Chapter 158 Zhuqing: Can I leave secretly?
At night, at the entrance of Shrek Village.

Tang San had been waiting here for a long time and stopped Dai Yubai Ma Hongjun who was about to go out to collect honey. This time he actually got an Oscar!

"Boss Dai, what are you doing?" Tang San looked suspicious.

"It's the mistress, do you want to go with us?" Dai Yubai said happily, but he was disdainful in his heart. We are all men, pretending to be noobs here?
Oscar's face turned red with embarrassment. After being drunk today, he thought about it for a long time and mustered up the courage to face the spring breeze for the first time. Unexpectedly, he was caught before he even drew his gun.

"Boss Dai, now is not the time to do this kind of thing. I think the focus is on the girls on the mountain." Tang San solemnly looked at the mountain forest shrouded in darkness.

When they mentioned the girls on the mountain, the three of them immediately stopped smiling. There was resentment in their eyes and angry faces.

"So what, can you beat them?"

Dai Yubai asked back, looking at Tang San interestingly.

Anyway, Dai Yubai has a kind of confidence. In the future, after mastering the martial soul fusion with Fatty, he will be invincible. Sooner or later, several girls will take revenge and conquer under the bridge.

Tang San frowned slightly. Dai Yubai looked strong and tough on the outside, not angry and intimidated. He thought he was a tool that could be put to good use. Unexpectedly, Dai Yubai was actually a smart man who could see the reality clearly and recognize the difference in strength between the enemy and ourselves. .

"Boss Dai, the important thing now is not whether we can defeat them, but the secrets within them." Tang San's voice became colder and colder, and he looked at Dai Yubai solemnly.

"Secret? What do you know?" Dai Yubai's eyes sparkled, staring at Tang San closely.

"As for the attack of releasing soul power, I have never seen Xiao Wu use it before. It is obviously not a soul skill brought by the soul ring." Tang San said seriously. In order to win over Dai Yubai and the others, Tang San had to say this .

"So what, what if it's her third soul skill?" Dai Yubai stared at Tang San with the same solemn expression.

"That can't be her soul skill. No one knows Xiao Wu better than me." Tang San said confidently, "Besides, I suspect that not only Xiao Wu, but your fiancée and Cheng Rou have also mastered this method."

"No," Oscar finally intervened, "I think Ning Rongrong has also mastered the soul power outward attack you mentioned."

Oscar had just been served by Rongrong's soul power bullet today, and now he realized after hearing the conversation between Tang San and Dai Yubai that it was a powerful method of using soul power, not a soul skill given by the soul ring.

"What, even that girl Ning Rongrong can master it?" Ma Hongjun was shocked, remembering the scene when Xiao Wu defeated him last time when he released the soul power bullet. That power...if he mastered this method, he would be invincible at the same level.

Obviously, Dai Yu, Baima Hongjun, thought of something, and thought that they were probably practicing this in the mountains and forests.

Even before, when he and Fatty were flying together in the sky, they were shot down by Xiao Wu's attack.

"Boss Dai, I think we should test their reality." Seeing that the three of them were a little moved, Tang San said seriously again.

"How to test? We can't get close to them because of their vigilance. If we observe from a distance, we can see something." Dai Yubai had a look of displeasure on his face. If he could test them, he would have tested them already.

"Boss Dai, they are still students of our Shrek Academy, and we are still classmates with them. All we need to do is show up openly and play a friendly game with them." Tang San said with a slanted smile, as if he had already thought of this method.

"Can you beat them? We have all suffered losses at their hands." Dai Yubai's face darkened and he said sarcastically.

Tang San felt disdainful, but he still smiled and said, "Boss Dai, we have even survived such a tiring and painful devil's running training, are we so unsure of ourselves?"

"We are both soul masters, and we are of the same age, so how different will it be!"

"Besides, in the name of competition between academy students, they don't dare to make a fatal move."

Tang San can be said to be right in every sentence, and Dai Yubai, who seduce the young man's temperament, once again goes on the road.

"What if they fall out?" Dai Yubai said unhappily, his face still ugly.

"Don't worry, Boss Dai, I've already prepared a backup plan." Tang San took out a yellow ball that he had already prepared.

Ma Hongjun and the others stared at the yellow meatball in Tang San's hand, and couldn't help but cover their noses, feeling a little disgusted, as if it was made of shrunk feces.

"I got this from my teacher's mutated spirit Luo Sanpao. It has poisonous gas and hypnotic effects. I'll prepare a few more in the next few days. If they fall out, we can use this to retreat." Tang San was not in a hurry. He panicked, threw the ball in his hand, and quickly took out the mask and put it on.

After the yellow ball landed, a yellow stench of smoke rose up, and an indescribable smell made people feel vomiting.

The three Oscars looked at the yellow mist that was about to drift over, and quickly covered their mouths and noses and backed away quickly.

"If it is determined that the secret of the four of them in the mountain forest is that they can use soul power to release soul skills without soul rings, how can we come up with this method?" Dai Yubai looked at Tang San Yin.

"Boss Dai, this is not something we should worry about. If this is the case, I think the teacher will know what to do. Besides, isn't what was found in Shrek Academy the property of the academy?" Tang San replied naturally, There was also a smile on his lips. "It is the property of the college and should be shared together." Ma Hongjun said the key point.


"Let's go together, mistress, you are smarter and go have a drink." Dai Yubai stepped forward and locked arms with Tang San.

"Haha, Boss Dai, my little brother is too drunk..."

Oscar shook his head helplessly: Should I keep my innocent body tonight, or should I keep my virginity or mistress...


I have to say that the hot pot is indeed delicious, and Zhuqing in the tent also lost to the taste impact of the hot pot today.

Zhuqing closed her eyes and meditated.

Once upon a time, since that time, Zhuqing thought that she was the most unique girl in the world and was destined to become one of the rare superpowers on Douluo Continent in the future.

But it wasn't until they met Xiao Wu, Cheng Rou, and Zhu Qing that they realized that there are many outstanding girls.

Rongrong: ...

Suddenly, Zhuqing felt that there was a figure beside him silently, and he opened his beautiful eyes incredulously.

""Su Chen. Zhuqing said softly, unable to react for a moment, and said shyly, "Why did you come in?" "

Everything happened so suddenly. Who would have thought that the person you miss every day would suddenly appear in front of you. This is a kind of happiness, sweetness and joy that cannot be described in words.

"I sneaked in." Su Chen looked at the top of the tent and said casually.

"Oh," Zhu Qing's face turned red. If Xiao Wu and others found out that there was a man hiding in their tent, they would not be criticized harshly.

"Then can you leave secretly tomorrow? ≥﹏≤." Zhuqing said softly and shyly.

Su Chen nodded lightly and turned over carelessly.

Zhuqing got the answer he wanted, his heart was pounding and he was secretly happy. His heart seemed to melt, but his beautiful face was blooming.

How long has it been, how long has it been since we spent a night together.

Once upon a time, I wish it was then...

Zhuqing lay down and gently leaned against Su Chen's arm, supporting the blushing boy and swiping at him.

This was the first time that the two of them lived in the same tent. The tent under the night was always full of strange ambiguity.

Real joy and special strangeness coexisted, but Zhuqing closed her eyes without any hesitation, and the feeling of incomparable safety and warmth filled her heart.

But Zhuqing didn't wait for the expected kiss, so he couldn't help but open his eyes, feeling a little disappointed.

Suddenly, Zhuqing realized in his mind that the relationship between the two was not boyfriend and girlfriend, but just his own wishful thinking.

Zhuqing put away her blush and smiled, but since meeting someone can change her life, isn't it already doomed?

And that person is by my side now...

Zhuqing slept peacefully on Su Chen's chest, regardless of Su Chen's reaction.

Su Chen didn't react at all, he just came here to stay for one night.

However, Su Chen looked at the arrogant figure of the woman in front of him, and his heart trembled slightly. The innocence of the girl coexisted with the ups and downs of maturity and warmth...


(End of this chapter)

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