ...

"Is the food and housing in the mountain okay? How far has your cultivation fallen? You, alas, are all from the same academy. Come back and train together quickly. Look at them. Now they have the prototype of a strong man. Under my special training , you will also become better like them." Yu Xiaogang glanced at the four girls and said sincerely.

"Wow, Master Yu is indeed a good teacher. Have you done such training before?" Rongrong asked curiously, pretending to be grandiose.

Rongrong's transcendent status and pleasant words made Yu Xiaogang tremble in his heart. If I, Yu Xiaogang, can't conquer you Ning Fengzhi, can't I conquer your daughter?

"Yes, this is how I got such a strong body now. I used to work harder than them." Yu Xiaogang raised the corners of his mouth, with a look of pride and yearning on his face, and even arched his arms.

"Big shit, please enlighten me." Rongrong said suddenly.

Yu Xiaogang looked puzzled:? ? ?

"Today, I, Ning Rongrong, stand up to Master Zhi Tianming at the age of 12 years old. Please show me your strength and let me see my own weakness." Rongrong had a face full of righteousness, seeking knowledge and learning.

"Rongrong, you only have 2 minutes." Xiao Wu shook her head and couldn't stand it anymore.

"What, I won't act anymore."

Ning Rongrong tore off the sheepskin disguise, stepped forward, and instantly mobilized her strength on one kick. In conjunction with the use of her soul power, she gathered all her strength and kicked Yu Xiaogang directly in the abdomen.During this short period of time, Yu Xiaogang has been in a state of confusion.

Yu Xiaogang had never thought about a sweet and salty little auxiliary soul master. Since he had such a powerful attack power, his body's defense was instantly broken, and numbness made him lose most of his willpower to resist.

In the next minute, Yu Xiaogang's ears, nose, eyes, mouth and teeth were not spared by Rongrong. With continuous blows, the picture on Yu Xiaogang's face was even mosaic-like.

"Xiao Wu, it's done." Rongrong clapped his hands and said proudly.

"Let's go after it's done." Xiao Wu was also shocked in her heart. Rongrong was so ruthless. The little fairy was against the law?The more immortal a person is, the more ruthless they will be?Or are you addicted to fighting?
Cheng Rou looked at Yu Xiaogang lying on the ground, thought for a moment, kicked him into the ditch next to him, and then left comfortably with Xiao Wu.

Zhuqing thought for a while, his soul power was moving in his hands, and dust flew up, covering the traces of someone being tortured at the scene...

Poor Yu Xiaogang, who had been fantasizing about conquering Ning Rongrong and the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect in his mind before, did not expect that he would suffer misfortune because he went out without reading the almanac...


"Hey, where's the teacher?" Tang San and the others finished their trip and found that Yu Xiaogang, who was supposed to be inspecting them here, was missing.

"Whatever." Oscar was panting and sweating profusely.

"Who knows?" Dai Yubai smoothed his hair and said nonchalantly.

"I guess I went to the bathroom."


"You are the only one who urinates a lot and can think of this in your mind?"

"Hehe." Ma Hongjun smiled innocently, and people who didn't know him thought he was an honest fat man.

"Then keep running."

Tang San was also helpless, thinking that the teacher must have slept and drank too much and ran to the woods to relieve himself.

"Boss Dai, you run away first. I really want to pee when you say that." Ma Hongjun said embarrassedly, touching his head.

"Tsk, tsk, fat man, his true colors have been revealed." Oscar commented sharply, smiling maliciously.

"You talk too much, run away." Dai Yubai lightly kicked Oscar, a little dissatisfied.

"Boss Dai is partial." How could Oscar not know that he was defending Ma Hongjun. After saying this, he ran away aggrievedly.

When Ma Hongjun saw the three of them leaving, he was no longer polite and directly took off his pants and peed.

With the sound of beeping, beeping, beeping, and beeping again, Ma Hongjun happily pointed at a black protrusion, like a stone.


After the operation, Ma Hongjun quickly picked up the bamboo basket and rushed towards Dai Yubai and the others.

Not long after Ma Hongjun left, bubbles suddenly appeared where he had just relieved himself.

This is where Yu Xiaogang, who was beaten by Rongrong to the point of doubting his life, lay dead.

Yu Xiaogang turned over with difficulty. Until now, he has not recovered most of his consciousness and cannot even make a sound.

The only thing that could comfort him was the nectar that had just fallen from heaven. Yu Xiaogang thought in his mind, "It's sweet, it's actually sweet, God is saving me..."

Yu Xiaogang tried his best to open his mouth and let the nectar beside his head enter his mouth...


As soon as they entered Soto City, Xiao Wu took the three girls and rushed to a familiar clothing store.

The three girls were already shocked by Xiao Wu's strange behavior, but now their jaws dropped even more.

As soon as Xiao Wu entered the store, he waved his hand towards the cashier, and countless gold coins dropped.

"I want all the white products in the store." Xiao Wu said loudly, unquestionably, as grandly as a rich young lady.

The cashier girl was still in shock, "Are you sure it's all?"

"Yes, everything." Xiao Wu said again, her eyes sparkling.

Rongrong moved forward and quickly grabbed Xiao Wu who was consuming irrationally.

(End of this chapter)

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