Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 162 Ren Xue: How about giving Tang Yuehua some big mouth?

Chapter 162 Qian Renxue: How about giving Tang Yuehua some big mouth?

Zhuqing could see clearly, the stars were bright, the Milky Way was vast, the stars occasionally collided, and the sea of ​​infinitely brilliant fire shot out.

Zhuqing's beautiful eyes were full of disbelief, and she finally fell into this galaxy and universe.

It's as if you are in it, the endless and distant starry sky is right in front of you, but it also seems very far away and ethereal.

Zhuqing didn't know what color or words of praise to use to describe this vast beauty.

This is not comparable to the brilliant and fleeting fireworks.

Deep and eternal, mysterious and mysterious.

"What do you want me to see?" Zhu Qing smiled, already attributing everything in front of him to Su Chen.

Zhuqing carefully looked at the beautiful scenery of the galaxy for a long time, but still didn't see anything.

"Do you just want to show me the scenery and make me happy?"

Thinking of this possibility, Zhuqing blushed slightly and smiled extremely sweetly.

Zhuqing changed her mood and looked at the beautiful scenery of the galaxy again.

However, the more beautiful the scenery, the lonelier one will feel if one looks at it for a long time...

Suddenly, a bright light in the vast starry sky attracted Zhuqing's beautiful eyes.

Zhuqing's eyes drifted away, and he saw that with the bright light as the center, countless dim stars began to twinkle around him, eight... 32... 64

One hundred and eight... 360...

Slowly, Zhuqing lost count. She didn't know how many more stars were shining around the center. Her attention was attracted by the rhythm of the stars.

Countless stars seemed to be breathing, shining brightly and rhythmically.This kind of rhythm attracted Zhuqing.

Although Zhuqing didn't know what the use was, he had nothing to do and silently wrote it down, slowly building a star map in his mind...

Zhuqing didn't know why she had to remember this, but she was convinced that it was important and what Su Chen really wanted to give her...

But what happened in Zhuqing's tent was not felt by the people outside the tent at all.

Even the convertible seen in Zhuqing does not exist at all.

But Cheng Rou looked at Zhu Qing's tent curiously.She felt that the place where Zhuqing's tent was located was particularly obvious and remote.

Just like the stars in the dark night that people have to pay attention to, it seems that some kind of energy from the distant stars is gathered here.

Although Cheng Rou was curious, at this moment, she did not choose to enter Zhuqing's tent, but silently guarded Zhuqing and the safety of the sisters tonight.

Rongrong came to Xiao Wu's tent.

"Xiao Wu, I'm here." Rongrong said casually.

"Oh." Xiao Wu crossed her legs and answered casually.

"Oh? You don't welcome me! (◣д◢)" Rongrong was very dissatisfied with Xiao Wu's attitude.

"No, welcome, sit down." Xiao Wu said casually again, without even looking at Rongrong.

Rongrong smiled angrily and sat on Xiao Wu's lap unceremoniously.
"What are you doing? I didn't let you sit on my lap." Xiao Wu said in confusion, feeling a little disgusted.

"Your tent is so small, I won't sit on your lap unless I sit on it." Rongrong glanced at Xiao Wu's body and said proudly.

"Sister Xiao Wu, can't you even stand up to me?" Rongrong suddenly said tenderly, with a bit of provocation.

"Since you want to sit down, it's not impossible. You can change into a princess dress, the most complicated one." Xiao Wu looked at Rongrong in a consultative tone.


Rongrong seemed to be prepared. He stood up and turned his back to Xiao Wu, took off his short nightgown, and skillfully took out a princess dress that he had prepared long ago from the soul guide.

Xiao Wu also turned to look at Rongrong unceremoniously, wondering how she put on the complicated and expensive clothes.

But what Xiao Wu saw was the snow-white crystal back, the soft and graceful figure, so beautiful that it could be seen at a glance.
"Xiao Wu, don't peek." Rongrong shouted, but he was secretly proud.

"Look, there will be something missing. It's not like we haven't seen it before. How many times is it missing?" Xiao Wu complained, "I'm just here to see how you wear a skirt."

Rongrong remained silent, silently changing into the princess clothes and decorating them with expensive accessories, which were beautiful and delicate.

After changing, Rongrong shyly sat on Xiao Wu's lap and lightly hooked Xiao Wu's neck with his hands.

Xiao Wu hugged her gently and slowly pushed Rongrong down, looking at Rongrong's complicated princess dress with interesting eyes, carefully analyzing it, and helped Rongrong take off her dress.

Rongrong's face was extremely complicated. He looked at Xiao Wu and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Rongrong, why are you blushing? We are all girls. You don't have any thoughts about me." Xiao Wu stared at Rongrong, his eyes flashing.

But Rongrong humbly looked away, "No." "Oh!"

Xiao Wu looked at the princess dress being taken off in her hands and was very satisfied, feeling a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

Xiao Wu: Undressing skirts is the most interesting thing.

Rongrong, on the other hand, had fair skin and shyly put on a short skirt.

"Why is it a little hot?" Xiao Wu stood up, stretched her waist, and wanted to take off her hot clothes and sleep.

But in Rongrong's eyes, it was a different scene.

Xiao Wu Yingying grasped her waist, which was extremely smooth, white and pink, and Xiao Wu, who stretched her waist, was even more defenseless.

Rongrong raised his fingers, couldn't help but move forward, and gently poked Xiao Wu's navel.

"Hmm..." Xiao Wu pursed her lips and whispered, her whole body trembling.

Rongrong, on the other hand, was like a child who had done something wrong, not daring to look at Xiao Wu and quickly slipped out of the tent...

"Why should I run away? The worst I can do is let Xiao Wu poke me back." Humbly Rongrong returned to his tent and found that it was wrong to sneak back into his tent.

Gathering up his courage, Rongrong came to Xiao Wu's tent again, "Xiao Wu, just now... I'm sorry, I asked you to poke me back."

Xiao Wu looked at Rongrong who was apologizing and said with bad intentions: "Really!"

"Really." Rongrong trembled, always feeling that something bad would happen.

Xiao Wu quickly stepped forward and grabbed Rongrong.

Rongrong was mentally prepared to endure the strangeness, but little did she know that Xiao Wu gently leaned into her ear and said, "Sleep."



Su Chen looked at Tang Yuehua, who was sleeping next to him, and a thought flashed through his mind, should he do something?
Before Su Chen could take action, he had already disappeared on the bed...

Not long after Su Chen disappeared, Qian Renxue appeared again, in the room where Tang Yuehua was.

It turned out that Qian Renxue was worried that Tang Yuehua would come to Su Chen's bed to pester Su Chen, so she came back to check again.

Now that she found that Tang Yuehua was already asleep and Su Chen was sleeping next door, Qian Renxue put down her doubts.

Qian Renxue felt a little unhappy again when she saw Tang Yuehua sleeping comfortably and even showing a sweet smile.

Fortunately, she worked hard during her rounds and arrived just a few minutes before she lay down. However, Tang Yuehua, who was occupying the bed that was supposed to be hers, was sleeping so happily.

Qian Renxue wished she could slap Tang Yuehua's sweet face right now, but she still said, "Next time, I'll beat her until my hands are sore..."

After discovering that Qian Renxue had left again, Su Chen appeared on Tang Yuehua's bed again, with a leisurely look on his face.

"If we don't do anything, we shouldn't be sorry to anyone." Su Chen looked at the beautiful woman next to him and said calmly in his heart.

The next day.

"Ah..." Tang Yuehua stretched out his arms, woke up with relief, and made an incomparable sound.

Tang Yuehua glanced to the side and found Su Chen's figure. Then she remembered that there was a boy next to her. She felt shy when she was seen getting up.

"It's very comfortable." Su Chen joked.

"Why is brother Su Chen's bed so uncomfortable?" Tang Yuehua knew that naturally he couldn't back down. Being shy was nothing, he was just a little brother.

But Tang Yuehua had no intention of lingering. She had achieved her goal of sleeping with Su Chen for one night.

"Thank you for the hospitality. You can come to my house next time. My bed is no worse than yours."

Tang Yuehua stood up and put on the silver dress slowly and leisurely in front of Su Chen.

Glancing at the little boy on the bed, Tang Yuehua left proudly like a winner.

Su Chen was stunned and speechless. As expected, no woman is simple and doesn't care if she gets it.

Su Chen stood up and came to the window sill. He looked at Tang Yuehua who stuck his head out from the door to look at the situation on the street. He looked like a noble lady and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Seeing no one on the road, Tang Yuehua walked out of Su Chen's house with a calm and normal expression, and approached her own home in a calm and unhurried manner...


Fanfiction, self-created plot, don't read if you don't like it.

(End of this chapter)

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