Chapter 156 Tragic Misunderstanding

"Xiao Wu, are you crazy? Spending money like this?"

Rongrong was a little worried that Xiao Wu was going mad. Xiao Wu was usually a sensible but tight girl, and she regarded money as her life. How could she spend so much money? That was what I should do.

Zhuqing and Cheng Rou were also wondering if Xiaowu had a fever.

Although Xiao Wu likes to buy clothes, she usually doesn't buy expensive styles. If she has to buy clothes for the entire store, how much of Xiao Wu's savings will she waste?
The three of them agreed: Xiao Wu went crazy after returning from an outing.
"Rongrong, do you want to help me pay?" Xiao Wu looked at the big-eyed girl Rongrong in confusion. Isn't it okay for me to buy something?

"That's a beautiful thought." Rongrong covered the small wallet at his waist and pursed his lips, looking very stingy.

"Rongrong, let me experience the happiness of rich people.

Today, even if the Titled Douluo comes, I will buy it, I said so. "Xiao Wu exclaimed, waving her little hand in a cute way, "Little aunt, hurry up and help me pack. If the money is not enough, I still have it. "

Zhuqing Chengrou:! ! !
In the private room of the clothing store, Xiao Wu and others were drinking tea leisurely. Xiao Wu's consumption today has reached the standard of diamond-level VIP customers, so she naturally enjoys noble VIP treatment.

Suddenly, the door was opened, and a pair of gorgeous and tall twin sisters walked in. Their long legs were wrapped in black stockings, making them sexy and charming, highlighting the specialty products of our store.

"Is it you?" Xiao Wu was a little shocked after recognizing the two of them. Aren't these the twin sisters who had been happy with Dai Yubai before?

"Hey, respected VIP customers? It's you." The twin sisters also recognized the four Xiao Wus and were slightly surprised. They had not thanked these four girls since they left the Ping An Hotel last time.

"Thank you, we can see Dai Mubai's true face." The twin sisters said gratefully, but they were not humble at all.

"We can't stand them even for small things." Xiao Wu was the first to speak, "Where is my white silk?"

The twin sisters smiled similarly, and the elder sister said, "So it's you who wants it. What a strange customer, hee hee. Since it's you who wants it, I'll pay half of the price for you as repayment."

Xiao Wu:? ?Just for fun, why do you still come to work here if you have money?

The twin sister seemed to notice Xiao Wu's confusion and said again,

"Don't worry, we still have this little money."

Apparently, the twin sisters didn’t come here to work for the money.

Xiao Wu felt a pain in her heart. These two are low-key rich people. This is the happiness of rich people. I guess...

Soon, various white velvets, charming, cute, expensive, pure, embroidered and hollow were introduced into the room...

All kinds of styles are actually included, with hundreds of styles.

When Xiao Wu saw these stockings, she recovered from the heartache of poverty.

I couldn't help but reach out and grab a pair of the best-made stockings. My eyes were full of anticipation, as if I had grasped the future. "Then go and pay, ladies and gentlemen."

Xiao Wu is not polite, you still want to refuse such a good thing when someone else pays for it?
Rongrong: Has Xiaowu always been so thick-skinned?


Xiao Wu put them into the soul guide, and also carried some large and small bags in her hands. Her slender and tall figure was swaying, and her pretty face was full of happiness.

"Welcome to come again next time." The cashier aunt watched Xiao Wu and others leave happily. Unexpectedly, not long after the door opened today, the white model had already been sold out, earning a total of 600 gold coins.

Seeing that there were no more customers in the store, the cashier's eyes changed. She was no longer the gentle cashier.

She gently put her hands around the twin sisters' waists, leaned close to their ears and whispered Yulan: "Next target, Wu Yifa."

The twin sisters remained calm and said respectfully, "Yes, sister."

The cashier didn't shy away from it either. She wiped her hands across the twin sisters' chests and took advantage. Then she dropped a piece of paper with hundreds of words written on it and turned around to leave.

Wu Yifa's information and charges were clearly written on the paper: He is good at oral singing, represented by Da Wanmian, and likes to deceive girls, especially...

After the twin sisters finished reading, their expressions became increasingly ugly, "I thought Dai Mubai was the scumbag I've ever seen, but I didn't expect there to be such a person?"

The two girls began to plan how to deal with and torture this man in order to avenge the girls whose loss of virginity left a shadow...

..."I am a little rabbit, a happy little rabbit. I am a little rabbit, a little rabbit that someone hurts." Walking out of Soto City, Xiao Wu still held big and small bags in her hands, jumping happily. clatter.

The three of them, Zhuqing, Cheng Rourongrong, were holding fresh delicacies in their hands.

Obviously, among the four, Xiao Wu became the traitor.

Zhuqing looked at Xiao Wu who was so innocent, cheerful and smart, and wondered in his heart, what happened to Xiao Wu and how happy he was inside?
"Traitor, hey, eat a piece of carrot..."


In front of Xiao Wu, dozens of meters away, Dai Yu, Bai, Tang San and four other people were running and coming towards her.

The four boys also saw the four Zhuqing people. Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun glanced left and right, and consciously took a detour, hoping to avoid these four girls.

Oscar looked confused, thinking that Boss Dai and Fatty Ma were going to the grove to go to the toilet together, but luckily he followed Tang San and continued running.

Rongrong, Xiaowu and the others also discovered the four Shrek boys.

"Love is infinite." Rongrong said loudly when he saw Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai slipping away.

"Pfft." Zhuqing and the other three were in full bloom and couldn't help laughing. They must have shared such an interesting thing with Xiao Wu.

When Dai Yubai Ma Hongjun heard this, he paused and clenched his fists, but he quickly ran towards the woods.

Dai Yubai Ma Hongjun roared in his heart: When we master the secret of martial soul fusion, you will be humiliated.
"Xiao San, did you hear that?" Oscar changed his usual laziness and asked Tang San eagerly.

"I heard it." Tang San's eyes were a little dodgey, not wanting to reply to Oscar what this meant.

"Haha, love is infinite, love is infinite, is Rongrong confessing to me? I am really getting better and better." Oscar was very happy. It turns out that Rongrong has always had me in his heart?
Tang San:? ? ?
Oscar stood up straight, with a confident and handsome smile. This may be the first time that he ran forward so bravely and gracefully.

Tang San felt a pain in his heart when he saw Oscar seeking death like this. He originally wanted to say hello to Xiao Wu, but now he had to take a detour.

However, when taking a detour, Tang San focused his eyes and saw the recently popular socks held by Xiao Wu, and kept them in his mind.

Sure enough, not long after he walked out, Tang San heard the sound of falling to the ground and screams, but he didn't look back.

"Ah——" Before Oscar could get close to the four girls, he was injured by the soul bombs fired by Rongrong and Xiaowu...

The four women passed Oscar, but they didn't even look at him. Oscar was heartbroken, "Why..."

Poor Oscar, he still didn't understand that when Qi Wuji looked at some features of the girl, his eyes were too lewd, which made Xiao Wu Rongrong unhappy.

Seeing that the four girls had left, Oscar endured the pain and sadness, recited a spell, and ate his own sausage.

When the sausage enters the mouth, it turns into heat and merges into the body. Soon, the pain is relieved and the injury is disappearing.

Oscar let out a long sigh and turned his body over. Unexpectedly, the bowl-sized stone in the bamboo basket on his back rolled down into the ditch, and seemed to hit something.

bang bang bang..
"Ah——." Yu Xiaogang finally regained his paralyzed consciousness and screamed like a chicken...

"Master??" Oscar looked at the smelly ditch and recognized Yu Xiaogang with great difficulty. He was scared and confused.

"Hey, hey, feed me the sausage." Yu Xiaogang choked and made a pitiful voice intermittently.

Oscar quickly stood up and moved forward, approaching Yu Xiaogang, trying to help him up in the mud puddle.

However, most of Yu Xiaogang's body was stuck in the mud pit, and the parts that were not sunken were covered with all kinds of filth. For a moment, Oscar didn't know how to start.


Fanfiction, self-created plot, don't read if you don't like it.

Thank you to those who have always voted for me.

(End of this chapter)

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