Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 168 Yu Xiaogang: Steal my theory, the evidence is solid

Chapter 168 Yu Xiaogang: Steal my theory, the evidence is solid

The girls looked at each other and couldn't help but hold back their smiles. They looked at Yu Xiaogang again, showing off his shameless performance.

"I wonder what evidence the master has prepared?" Xiao Wu couldn't help but say.

"Haha, just with the word "master", he is recognized as a master by many forces on the mainland." Yu Xiaogang is confident and calm, and his laughter is full of self-satisfaction. People who don't know really think he is a scholar.

Then Yu Xiaogang took out a heavy book from the soul guide.

""LSP Theory"? What is this? Why does it feel a bit evil?" Rongrong looked at the book Yu Xiaogang took out, and immediately saw the big title.

Dai Yubai and the others smelled the sour smell the most, and they were also curious about what the book was.

At this time, Tang San said, "This is the essence of Teacher's life work. It contains all of Teacher's knowledge and insights. LSP is the embodiment of Teacher's affection and is the abbreviation of Luo Sanpao."

! ! ! !
The three boys suddenly realized that the master was indeed a sweetheart.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang turned to the end of "LSP Theory" again, and he could see that the pages of the book had been torn.

"The last few pages of my book are missing, and you have been practicing in the mountains and forests to become stronger and learn how to release your soul skills. I hope you can hand it over and return it to me." Yu Xiaogang said seriously, with a smile from the corner of his eyes. There was a compelling aura between his brows, and he rushed straight towards the four girls opposite.

"You've just been writing since you disappeared. Why are you looking for us? You don't know what you wrote, right?" Rongrong joked, not caring at all about the imposing manner of comedian Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Xiaogang shook his head, pretending to be sad:

"I have indeed forgotten what I wrote. Most of my inspiration comes from my sleep. I write it down after waking up from the dream to prevent forgetting it the next day. Otherwise, I would have passed it on to my disciples and several outstanding students of Dai Mubai."

As soon as these words came out, not to mention the four girls, even Dai Yu, Bai Ma Hongjun and Oscar's faces turned a little red.

The three of them had never seen something that was not their own, and they forcefully claimed it as their own. They did so with such confidence and originality that they had the ability to change things.

Tang San was secretly frightened. The teacher was indeed unparalleled in intelligence, both wise and brave.

Xiao Wu and others laughed and clapped.

"Wonderful, really wonderful. You must have used it when going to the toilet." Xiao Wu said with a smile.

"Xiao Wu, little fairy can't say such things." Rongrong reminded.

"Oh mine."

Looking at the few girls who were ignoring him and enjoying themselves, Yu Xiaogang said with regret, "Since you are unwilling to hand it over, don't blame us for being rude."

Tang San was surprised again. The teacher really didn't do meaningless things, and what he did was actually paving the way for a legitimate attack on them. This move was worth learning.

"You're welcome? I like being polite the most. Today, I, Ning Rongrong, am willing to cross the long river of time at the age of a bean to challenge the master who knows the age of destiny." Ning Rongrong stood forward, lightly lifted her hair, "Please Master, teach me."

Xiao Wu and the other two silently took a step back and clapped, "Rong Rong, you are so brave."

Yu Xiaogang's face turned dark. The scene of being beaten last time was still vivid in his mind.

"Hmph, girl Pianzi, I don't have the same experience as you." Yu Xiaogonggang flatly refused and did not fall for the trick.

"Rong Rong, it's a good thing he refused, otherwise you might not be able to withstand his Wuhun's stinky fart attack." Xiao Wu said aside.

Dai Yubai and the others felt disappointed. They really wanted to see if the master could defeat Ning Rongrong.

"Flanders, how long do you want to watch the show?" Yu Xiaogang shouted towards the back with dissatisfaction.

Everyone looked back and saw Flanders walking from behind the big tree with a helpless expression.

"Hand over the theory of external soul skills that Xiaogang mentioned." Flanders stroked the frame of his glasses and said proudly, looking up to the sky.

"Dean Flanders, even if you knew this was a fabricated drama, would you still help him?" Cheng Rou looked directly at Flanders.

Flanders frowned slightly. At this moment, Flanders felt an inexplicable failure.

But Flanders still said firmly, "Yes, give you your choice."

After saying that, Flanders had completed the possession of the martial spirit.

A pair of wings stretched out from behind, and the whole body was covered with feathers.The eyes turned orange, the pupils stood up, and a majestic soul power hit the four girls.

"Flanders, so what if you get it, can you hold it?" Cheng Rou remained unmoved.

"That will happen after we get it back. Hand it over, student Cheng Rou." Flanders looked stern. "Dean Flanders, what a pity." Ning Rongrong sighed softly and looked behind Flanders.

Flender's expression changed, and he also noticed two strong men who were not weak in momentum and rushed towards them quickly.

"Is it one of yours?"

"Otherwise, Dean Flender, do you think my father would really trust me and teach you Shrek about my safety? The dean worked with teachers and students to snatch things from female students. This is my first time seeing him." Ning Rong Rong Xin said coldly.

Flanders sighed in his heart, understanding that today's matter was impossible.

If a powerful soul saint, especially a powerful one from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, found out that the dean had taken action against the students and forced them to hand over things, it would be another matter to spread the news.

Whether to take action or not is one thing, but after taking action is another matter. Flanders doesn't want to risk this taboo yet.

Being seen by the Soul Saint, speaking from the mouth of the Soul Saint, and speaking from the mouth of the Soul Master, are completely different things.

"Xiao Gang, let's go." After speaking, Flanders turned and left.

"Flanders, you" Yu Xiaogang hated the iron, "Two soul saints scared you Flanders to this point. I'm sorry Erlong doesn't like you."

But Yu Xiaogang still took Tang San and left behind Flanders, with Dai Yubai and the others following closely behind.

"Master, are you leaving now? Why don't you stay to discuss and learn from each other?" Rongrong said playfully.

"Humph." Yu Xiaogang still had that profound and elegant look, he stamped his feet angrily, his eyes full of resentment.

When passing by the two soul saints of Qibao Glazed Sect, Flanders and Yu Xiaogang were respectful to them, nodding and bowing. Xiao Wu and the others couldn't help but laugh when they saw it.

Although the battle did not happen in the end and everyone was in peace, this also made the four girls who had just entered the world of soul masters understand the dangers of human nature and the unscrupulous methods among soul masters for profit.


The four girls were already on a cliff, lying close to each other.

In the gloomy dark night, there are no stars in the sky, and there is no bright moon in the sky.

The sky was far away from them, but the darkness seemed to be right in front of them.

They all have their own thoughts, their own lives, and their own encounters.

The hands they hold each other already indicate that they will not betray each other for profit.

When a fiery red sun rises on the eastern horizon, the dawn illuminates the earth and disperses the dark clouds.

The four girls also became active because of this. The first ray of sunshine shone on their beautiful faces, elegant and elegant, "It's the sunrise, it's great."

"Yeah, I thought it was going to rain."

"Watching the sunrise with you is a particularly beautiful thing."

"Me too"

"Me too"

"Me too."


"Let's go to the city to see what's going on with Jiujianxian Daily." Xiao Wu puffed up the rabbit wallet at his waist.

"I agree." Zhuqing was the first to agree, which was expected by Xiao Wu.

"I'm quite interested too." Cheng Rou smiled slightly, could it be you, the Jiujianxian?
"I have to agree even if I don't agree." Rongrong said weakly.

"It's better to go and refuse the bastard." Xiao Wu complained.

But the village where Shrek is located is a different story, already surrounded by water.


Fanfiction, self-created plot, don’t disturb if you don’t like it.

(End of this chapter)

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