Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 169 Xiao Wu: The humanity of the four Shrek boys is distorted

Chapter 169 Xiao Wu: The humanity of the four Shrek boys is distorted
"Shrek Academy apologizes to the dog, Shrek Academy apologizes to the dog..."

It was a group of dog lovers who were besieging Shrek. When they saw the article that insulted stray dogs this morning, they specifically asked the source of Jiujianxian Daily and found out that it was true. Things, people are real people, and they are people from our Greater Soto City! (◣д◢)

They resented the moral decay and distortion of human nature of the four Shrek boys. It would be fine if a dog was killed by Shrek, but even a dog must be humiliated, which they couldn't bear.

In the square of Shrek Academy, Tang San faced the reproachful looks of his teacher and Dai Yubai with a red face.

"I'm sorry for everyone, I'm sorry for Shrek Academy, I brought trouble to Shrek Academy." Tang San lowered his head and apologized, his attitude actually seemed very sincere.

But in his heart, Tang San felt that the dean was partial to some ordinary people who were making trouble. As a soul saint, the dean could use his powerful strength to scare them away.

"Xiao San, how could you do such a stupid thing? Just beat a dog to death, why would you humiliate it and cut it off?" Flender read the Jiujianxian Daily News carefully and didn't understand what Tang San did. Make ideas.

Now this matter has been exposed by Jiujianxian Daily, and there is such a clear image. It has been preconceived and developed, and it is impossible to explain it clearly.

Flanders was also puzzled as to how these images were drawn. Even the surrounding environment and Dai Yubai and the others were clearly reflected on a piece of paper.

"Xiao San, you have done a good job. Now, we are going to make the entire Balak Kingdom popular." Dai Yubai was helpless. He naturally knew some Jiujianxian Daily News. In fact, he was wondering how he appeared here.

"Boss Dai, isn't it great? Now that we are famous, everyone will see our handsome pictures, and maybe some girls will fall in love with us at first sight and throw themselves into our arms." Ma Hongjun's eyes were sinister, and he was obviously fatherless. Damn, he doesn't care about this.

"What the fat man said seems to make sense. Anyway, it was the mistress who did it. We are innocent." Oscar argued.

"Are you innocent? Didn't you eat the kidneys?" Ma Hongjun was confused. Oscar and Tang San were roommates, so Tang San didn't distinguish between roommates?

"Well, I didn't even touch the kidneys. The mistress simmered them all by herself and ate them." Oscar was speechless. Am I the kind of person who wants to eat this kind of food?

"Really?" Ma Hongjun didn't believe it. That was a good thing.

"If you don't believe me, ask Tang San. He hid under the quilt and rocked the bed last night. He must have eaten deliciously." Oscar pointed at Tang San with a serious look on his face.

Damn it, Tang San's face turned red, but he didn't know what to say.

"Okay, you are a unit, there is no need to argue about this matter." Flanders couldn't stand it anymore and came out to stop him.

"But, Dean, the door is blocked, how can we conduct training like this?" Dai Yubai was confused.

"Don't worry, I have arranged the next training for you. The running training has been carried out for three months. It is of little use to you. You don't need to do running training in the future. You will enter the next round of training after seven days of rest." Yu Xiaogang After saying that, he turned around and left.

Dai Yubai and the others were confused and could only ask Tang San about the next round of training.

It turns out that after knowing that Tang San and the others were defeated by four girls, the master came to the conclusion of defeat:
The four boys lack actual combat experience and have no way to deal with special spirit masters. They need to go to the spirit arena to participate in spirit battles to increase their combat experience and skills.

And all subsequent living expenses in Soto City will be paid for at one's own expense.

Dai Yubai and the others suddenly realized that the master's method could be said to have the best of both worlds.

Even if Shrek's gate is blocked, it has nothing to do with them. They can even go out to escape the storm. It will eventually subside after a while.

Facing the holiday, Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai looked at each other, excited, and already knew what the first thing to do during the holiday was.

This was the first time Oscar had taken such a long vacation since devil training. He walked towards the dormitory, catching up on sleep was his first choice.

Tang San also chose to go back to the dormitory. Hidden weapons were his essence. As the Tie brothers in the blacksmith shop helped him create more and more hidden weapon parts, he also wanted to assemble several sets of silent sleeve arrows, innuendos, crossbows with tight backs and low heads, etc. Including hidden weapons.

Tang San believed that with these hidden weapons with different purposes, it would be easier to deal with those girls. He could even teach Dai Yubai and the others how to use these hidden weapons, attracting some people, and paving the way for the establishment of the Tang Sect in the future...


"Hey, why are there so many people at the entrance of Shrek Academy?"

As soon as the girls walked out of the forest, they saw Shrek's gate being blocked. "Whatever, Shrek Academy does a lot of harm to people, and it probably has a bad reputation around here." Xiao Wu didn't care.

"It can't be that Shrek is recruiting students again." Rongrong was a little worried that some genius would be tricked into studying at Shrek Academy and then be harmed.

"The ethics of the teachers are not good, the academic style of the college is not good, and the cultivation environment is not good. Such a college is undoubtedly harming people."

"Don't worry, they should be attacking Shrek Academy." Cheng Rou looked at the crowd carefully.

"Ignore La and go to the city to play." Xiao Wu urged Rongrong and the others.

If you mind your own business and join in the fun, then Little Rabbit will have to postpone his time reading the newspaper. Little Rabbit doesn't like to join in the fun.

The four of them arrived in Soto City, and soon they learned from passers-by what the Jiujianxian Daily was.

Under the guidance of an old man on the road, Xiao Wu, especially Xiao Wu, rushed eagerly towards the shop selling Jiu Jian Xian Daily.

Although Zhuqing and the other three were curious about Xiao Wu's excitement, they all agreed that it was because Xiao Wu was very curious about new things.

Soon, each of the four people held the latest issue of Jiujianxian Daily in their hands.

Looking carefully at this kind of paper carrying text and pictures, the four of them were very curious.

The images on Jiujianxian Daily are in clear color, as if a person has been engraved vividly on it. If not lifelike, it can be said to be exactly the same.

Moreover, the scope of the events recorded in Jiujianxian's daily journal is very large, from Soto City to Fasno Province, to the Kingdom and the Principality.

What method is used to transmit the compiled information so quickly?Cheng Rou couldn't help but wonder and marvel.

After a cursory glance at the contents of the newspaper, Cheng Rou saw a piece of news that made her heart tremble:

The Bishop of Haizhibin Wuhun Palace was punished and executed by the Wuhun Palace elders for xxxx crimes. The people of Haizhibin reveled for three days! !A three-day seafood feast was held.

As a disciple of Bibi Dong, Cheng Rou naturally understood what this meant.

"Why did the teacher attack the people in the Enshrinement Hall in advance?" Cheng Rou muttered in her heart, and even couldn't help but worry about Bibi Dong's situation...

Zhuqing also scanned it roughly, looking for information about Su Chen, but found nothing.

At this time, Rongrong attracted everyone's attention.

"Hey, isn't this Tang San and Dai Yu's white horse Hongjun Oscar? Why are they up there?"

"Really, is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality? Four boys versus one dog...!" Xiao Wu read the newspaper, and the more she read, the more frightened she became. She discovered that the dog had several appearances. Is it the end of fate?

"Xiao Wu, your Yida is being quilted," Rongrong stuttered, unable to express his feelings at this moment.

"What's my Yida? It's your Yida, not mine." Xiao Wu was speechless, "Yida and I are not familiar with each other."

"Oh, I thought it had a good relationship with you and came to the mountains to ask you for bones." Rongrong suddenly realized.

"But they are so hateful. Their humanity is distorted and their morals are gone. They will humiliate even dogs, even the dog GG." Xiao Wu was full of disgust.

Rongrong and the others' faces turned red. How dare Xiao Wu say those words so casually.


Fanfiction, self-created plot, don’t disturb if you don’t like it.

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(End of this chapter)

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