Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 175 Xiao Wu: I want to beat their father

Chapter 175 Xiao Wu: I want to beat their father

"Feifeihua, your kinky skills are really extraordinary." Bu Le sat on the chair enjoying himself, with only those few words in his mind.
Sure enough, fat is the best.

"Master Bu Le, your skills are not bad at all." Feifeihua didn't seem to care about Bu Le's ugliness and responded enthusiastically.

"Haha, I paid the money, but it's a pity that the little girl ran away." Bu Le stopped his movements, feeling a little regretful.

"Keke, Bu Le Ye Tang Hun Sect, are you still afraid that you won't have a girl?" Feifei Hua gave me a look that I understood.

"Haha, indeed, I have to leave." Bu Le stood up holding the wall. At this point in the evening, it was time to pick flowers with the other two partners.

Bu Le walked out of the bungalow, swayed on the street in his slippers, and hummed a little song again, "Master, I'm in a good mood today, let's go out for a walk..."

And in a dark corner, there were several boys, "Boss Dai, that's him."

Ma Hongjun clenched his fists tightly and crackled.

"Follow me and take action directly where there are few people." Dai Yubai's eyes were gloomy, looking at him as if he were looking at a dead person.

The four of them followed Bu Le closely, and there were fewer and fewer people on the road. The four finally stopped concealing their purpose, and after approaching Bu Le's optimal distance, they directly launched a long-planned attack on Bu Le.

Bu Le also noticed the hostility directed towards him from behind.

"Blue and silver coiled."

"The White Tiger Vajra Transforms, the White Tiger Splits Light Waves."

As the main force, Tang San, Dai Yubai and others went straight up from behind, hoping to strike first.

The injured Ma Hongjun was responsible for the fire harassment attack, while Oscar was responsible for supplies.

It seems that the division of labor is very clear.

"Hey, even a mere soul master dares to challenge Master Bu Le. Isn't this the fat man today?" Facing the siege of three people, Bu Le did not panic. He jumped back and kept teasing.

It wasn't until the attack came that Bu Le shouted: "Tian Luo Double Shield."

Oscar's eyes widened and he looked at the unhappy Wuhun in surprise. As expected, it was like what Ma Hongjun said, the Wuhun was two pink semicircular covers that were put on the head as soon as they were summoned. It looked as wretched as possible.

Facing the coming attack, Zhi Jian Bu Le used the cover to enlarge it, and was protected by the cover front and back.

The three people's compact attacks were easily resisted by Bu Le, and Tang San was secretly shocked:
This martial soul is so extraordinary, and the two shields easily blocked the soul skills of three people, how could it remain unknown?It should be recorded in the teacher's "LSP" theory.

After blocking the first wave of attacks from the three men, Bu Le's wretched face smiled sinisterly, commanding Tian Luo's double shield to directly attack Tang San, hoping for a meat bun.

"Mistress, be careful, it's that one," Ma Hongjun shouted. He still remembered this soul skill.

Facing the strange attack, Tang San's Purple Demon Eyes had already been activated. While controlling the Blue Silver Grass to block the Tianluo Double Shield, he used the Ghost Shadow Tracing Step to retreat hurriedly.

Just as Tang San guessed, the Blue Silver Grass didn't resist for long before it was broken through.

Dai Yubai also got close again, attacking directly. He launched a series of punches and kicks, side kicks, front kicks, inside kicks, step-ins, strikes, and even his most powerful waist skills, but nothing happened. It was resolved by Bu Le's legs holding up slippers.

Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Fire was easily dodged by the experienced Bu Le.

"So strong?" Dai Yubai was shocked. It turned out that he was so far away from the Soul Sect.

Oscar, who was watching the battle from behind, also exclaimed, "The powerful soul sect is so terrifying!"

Tang San's expression also became serious. As expected, no soul master can be underestimated.

If you continue to consume like this, your own soul power will definitely be consumed faster than that of the Soul Sect.

With a thought in Tang San's mind, the Bluesilver Grass seeds that had been scattered long ago finally activated, growing out of the soles of Bu Lu's feet, restricting Bu Lu's movements.

Bu Le also didn't expect that this Blue Silver Grass was not only hard to defend against, but also had some good toughness.

"The Blue Silver Grass is still poisonous?" Bu Le felt something strange coming from the soles of his feet, and hurriedly used more soul power to protect the position of his feet, otherwise the poison would spread faster.

Tang San saw this opportunity and used Ghost Shadow Tracing Step to get closer to Bu Le.

Bu Le responded quickly, breaking away from the shackles of Blue Silver Grass, and used a double-hooded propeller to repel Dai Yubai who was firing the real fire.

"Cobweb Bound" Bu Le still fell for it. How could he have thought that Tang San's third soul ring was an instant soul skill.

Bu Le was unable to dodge and was bound by Tang San's third soul skill, Spider Web Binding.

After Tang San finished using his soul skill, his face looked a little weak, and it was obvious that he had consumed a lot of soul power.

Seeing that Bu Le was trapped, the four of them felt relieved and walked out towards Bu Le with devilish smiles.

Bu Le also became a little anxious. The spider web restraint was more resilient and even poisonous, so he couldn't break free quickly.

"Old Goose, Tianya." Bu Le shouted towards the black night, and immediately let the Tianluo double mask protect him.

"No, he has accomplices. Let's teach him a lesson and run away."

At this moment, Tang San, Dai Yu, White Horse, Hongjun and the others have very little soul power left, and the situation may be very bad after experiencing a battle.

Oscar hurriedly handed the prepared sausage to the three of them, and the three of them quickly attacked Bu Le while eating.

But how could I not have imagined that I would be perfectly protected by the double shields of Tianluo, and the three people's attacks hit the double shields without any pain or itching.

The faces of the three people immediately darkened.

"Bu Le, are you okay? We are here." At this time, a very magnetic and rich voice was a standard baritone. If you only listened to the voice, I am afraid it would have an irresistible attraction to women over 30 years old.

"I'm not happy. I have to go alone and eat alone. You know how hard it is." Another voice came, a hoarse drake call that was extremely extreme.

Tang San and the others looked towards the source of the sound, and there were two more middle-aged men. One of them had good looks and a tall figure, but his hair was unkempt and hung down to his shoulders. He had rosacea, small eyes, and looked like he had been drinking too much.

The other person was as wretched as if he was unhappy, with a slender figure, a crooked mouth, and swaying his shoulders very proudly.

But Tang San and the others frowned, probably because these two uncles were surrounded by four soul rings, and their aura was not inferior to Bu Le's at all. They were stronger soul sect masters than Bu Le!
Douluo's evil Shrek boy and Douluo's wretched Three Musketeers are about to collide...

At this time, Bu Le finally put away the protection of Tianluo's double mask and broke out from the shackles of the spider web. However, his face was not good, and he was obviously poisoned.

"Old Goose, Tianya, if you two are late, I won't be so relaxed." Bu Le cheered up, lightly raised his lips with his tongue, and became serious.

The four Zhuqing people who were hiding somewhere to observe the battle started eating melon seeds.

"It's so interesting to have everyone watching the whole situation. It feels like we are the big boss." Rongrong chewed the food with great enthusiasm.

"Yeah, it's much more interesting than doing it yourself. What do you think the Shrek boys should do next?" Xiao Wu also agreed and looked forward to the next development. The three Shrek boys and Bu Le will spend a lot of money. , it is difficult to deal with the other two Soul Sects.

"It's probably going to be miserable. They're more ruthless than us. I feel like we're still too kind." Cheng Rou thought about it and said.

"But, sometimes, I really can't be cruel, for fear of killing someone." Rongrong's expression was innocent, but she had never been more aggressive than others.

Zhuqing's beautiful eyes flashed, and she felt that Rongrong and the others should try the Shark Man in order to go further in the soul master world.

"After they finish fighting, what should we do? Let's teach Tang Gouzi a lesson." Rongrong Kazilan looked at Xiao Wu with big eyes.

"Tang Gouzi? Tang Gouzi did a good job, Rongrong." Xiao Wu's eyes brightened slightly.

"That's right." Rongrong smiled contentedly.

"Let's talk after they finish fighting. There will be many opportunities to teach Tang Gouzi and others a lesson." Cheng Rou said with a slight smile.

"Yes, and I want to teach their father a lesson." Xiao Wu said for no reason, especially thinking of Tang Ritian.

"Ah, you are still cruel."

"Hey, I'll just talk."



Fanfiction, self-created plot, don’t disturb if you don’t like it.

(End of this chapter)

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