Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 170 Xiao Wu: I want to be the spokesperson for stockings

Chapter 170 Xiao Wu: I want to be the spokesperson for stockings

"No, it seems to have been cut by Tang San. This image actually clearly shows Tang San's dark smile. It's so scary." Rongrong shook his head with a look of fear on his face. Insidious villains are the most difficult to guard against.

"Yes, his appearance is ordinary, so ordinary that people can ignore him, and he looks a bit honest. I didn't expect that the side hidden in his heart is so dark." Cheng Rou also commented.

"Xiao Wu, Tang San has liked you for so long, but hasn't he ever used any crooked tricks on you? You wouldn't have been caught by Tang San without him noticing..." Rongrong was a little worried, Xiao Wu was such a cute girl. , how could Tang San hold back from making a move.

Xiao Wu almost hit Rongrong in the face with a slap, "I, Xiao Wu, have been innocent since I was born. Don't insult me."

"Xiao Wu, I, I, I was wrong, I was just worried about you, please stay away from Tang San Dog from now on." Rongrong noticed that Xiao Wu's smile disappeared, and he also sensed something was wrong, feeling aggrieved.

Seeing that the two sisters were about to break up, Zhuqing hurriedly said, "Xiao Wu, look, there is an advertisement at the back of this newspaper recruiting girls to be stocking spokespersons."

"Ah, let me take a look." Xiao Wu's angry expression disappeared, and she looked eagerly to find the advertisement Zhu Qing said.

"It's true! The spokesperson will try on all the latest stockings and become the goddess published in Jiujianxian Daily. ('ω')"

Various thoughts flashed through Xiao Wu's mind. In her opinion, the most important thing was that she could appear in the newspaper. She could see herself in the newspaper every day... just thinking about it made her so happy.

"I want to be the spokesperson." Xiao Wu clenched her fists and her momentum exploded, shocking the passers-by around her.

"Do you want to come together?" Xiao Wu didn't pay attention to the looks of passers-by at all, and looked at Zhu Qing and the others expectantly with her big eyes.

Zhuqing was a little confused. She originally wanted to change the topic, but she didn't expect that Xiao Wu actually wanted to be the spokesperson.

"Xiao Wu, let me forget it. If my father finds out, I will probably break my legs." Rongrong shook his head, reluctantly refusing.

"My situation is special." Zhuqing also refused. If the Star Luo Empire knew about it, it would probably be another troublesome matter.

"I actually want to, but I can't do it now. But we can go with Xiao Wu." Cheng Rou said with a slight smile.

"That's great. If you don't want to, then there will be less resistance for me to become a spokesperson." Xiao Wu ignored her image, trembling with flowers and laughing. Her young face was filled with happiness and luck. After all, she was only recruiting one person. .

Zhuqing: ...

Rongrong:? ?

Cheng Rou:. . . .


When the four of them arrived at the registration office, they were shocked by the long queue of hundreds of young and beautiful girls.

"Xiao Wu, the pressure seems to be a bit high." Rongrong's face was solemn. These girls all have long legs and curvy figures.

"I feel it too, but the breasts are just a little bigger than mine, but Xiaotu Zhi will never admit defeat." Xiao Wu raised her fists, but she looked excited.

"Would you like to have a relationship? The twin sisters work here, so you have more control." Cheng Rou reminded softly.

"Xiao Wu never goes through the back door. Xiao Wu can do it on her own. Sisters, wait for my good news."

After saying that, Xiao Wu walked smartly and followed a group of 19 other beautiful girls into the recruitment room...

The interviewer in the recruitment room was none other than Su Chen. He watched with interest as groups of beautiful girls danced with youthful steps and swayed their waists, feeling a little happy.

But the girls couldn't see Su Chen. They only knew that there was someone behind the strange crystal wall, selecting reviews for them.

The rules of the election are also very simple. Each group of 20 people selects a winner, and then these winners compete to select the final winner.

Another group walked out of the changing room and came to the interview room, and Xiao Wu was in this group.

Su Chen was very interested, but he didn't expect Xiao Wu to come as well.

Xiao Wu wore a white tights and a black fluffy pleated skirt. The most important thing was of course the rose black stockings on Xiao Wu's legs, which were indescribably exquisite.

Undoubtedly, Xiao Wu is the youngest among the 20 people, and also the most outstanding one who cannot be ignored.

Xiao Wu did not get to know each other and chat with the people around her. She lowered her head and played with her ten slender fingers, as if she had some treasure in her hands, constantly playing with and exploring them.

"Miss, that girl is so stupid. She must have never seen such a scene before and was frightened." Someone said.When the girl who was called Miss looked at Xiao Wu, her eyes showed hidden jealousy, and she even felt more and more sour in her heart, but she still said disdainfully, "It's just a little girl, just another one to make up for the loss."

"With the relationship between twin sisters, the lady will definitely win. They are the lady's friends."

Facing a strange environment and competing with a group of girls for beauty, Xiao Wu seemed a little unable to let go and did not show her usual activity.

But who can guess what Xiao Wu is thinking in her heart.

"Please write down your love and opinions about stockings within 3 minutes." The twin sisters walked out and handed pens and papers to the hands of twenty girls in turn.

Xiao Wu frowned and quickly wrote rabbit paper calligraphy on the paper.

Three minutes later, the girls confidently handed the papers filled with answers to the twin sisters.

"It's no longer possible. Miss Zhang and the twin sisters were chatting and laughing, so they probably made an appointment." An 18-year-old girl next to Xiao Wu said with a look of regret.

The twin sisters, with peach blossoms on their faces and a slight smile on their lips, came to an empty room with the answer, put it on the table, and turned around to leave.

"Sister, who is the big shot here for the interview? We don't even have a chance to meet him." The twin sister was very confused.

Even the always enthusiastic store manager had no chance to meet this big shot who came down from the top. He was extremely mysterious.

"This is not something we should pay attention to. We should do our part." The twin sisters reminded that now that they have joined the Jiujianxian sect, they have realized that the terribleness of the Jiujianxian sect is far from what it seems on the surface. .

"I know, sister, I didn't expect that the silk stockings industry would be so valued by the higher-ups." The twin sisters also knew that the important figures were either the four rumored elders of the Jiujianxian sect or the two great protectors. There was no way they could be the ethereal Jiujianxian. Myself.

The important people have time to personally select the interviewees, which is enough to show the importance they attach to the stockings industry.

Su Chen read the answers submitted by the girls one by one, which was very interesting.

"Wearing stockings can better seduce men, like you, the interviewer..."

"Stockings are my life, I want to seize the interviewer's future privately..."

"The stockings have good texture and can give people an invisible sense of charm when worn..."

Looking at the many different ideas, Su Chen couldn't help but shake his head. Is this the interviewer's power?
The girls started the second round of exams and showed the true charm of stockings in the interview room.

Some girls were walking in sexy steps, some were dancing gracefully, and some were posing seductively in front of the glass.

Su Chen admired them while reading. Although these girls did not amaze him, they were more than enough to pass the time.

Soon, only Xiao Wu's answer was left on the table:
From the first time I saw stockings, I fell deeply in love with them.Comfortable wearing texture and perfect fit to the leg shape, these are its most superficial functions.

Because the person I like also likes stockings, I want to wear all styles of stockings so that the person I like can see...

Su Chen smiled slightly and knew who to choose without even looking.

"The winner, Su Xiaowu."

After the twin sisters announced the results, the girls had different expressions. After all, who would have thought that the washboard who had been silent could win?
And Miss Zhang was even less calm.

Miss Zhang and her maid rushed up to Xiao Wu, raised her palms, and wanted to cause violence, "You bitch..."

Before Miss Zhang could finish speaking, Xiao Wu quickly subdued her. He grabbed her soft body with one hand and pinned her to the ground unable to move with the other hand.

"Why are you so cheap?" Xiao Wu looked at Miss Zhang in confusion. The water content of this picture was too high. It must have been made of cotton. The texture of Zhuqing was not like this.


Fanfiction, self-created plot, don't read if you don't like it.

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(End of this chapter)

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