Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 163 Tang 3: Do I look like a bad person?

Chapter 163 Tang San: Do I look like a bad person?

"Rongrong, Rongrong." Xiao Wu gently shook her feet and clamped her small waist to Rongrong, with a rather helpless expression.

"Yes, Xiaowu." Rongrong opened his eyes hazily, making a lazy and tingling sound of getting up, and raised a happy smile on his little mouth.

"You're trying too hard, I can't hold my breath anymore." Xiao Wu said in disgust and displeasure.

"Ah, I'm sorry." Rongrong also noticed the position of his legs, and quickly put his hands and feet away from Xiao Wu.

"I feel very bad and need to give you some punishment." Xiao Wu breathed a long sigh of relief and said with evil intentions.

"Oh, what kind of punishment?" Rongrong did not refuse, but asked proactively.

Xiao Wu turned her hands into palms and attacked Rongrong directly...

Ten minutes later, Rongrong ran out of the small dance tent with disheveled clothes.

Her face turned red with embarrassment, but she was not unhappy. Instead, she looked very excited.

Rongrong quickly slipped back into his tent like a frightened bird...

Cheng Rou, who got up early to practice, happened to see Rongrong emerging from the small dance tent. Qingming couldn't help but shake her head, but she quickly closed her eyes and meditated to practice...

"Is this a dream?" Zhuqing looked at the tent and found that the tent was clearly intact.

But the scene I saw last night was extremely real and emerged in my mind.

Zhuqing could even feel that the star map he had written down last night was in his mind, even though it was only part of it.

Zhuqing stopped thinking too much, smiled slightly, walked out of the tent, and welcomed a new day.

a few days later

Under Tang San's careful care, Yu Xiaogang finally recovered a lot of his lost vitality.

"Teacher, drink some blood ginseng soup." Tang San hoped, gently picking up a spoonful from the bowl, his eyes full of care.

"Xiaosan, you still have your heart." Yu Xiaogang opened his mouth and took it happily, "By the way, Xiaosan, what have you been doing with me, Luo Sanpao, these days."

Yu Xiaogang was puzzled, Tang San had been asking for Luo Sanpao every day these past few days.

"Teacher, I'm afraid that Sanpao will be constipated, so I'll let him detoxify every day." Tang San said calmly, with a serious look on his face.

"How many toxins do you let it detoxify in a day? Why is it so thin?"

Yu Xiaogang looked at Luo Sanpao, who had lost two pounds, and felt a little distressed.

But Yu Xiaogang also believed in Tang San's character and would not do anything strange to San Pao.

"Teacher, it's not much, just about 20 cannons. I gave it some carrots to replenish it, so it won't hurt it much." Tang San was very simple and smiled.

"Do you want to eat its farts?" Yu Xiaogang looked at Tang San in confusion. Besides farting, what else could San Pao do.

Tang San:……

"Teacher, look at this." At this time, Tang San took out a folded piece of paper and handed it to Yu Xiaogang.

"Jiujianxian's daily report? Mistress, what is this?" Yu Xiaogang was a little confused. He had never seen such a thing before. There were many words written on a large piece of paper, and there were vivid images of people and scenery.

"Teacher, this is a new thing that has suddenly become popular in the Tiandou Empire in recent days. It is published by the Jiu Sword Immortal Sect and is called a newspaper. You can read world affairs at home." Tang San introduced.

"The Jiu Sword Immortal Sect? What's going on in the world?"

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but wonder, the Jiujianxian sect was formed by weak civilians who had no power or strength at all. They were all lowly and pitiful people who hugged each other for warmth.

In his opinion, it has always been a small and unpopular sect that has never become popular, and he has never paid much attention to it.

"Yes, teacher, look at this part of the newspaper. It's about a famous person in the Principality of Xinjia named Wuyifa."

Yu Xiaogang followed Tang San's instructions and looked at it carefully.

He likes to harm girls, especially little girls.As a result, they were tortured for 49 hours by a pair of twin sisters using various cruel methods. In the end, they were hung on the top of the city and scolded to death by the girls...

The photos in the newspaper are exactly what happened during the May [-]st Massacre.

"Such, it's so scary," Yu Xiaogang trembled. He wanted to tell the world about his death. It was so scary.

"But mistress, this kind of person deserves to die." Yu Xiaogang was disdainful. My great master dared to harm a powerless little girl in Notting City Primary School. I didn't expect that this May [-]st attack would be so happy and deserve to die.

"Yes, I will kill every one of these people I find." Tang San agreed. "Yes, this is my disciple. I deal with people like this every time I see them." Yu Xiaogang looked at Tang San and said happily.

On this day, Tang San finally developed dozens of poisonous gas pellets, and invited Dai Yu, Bai Ma Hongjun and Oscar to go to the Shrek Mountain forest to fight Xiao Wu and the four girls.

What kind of unprecedented war will they break out...

The four Shrek men swaggered to the mountain forest and arrived at the location where Xiao Wu and the four of them lived without any concealment.

Rongrong, who had just finished the dance breathing exercise, was the first to notice that Tang San and his party were looking at a few uninvited guests with displeased expressions.

"Is something wrong? You are not welcome here." Rongrong looked at several people with disgust.

"Sister Ning Rongrong, don't you welcome seniors?" Dai Yubai held his head high and spoke first, his expression extremely sincere.

Ning Rongrong and Dai Yubai didn't take him seriously, but they still showed a polite temperament.

At the same time, Cheng Rou, who was practicing swordsmanship, and Xiao Wu, who was playing bullets, also stopped practicing and came to Rongrong's side.

"Don't be afraid, you are very brave. How dare you come to Sister Xiaowu's territory like this."

Xiao Wu is lively, clenching her fists and clasping her fingers, with an eager expression on her face, she is very cute and agile.

But Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun, who knew the power of Xiao Wu's fists, swallowed unconsciously and took a step back.

Tang San thought for a while and followed Dai Yubai to take a step back.

Oscar, on the other hand, stared at Ning Rongrong in a daze, not noticing the brothers' little moves.

Dai Yubai looked at the silent Tang San with some displeasure.

You don't have any attitude at all when it comes to relationships?
Zhuqing, who was practicing under the small waterfall, opened her beautiful eyes and noticed the movement on their side.

Zhuqing took her time and walked out from under the waterfall with small steps. The water flowed through her body, but her clothes and even her hair were not wet at all.

It turned out that her whole body was wrapped in just the right amount of soul power.

Zhuqing walked on the water and soon appeared beside Xiaowu and the others.

Tang San couldn't help but feel angry when he saw that Zhu Zhuqing and the others had arrived, but Dai Yubai still didn't speak.

You actually think that I am a bad person, do I look like a bad person? ?
"Oscar, it turns out you are a man who is not afraid of death. You will be the first one to be beaten later." Xiao Wu was displeased. She found that Oscar was staring at Rongrong with both affection and astringency.

Oscar:! ! ?

At this time, Oscar realized that the brothers who were supposed to be fighting together had all stood back, and he quickly stepped back as well, recovering from his gaffe and smiling apologetically.

"Little Sanzi, what are you and these people doing here?" Xiao Wu glanced at Tang San casually and asked in annoyance.

Tang San smiled and said, "Xiao Wu, we are from the same academy. Boss Dai wants to lead a few of our boys to compete with you to see how much we have grown in the past three months."

Dai Yubai sneered, "That's right, fellow school girls, it's just a matter of competition, until the point is reached."

"That's boring. I don't want to fight. If you don't leave, we won't be polite." Rongrong looked impatient.

The three Shrek men were looked down upon by an auxiliary soul master, so their expressions naturally turned ugly, but they were in an embarrassing dilemma.

"No, we really just want to have a competition between ordinary students. The four of us boys will fight with the four of you girls." Dai Yubai said weakly, but he still had a strong aura.

It has to be said that although they are not afraid of these four girls in private, they even often scold them in private.

But when he actually saw these three girls, Dai Yubai realized how afraid he was of these three girls.

Although he was afraid, Dai Yubai knew that today was the time to clear his name.

In the past, he was inexplicably defeated by Cheng Rou, and was tricked and beaten by several girls for no apparent reason, and then was defeated by Xiao Wu for no apparent reason.

It's strange. Everyone is the same age and their levels are not much different, but I can't tell what's so strange.

But they are both soul masters, how could the gap be so big.

What's more, after going through these hours of training, not only has the physical fitness been enhanced, but the combat experience has also been greatly enhanced.

Dai Yubai is confident that as long as he works hard this time, he will definitely not lose badly...

(End of this chapter)

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