Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 157 Zhuqing: Taoist heart can be sticky

Chapter 157 Zhuqing: Taoist heart can be sticky

When Oscar was hesitating and had no idea what to do, Dai Yubai Ma Hongjun and Tang San, who had already run around for a while, finally arrived.

Dai Yubai stopped and looked at Oscar standing in front of the smelly mud pit with a look of despair on his face. He asked doubtfully: "Xiao Ao, what's wrong with you? What is this?"

In the mud pit, Yu Xiaogang only showed a little bit of his face, which had been transformed by the black mud. It's no wonder that Dai Yubai couldn't recognize him at once.

"Boss Dai, Xiaosan, come and help, this is the master." Oscar said eagerly as if he had seen a savior.

"What? Teacher." Tang San didn't care if it was true or not, he dropped the bamboo basket on his back, jumped directly into the mud pit, and pulled out the clay figurine Yu Xiaogang.

"Oscar, hurry up, give me the sausage." Tang San urged.

Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai were also shocked. Who could be so cruel and not even let go of a waste?

However, the two of them smiled unkindly in their hearts and took pleasure in their misfortune.

"Master, what's going on?" Dai Yubai stepped forward, and together with Tang San, poured the water from the kettle and briefly cleaned Yu Xiaogang.

After cleaning, Dai Yubai couldn't help laughing when he looked at Yu Xiaogang's blurred face. This was not a face, it was clearly a split buttocks. It was too miserable to look at.

Who did Yu Xiaogang offend?Isn't this a personal grudge?
Finally, after Yu Xiaogang ate ten sausages fed by Tang San, he could speak human words.

"It's Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong and Cheng Rou. I wanted to guide them in their practice, but they took advantage of my carelessness and attacked me." Yu Xiaogang's face was hard and painful, and tears could not help but flow down...

Those who watched this scene were sad, those who listened to it shed tears, and some suppressed laughter in their hearts.

Tang San's eyes were already red, he picked up Yu Xiaogang and ran towards Soto City quickly.

When Dai Yubai Ma Hongjun saw Tang San running away, he finally couldn't help but laugh.


"Boss Dai, why are you so unkind..." Oscar said weakly.

"Let's go, Xiao Ao, go have a drink. Looking at you like this, have you suffered at the hands of Ning Rongrong again? Why bother." Dai Yubai looked at Oscar's injuries thoughtfully.

"Alas..." Oscar sighed, "Go ahead, I want to drink the strongest wine to heal my emotional pain."

"Rongrong, I beat Oscar, you won't be heartbroken, right?" Xiao Wu and Rongrong touched their buttocks and joked.

"You! (◣д◢) are insulting me again." Ning Rongrong was very angry and secretly swore that sooner or later, I would make you feel heartbroken.

"Haha, Rongrong, we are all sisters, let me tell you, didn't I help you beat him up together?" Xiao Wu rubbed Ning Rongrong's arm.

"Young Master, you haven't told me the reason why you want me to beat Yu Xiaogang." Ning Rongrong, a strong man pretending to be a lady, asked.

"Of course it's because he's unhappy. I'm going to tell you a big secret. Don't tell anyone else." Xiao Wu lowered his voice and sounded mysterious.

Rongrong Chengrou:? ?

"Actually, Yu Xiaogang is suitable for both men and women."

"Both men and women are welcome? What do you mean?" Rongrong was puzzled, his eyes were clear and simple.

"Well, you are so stupid. You don't understand this. Even men and women like Yu Xiaogang."

"Why do you like this man?" Rongrong looked deep in thought.

"Hey, Rongrong, do you know how men and women like each other? I didn't expect that you seem to be innocent on the outside, but you already understand the ways of men and women." Xiao Wu's eyes lit up, extremely cunning.

"I, I, I don't understand, I just read a book and there is a little introduction in the book." Ning Rongrong explained with a blushing face.

"Book? Where is it? I want to confiscate it tonight." Xiao Wu rolled his eyes slightly.

"Xiao Wu, you're crazy, I just took one look at you and threw it away." Rongrong said loudly.

Xiao Wu has a grimace on her face, it would be weird to believe you.

"Xiao Wu, is this true? How do you know?" Cheng Rou whispered, a little curious.

"He and I used to be in the same academy."

Xiaowu shared something shocking to her sisters, which made Zhuqing Chengrou feel sick. It turned out that Yu Xiaogang's heart was far more disgusting than his appearance. "I always feel that hitting him insulted my hands and feet." Rongrong looked at Xiuli's slender hands and couldn't help but tremble.

Xiao Wu snickered in her heart, you are the one who is disgusting.

"No, Rongrong, you did a good job, I'm proud of you." Xiao Wu patted Rongrong's arm and praised.

"Well, Rongrong, I think you can see him once and beat him once." Cheng Rou also agreed. She always felt that this Yu Xiaogang made her unhappy.

"Yes, just practice." Zhu Qing agreed softly, not knowing what his intention was.

"Then I will work hard." Rongrong felt that she was needed by her sisters, her blood boiled with excitement, and she was very excited inside.


soto city

After all-round treatment by the healing soul master, Yu Xiaogang finally recovered somewhat, but his body was still very weak and needed various tonic supplements.

Tang San felt heartbroken when he saw his mentor in such miserable state, but for a moment he was helpless.

Shaking his head, he could only buy some big supplements for the teacher first.

When Tang San thought about it, those girls were obviously very powerful, especially Zhu Zhuqing and Cheng Rou. It was obviously impossible to defeat them by competing and fighting with their soul power alone.

But if it was a matter of life and death, Tang San raised the corners of his mouth slightly, feeling a little more confident.

After all, he still has the Tang Clan hidden weapon that he was proud of in his previous life as a means of hiding terror. With the attached soul bone, he can definitely defeat one of them.

As for Ning Rongrong, Tang San still felt that she was weak.

After all, how strong can an auxiliary soul master be without the means of attacking soul skills?As for Ning Rongrong's body skills and reactions that night, Tang San was also confident that he could easily suppress them with the Ghost Shadow Follower.

However, Tang San wanted to have a frank talk with Dai Yubai and the others first, and compete with the four girls openly with them, in order to judge the strength of the girls.

There is also the issue of treasures that can enhance strength, as well as the soul power light waves released by Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu has never been used before, and he obviously learned it during this period...

Tang San thought a lot in his mind.Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he saw Dai Yubai and the other two people swaying on the street with their shoulders and backs crossed. They were obviously drunk.


"It's cool."

"Extremely cool."

Three drunk people expressed their drunken moods.

"It's best for this jade beast to lie down for a few more days. You can collect honey tonight." Dai Yubai laughed.

"That's right, a level 29 waste who pretends to be a strong man all day long and tells us geniuses, I can't stand it for a long time." Oscar also spoke his mind after drinking.

"Next time, why don't we knock on the sap?" Ma Hongjun also said with a sly smile.

Tang San listened to the drunken mantras of these three people from behind, his fists clenched, heartbroken, silently watching them leave...

Shrek back mountain.

Zhuqing's heart was almost broken. She didn't expect that Xiaowu actually took out the

The hot pot ingredients, even the exquisite piece of lean meat, are even more exquisite than yesterday (д).

Didn’t you say that hot pot is not often available?Why don’t you play according to the routine ≥﹏≤

Azure Bull Python: Xiao Wu is very polite.

But Zhuqing still held back, glued his heart together, and happily had hot pot with Xiaowu and others (><)

Create your own plot and share it for free. I will write more when I have time. If I don’t have time, I may stop updating for a while. If you don’t like it, don’t read it.

(End of this chapter)

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