Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 164 Ning Rongrong: Is it easy to bully me?

Chapter 164 Ning Rongrong: Is it easy to bully me?
"If the two of you fuse martial arts, I can discuss it with you." Xiao Wu didn't care about their real purpose and looked at them with an amused expression.

Although he defeated Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai's martial soul fusion skills last time, Xiao Wu was not present and did not see the process of their fusion.

Until now, she was still very curious about how the two boys' martial souls merged.

Facing Xiao Wu's provocation, Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai's faces turned red and they looked into each other's eyes.

"Xiao Wu, are you kidding? How can the two of us fuse our martial souls? This is not a simple matter." Dai Yubai shook his head, pretending to be dumbfounded and refusing to admit it.

The same was true for Ma Hongjun, who said with a frustrated look, "We can't fuse martial souls. Don't talk nonsense, don't believe rumors, and don't spread rumors."

"Yes, Fatty and Dai Boss, a phoenix and a white tiger, how can their martial souls fuse, and they are two men? I definitely don't believe the rumors." Oscar also understood, Xiao Wu was envious of the love between Dai Boss and Fatty. Jin Jian's relationship was planned to be divorced.

Indeed, after the last martial soul fusion, the two could no longer find the opportunity and inspiration for martial soul fusion.

Even though the two of them shouted the words "infinite love" thousands of times in private, they still couldn't fuse their martial souls.

The two even made many interesting attempts to find spiritual connection.

For example, they feed each other together, watch each other sleep together, take baths together, etc., but they still haven't found the key to the fusion of martial souls.

This is one of the reasons why they now firmly refuse to admit that martial souls can be fused. It is really impossible to fuse.

"Oh, I really don't want to compete with you. It's a waste of time. It won't do any good, and it will make you disgusted." Xiao Wu was bored, and then thought, "Why don't I use you as sandbags."

"Okay, Xiao Wu, I agree." Rongrong was excited. He felt that his strength had improved recently and he needed to add some muscle to solidify his foundation.

Seeing Xiao Wu pumping her fists with great interest, Dai Yu, Baima Hongjun and the two took a step back uncontrollably.

Just now, they felt as if they were being targeted by a ferocious and powerful 10-year-old beast, and they were terrified.

"Xiao Wu, Xiao San not only comes from the same place as you, but he is also the leader of pure and pure people. We are ashamed of ourselves. Let him say a few words." Dai Yubai declined.

The matter has come to this, if Tang San does not act, then Dai Yubai will make the decision to run away.

Everyone looked at Tang San.

Tang San also discovered that these girls did not act according to human nature and were not easily provoked.

"Please enlighten me." Tang San could only say these words bravely.

"Xiao Wu, you can raise the dog you brought." Rongrong said with disdain, not looking at Tang San.

Tang San's expression changed. Ning Rongrong had already found a way to die, and he shouted angrily, "Ning Rongrong, who are you calling a dog!!"

"Why, I didn't say anything about you. You are so ugly, you are worse than a dog." Ning Rongrong glanced at her with disdain.

"Wang Wang."

At this time, a clear dog bark attracted everyone's attention.

"Yida, stop screaming. I'll give you the last bone to eat. Don't come to me again in the future." Xiao Wu said helplessly to the back of the tent.

A dog shadow quickly sprang out from behind the tent, followed Xiao Wu, its eyes were watery, and its tail was wagging at Xiao Wu.

Tang San's face hardened, "It's you."

Isn't this the stray dog ​​that spat at Tang San when he first came to Soto City?

The puppy ignored Tang San, wagging its dynamic tail, sticking out its tongue, and took the bone from Xiao Wu's hand with a fawning expression.

Then he took small steps and left in one direction without even looking at Tang San.

"Haha (ω)hiahiahia." Ning Rongrong laughed endlessly.

I was ignored by a dog. How could I be inferior to a dog?

Tang San felt resentful in his heart. Before I came to trouble you, a stray dog, you actually made me unhappy again.

This dog has its way to death.

"Harm, sisters, let's get rid of these people quickly." Xiao Wu shook her head helplessly, but in Tang San's eyes, she was a sentimental, kind and quite cute image.

Seeing that the girls agreed, Dai Yu, Baima Hongjun and Oscar looked slightly happy and hurriedly set up their formation with Tang San.

On the other hand, the four Xiao Wus still stood relatively casually, seemingly not paying attention to these boys at all.

Especially Ning Rongrong, who was an auxiliary soul master, did not stand behind them.

This also made the four boys very happy. The strategy they had originally discussed was to attack Ning Rongrong first to test her strength and make it easier to succeed.Ning Rongrong did not stand behind, which undoubtedly reduced the difficulty of their plan.

The battle is imminent.

Tang San took the lead and quickly spread the seeds of Bluesilver Grass to the surrounding areas, forming an advantage of absolute control over the battlefield.

As if Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai had agreed, the target of their attack was surprisingly the same, it was Ning Rongrong.

For some reason, Oscar, who was behind the three boys, felt a little nervous when he saw this scene...

Facing the upcoming attack from Ma and Dai, Ning Rongrong's expression changed slightly, and the sisters actually took a step back, obviously testing her intentions.

But Rongrong didn't panic in his heart. He leaned forward and punched Dai Yubai head-on.

Rongrong actually blocked Dai Yubai's heavy punch, and both of them took a few steps back.

Although her arm hurt slightly, Rongrong was ecstatic inside.

Rongrong used the strength of his left foot to flexibly avoid Ma Hongjun's sweep, and quickly kicked out his right foot, drawing a beautiful arc and hitting Ma Hongjun's chin.

Ma Hongjun stroked his chin and spat angrily.

Several boys were shocked. As an auxiliary soul master, Ning Rongrong not only received the attacks of Ma Dai and Ma Dai head-on in a one-on-two situation, but also appeared to be able to do so with ease.

Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai were equally upset.

"White Tiger King Kong Transformation—"

As Dai Yubai shouted, the muscles on his body more than doubled in size, and strange black lines appeared on his skin.

Ma Hongjun, Dai Yubai and others joined forces to attack Ning Rongrong again.

Ning Rongrong was already prepared, but after a series of fists and kicks, Rongrong also found that his hands and feet were getting numb.

Rongrong also understood that if he continued to fight like this, he would lose.

Rongrong quickly distanced himself from Ma Dai and said angrily, "You want to attack my two thick slices of bread. Do you think I'm easy to bully?"

And where Rongrong had just left, a cluster of bluesilver grass suddenly grew out of the ground and spread out quickly.

Tang San's eyes changed slightly as he controlled the Blue Silver Grass, but he didn't expect to be discovered by Ning Rongrong.

He was thinking about how interesting it would be to tie up Ning Rongrong.

Seeing that Tang San had missed, Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai launched their attack again, attacking Ning Rongrong with the Bluesilver Grass that suddenly appeared.

Ning Rongrong was not panicked by the addition of Tang San, and quickly circulated the soul power routes in her body, condensing soul power into both palms.

"Soul power bullets." Rongrong quickly fired three soul power bullets, knocking back Lan Yincao.

It also stopped Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai's offensive pace.

Dai Yubai looked at his arms that had just resisted the soul bullet. There were wisps of black smoke rising up. Except for the damaged cuffs and numbness in his arms, there seemed to be no other injuries.
However, this was enough to shock the four boys and set off huge waves in their hearts.

These four girls really have a big problem. They really have mastered some strange method, the secret of becoming stronger.

Otherwise, how could an auxiliary soul master be so strong, and moreover, in less than three months.

Now that they know the answer they want, Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai don't want to get too entangled to avoid changes.

"White Tiger Light Wave."

"Phoenix Firewire."

The two launched attacks at the same time, attacking the frail girl Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong glanced at the four boys coldly and said coldly, "Do you think I'm the only one?"

"Sisters, save me!!"


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(End of this chapter)

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