Chapter 160 Xiao Wu: Mouth a little numb
"Xiao Wu, why did you choose such a hot one?" Su Chen blinked and admired it carefully.

"Ah, brother, don't you like it? If you don't like it, I'll change it right away!" Xiao Wu said hurriedly, biting her thin fingers with her lips and teeth.

"Ahem, sit here, I have wine." Su Chen said seriously.

"Okay." Xiao Wu jumped up, looking shy, and came directly to sit next to Su Chen.

What made Su Chen dissatisfied was that Xiao Wu was sitting next to her, with her waist as a line, her delicate body at a ninety-degree angle, and her feet straight together, as if she was deliberately showing off her full body.

Xiao Wu sees through it but doesn't tell him?Am I such a person?Su Chen looked at the big white legs in front of him and thought with disdain.

Sure enough, vigorously promoting stockings in Douluo Continent is the right thing to do. Shouldn't we promote something else?
Xiao Wu secretly glanced at Su Chen, feeling proud that she was really good at this. I wore this color last time and noticed something was wrong with her eyes.

When Xiao Wu slowly turned her head and looked at Su Chen, Su Chen was already looking at the distant horizon.

"Brother, does it look good?" Xiao Wu asked.

"Well, it's so white." Su Chen replied sincerely.

"Brother, I'm talking about the scenery here." Xiao Wu pursed her lips and was very happy.

"Yes, the white clouds in the distance and the white fog blocking the horizon are very white." Su Chen nodded and replied.

Xiao Wu suppressed her smile, with a sincere but tender face, "I like the horizon in my brother's eyes better than the horizon in my eyes."

"Brother, please feed me a drink like you did for the first time." Xiao Wu smiled softly, like a spring breeze, making people unable to refuse...


Before Xiao Wu could savor the mellow aroma of the warm wine, a clear and cheerful warmth transformed into a clear and cheerful flow of warmth in her mouth. It seemed to have no upper limit and kept flowing upward through the body until the world opened up...

Xiao Wu looked around in confusion, but could no longer see her brother, and her consciousness seemed to be in a dark and boundless land of chaos.

"Where is this? Isn't Brother feeding me wine? Where is Brother? Brother -" Xiao Wu shouted, feeling a little at a loss for a moment. I just wanted to taste the fragrance of my lips.

Suddenly, a cluster of brilliant light beams from bottom to top attracted Xiao Wu's attention.

The colorful sky-reaching light pillars came from nowhere. After reaching a critical point, they no longer flowed upward, but spread in all directions.

The diffusion speed is getting faster and faster, and after an unknown period of time, the entire dark space is illuminated.

This light is like drizzle moistening things.

"It's so comfortable, like brother and I are playing a game." Xiao Wu, who was wrapped in light, was in a daze, and her heart calmed down. She closed her beautiful eyes and felt it carefully.

Xiao Wu looked around again and found that underneath the dimly lit space, a purple lake appeared out of thin air. Countless large and small colorful bubbles appeared on the surface of the lake, and there were scenes of rabbits playing in it.

Xiao Wu was shocked and looked carefully, weren't those memories of her past?

Just when Xiao Wu wanted to seriously appreciate her past lovely self, the surroundings gathered together again.

The light that spread to the surroundings quickly became restrained, as if something was brewing.

In the outside world, Xiao Wu's thin and delicate body was lying in Su Chen's arms, but her body had been covered with a layer of gentle purple light, crystal clear, with fairy muscles and jade bones. She had a special charm, which was very attractive.


Finally, Xiao Wu saw the light condensed into an ingenious purple crystal. It was indescribably magical, but Xiao Wu could feel a vague connection with it.

"Oops, I accidentally fell in love with it. Where is my brother?" Xiao Wu jumped around, trying to rush to this world...

"Brother-" Xiao Wu opened her eyes and saw her brother. She was so happy that she hugged him excitedly.

Brother is still here...

But Su Chen put away the wine bottle and said calmly: "I'm leaving."

"Ah." Xiao Wu poked her head out of Su Chen's arms and looked around, only to realize that the sun was about to set.

It seems that a long time has passed, and it seems that only a moment has passed.

"Brother, do you want to come to Xiaowu's tent tonight? Xiaowu's tent is big and soft." Xiaowu's voice became more and more shy.

Su Chen:?Big and soft?not a single one.

"next time."

"Okay, brother, you can go earlier next time." Xiao Wu smiled, feeling very satisfied today.

Su Chen gently caressed Xiao Wu's head, Xiao Wu doted on him, blinked again, and Su Chen could no longer be seen. "It's best not to say goodbye." Xiao Wu showed her face and looked at the sunset on the horizon, showing a maturity that was beyond her age.

"Next time, will you accompany me to watch the sunset leave? Brother will watch the sunset, and I will watch my brother..."

Is that my conscious space?Brother put a crystal in my brain?Well, never mind it, brother won’t hurt me anyway

But why is my mouth a little numb...

Xiao Wu slowly returned to the direction of her sisters with doubts.

"Xiao Wu is back." Zhuqing reminded Rongrong who was still practicing hard.

"Xiao Wu? I finally found out that you are back. I thought you were kidnapped." Rongrong turned around and looked at Xiao Wu, but his heart was beating uncontrollably.

Xiao Wu is still the same Xiao Wu, but there is an indescribable beauty in her body, just like the night and Xiao Wu, only Xiao Wu is in their eyes...

"Xiao Wu, why are you a little different?" Cheng Rou looked at Xiao Wu in confusion.

"Hehe, I'm in a beautiful mood. Of course it's different." Xiao Wu naturally joined the group of sisters and sat down in her seat. Who knew who had already prepared a bowl of hot rice for Xiao Wu.

"Xiao Wu, if you have the secret to becoming beautiful, you have to tell me. I allow you to come to my tent and play with me," Rongrong said.

"Your tent? What's fun in your tent?" Xiao Wu glanced at Rongrong with disdain.

Rongrong was speechless. Xiao Wu was shameless. In the past, he wanted to come to the tent to play with me every day, but I only agreed once or twice.

"Okay, okay, then let me come to your tent to play. I'll bring the most expensive dress." Rongrong said unconsciously.

"Chou refuses." Xiao Wu refused decisively. How could I let Rongrong share my brother's taste with me?

Rongrong's heart was inexplicably broken, and he lowered his head and chewed food silently.

"I won't be keeping vigil tonight, sorry to bother you." Zhuqing also said at this time, she was looking forward to Su Chen's arrival tonight.

She is still very greedy...

"Okay, but next time you have to come and sit in my tent." Cheng Rou looked at Zhu Qing and said politely.

"Well, just sit here." Zhuqing's face turned slightly red. The sisters seemed a bit immoral. Are girls really more lustful than boys? ?

"Xiao Wu also wants to sit in sister Rourou's tent."

Rongrong: Then let me go...

In an enclosed space surrounded by wooden piles, there is a bathtub large enough for four people to bathe together.

The space is filled with heat, the aroma is charming, and the beautiful body is being carefully carved.

"Zhuqing, why did you use fragrant liquid in the shower today?" Xiao Wu was confused. Zhuqing usually doesn't use Rongrong's fragrant liquid when taking a bath, and only a young lady like Rongrong would bring this.

"Try it and see if it works." Zhuqing lowered his head and whispered softly.

Xiao Wu was inexplicably surprised. Every time she took a bath with Zhu Qing and looked at Zhu Qing's proud and undulating figure, she would always swallow her saliva from time to time.

The two of them were in the same bathtub, obviously showing off their perfect bodies, but what made Xiao Wu feel that there was a fly in the ointment was why they were wearing a bath towel that made people feel untrustworthy.

At this time, Zhuqing suddenly raised his head and looked at Xiao Wu. The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere was now a bit warm.

"Xiao Wu, I always feel that you are a special existence that I can't ignore." Xiao Wu's change today shocked Zhuqing even though he didn't say it explicitly.

In this steamy atmosphere, Zhuqing looked at Xiao Wu. Even she had the idea of ​​getting close to Xiao Wu, let alone other boys.

Zhuqing also made it clearer that he must not introduce Su Chen to Xiao Wu and the others.

"Zhuqing, you are the one, and I hope to be as big as you one day." Xiao Wu stared directly in front of Zhuqing, full of envy.

Even my sister Xiao Wu will be moved by the sight of her, let alone Brother Su Chen. I must not introduce him to Zhuqing and the others too early...

"Xiao Wu, there will definitely be more in the future."


Zhuqing returned to the tent, her cold face became innocent, she shyly put on her black silk pajamas, and happily waited for Su Chen's arrival...

(End of this chapter)

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