Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 161 Tang Yuehua: I’m afraid of thieves

Chapter 161 Tang Yuehua: I’m afraid of thieves

Tiandou City, in Su Chen's residence.

Tang Yuehua, who had spent the night dreaming alone in Su Chen's room, was now standing dignifiedly in front of the window, with a stunningly calm face, staring at the moonscape with some resentment.

"Not all moonlight will receive a beautiful response." Tang Yuehua murmured to himself, a little absent-mindedly.

Tang Yuehua walked to the mirror, doubting her own charm again, and sat down casually.

The previous hip injury actually healed in these two days!Is she made of collagen?I've been supplementing collagen for the past two days.

Tang Yuehua looked at herself in the mirror, still a little dissatisfied, feeling that she was not elegant and beautiful enough.

Stand up again, sit down, stand up, sit down...

After many attempts, Tang Yuehua showed a smile that was as bright as a flower, with crystal-clear teeth, graceful posture, long-awaited beauty, and exquisite beauty.

However, the chair she was sitting on must also be very happy.

"Today is the second night. I don't believe he hasn't come back yet." Tang Yuehua said to herself. She admitted that she liked Su Chen's bed very much. It seemed to meet some of her needs. Sleeping on it was very comfortable and solid.

"It's so annoying. How can I play with Su Chen's brother?" Tang Yuehua was not polite at all. He jumped onto Su Chen's bed and rolled over, like an anxious girl who encountered difficulties when trying to conquer her lover.

At this time, a burst of movement attracted Tang Yuehua's attention. Tang Yuehua stood up gracefully and naturally, barefooted, looking forward to coming to the window sill and looking at the door.

Isn't the person who came back the owner of this house?

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Tang Yuehua's mouth, as if she had been sublimated, and she walked elegantly towards the big bed step by step. The robe covering her fell off smoothly, revealing her smooth skin and perfect figure slowly, which was extremely impressive.

But what's even more surprising is that she is actually wearing a hip-covering silver nightgown under her robe. It's so beautiful and wonderful that it's beyond words.

Tang Yuehua was lying on the bed calmly, as if he had really fallen asleep, with a sad expression and a posture that was somewhere between elegant and rude.

But the angle Tang Yuehua chose to lie down could indeed see everything clearly at the door of the room.

After Su Chen returned home, he went upstairs as if nothing had happened, as if he didn't know Tang Yuehua was still there.

Su Chen gently opened the door of his room and found an unusually soft and charming body lying on the bed. Her fair and rosy skin was on full display, with her proud rise and fall complementing her buttocks.

Su Chen shook his head helplessly, turned off the light in the room, walked out of the room calmly, and closed the door.

Done in one go, without any hesitation.

When the door was closed, Tang Yuehua had just let others pick her, and the look of asking for comfort had disappeared, and there was only a trace of loss and complaint on her face...

And outside the door of the room that Tang Yuehua didn't know, a figure appeared leisurely from the dark corner.

She is Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue has been paying attention to the movements of Su Chen and Tang Yuehua since she left a few days ago.As for whether Tang Yuehua would know the truth about that night, Qian Renxue was naturally not worried.

Because that small landscape courtyard belongs to her.

But when Qian Renxue learned that Tang Yuehua was too lazy to stay at Su Chen's house, Qian Renxue was still a little worried. After all, the beautiful woman's terrifying attraction made her addicted that night. No man could resist it.

"Not bad," Qian Renxue looked at the two closed doors and raised the corners of her mouth.

She praised Su Chen for not being seduced away by Mrs. Yue, and was very satisfied with Su Chen's handling attitude.

"But how many more nights do you want to stay here? Are you really not afraid of this kind of thing spreading?"

Qian Renxue was obviously dissatisfied with Tang Yuehua's behavior of lazily staying at Su Chen's house and even on his bed.

"Forget it, let her do it. Tang Yuehua is actually pretty good, but it's a pity that it would have been better if he was from the Haotian Sect. He happened to meet me again, and Su Chen is my property." After Qian Renxue finished speaking in her mind, the figure disappeared.

Qian Renxue didn't have clear feelings for Su Chen in her heart. It might be a good impression, a desire to cultivate, or an inexplicable whim.

Qian Renxue has never thought about these two words: love.

Love is two people.

But at the age of 9, he traveled far alone, far away from the Spirit Hall and his relatives, and came to the Tiandou Empire.

Eat alone, watch the sunset alone, go shopping alone, talk alone...

She has never felt lonely or in need of love.

Until she met Su Chen, a sudden thought caused ripples in her heart.

...But what Qian Renxue didn't know was that as soon as she left, the door of Su Chen's room was quietly opened, and it was Su Chen who walked out.

Seeing Qian Renxue leaving, Su Chen casually opened the door of the master bedroom and lay down on the bed naturally.

Of course my bed is where I sleep.

Tang Yuehua:? ? ?

Tang Yuehua had a question mark on her face. The door was suddenly opened just now. She never thought it was Su Chen. After all, there was no way she could turn around.

When Tang Yuehua thought it was a thief who broke in and wanted to take precautions, he happened to see Su Chen lying next to him with a relaxed and comfortable look...

"How can you sleep in the same bed with me? Get out of here." Tang Yuehua said bluntly, but he did not guard against Su Chen at all.

"Of course I sleep in my bed." Su Chen declared his sovereignty as a matter of course, but did not look at Tang Yuehua.

"It seems to be okay."

Tang Yuehua didn't know whether to be surprised or expecting. He stood up leisurely, bringing with him a charming and alluring fragrance.

I saw Tang Yuehua dancing with her perfect body, walking in the wind, and locked the door behind her.

"I'm afraid of thieves." Tang Yuehua finished locking the door and weakly returned to the bed. People who didn't know would really think that she was afraid of thieves.

In the dim light, Tang Yuehua seemed to be more bold, wanting to hug Su Chen and play with him in his heart.

But how could Su Chen give her this chance? It was me who had the final say in being hugged.

Tang Yuehua found that Huokong was not angry, but instead aroused her energy and became more active.

"I'm afraid of the dark, I'm afraid of thieves..."

Obviously, the two of them were making a lot of noise at the moment, and it had turned into a strange game.
Tang Yuehua made dozens of moves in succession, but never succeeded in hugging Su Chen.

Tang Yuehua, who was already dripping with sweat, had no choice but to give up on the person next to her on the pillow. She really had no energy left in her body.

Tang Yuehua even felt so useless at this moment, lying on the same bed without even a boy in her arms.

However, Tang Yuehua found that after the strenuous exercise, her mind seemed to be very peaceful. She didn't care about the boy next to her and fell asleep peacefully and comfortably.

Su Chen had a laid-back look. When he was bored, he played games with beautiful women. It was beautiful, the more the merrier.

Zhuqing:? ?Then let me go
Shrek Mountain Forest

After Su Chen came for a long time, Zhu Qing in the tent also knew that his expectations had been disappointed, and he felt aggrieved.

"Is it my fault or am I too greedy? He doesn't want to spend more time with me..."

Zhu Qing took off her silk pajamas, exposing large areas of white jade skin.

Zhuqing curled up with her arms around her knees, holding the pajamas she had just taken off with her hands.


The silk pajamas were torn into two halves, four halves, and finally into pieces by Zhuqing.

"How dare I expect this now." Zhuqing's eyes became clear, and he seemed to have come out of the loss just now and understood a lot.

Without getting rid of the shackles and arrangements of my family, I am not my own person after all.

Although the relationship in front of me is fascinating, what I want is to stay with him forever.

Zhuqing never thought whether he was getting more and more confused, or whether he was getting more and more enlightened.

But she knew that this was what she felt in her heart...

Zhu Qingming smiled slightly with bright eyes and white teeth. Just when he was about to meditate and practice, something abnormal happened in the tent.

Zhuqing looked up at the top of the tent. The top of the originally complete tent had been polished and turned into a convertible.

But what shocked Zhuqing was that through the open-top perspective, she saw the vast starry sky.


Fanfiction, self-created plot, don't read if you don't like it.

(End of this chapter)

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