Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 176: Four Shrek Men and Three Dirty Swordsmen

Chapter 176 The Four Shrek Men and the Dirty Three Musketeers

"You guys, do you think you are the only ones who have brothers? Jie Jie Jie." Bu Le looked at the four Shrek boys with an evil look on his face, expressing his villain image vividly.

Then he used the same hand he had just used to lick his toenails to lick his booger, and flicked it towards the four Shrek boys.

"If you want to leave safely, then kneel down, hand over your money, and call Sheng Le Ye." Bu Le seemed not to be affected by the poison of Blue Silver Grass, but instead looked at the four Shrek boys more excitedly.

Faced with such an excessive request, Tang San and the others would naturally not agree.

What's more, several people already have Oscar's flying mushroom sausage in their hands, which has unexpected effects, and they no longer have any worries.

"Dream, today I, Oscar, will not call you Le Ye even if I die." Oscar's eyes widened, he was quite a tough guy, and his eyes were full of arrogance.

"Haha, Xiao Ao is good, Bu Le, bully my brother, our problems are not over." Dai Yubai stared at Bu Le sternly, his cold eyes flashed, with a look of displeasure on his face.

"Hey, golden retriever boy, didn't you know that the hair on your lower body is also the same color? I want to flick it, too." Bu Le raised his middle finger and flicked it into the air.

"you wanna die."

Being humiliated and ridiculed by a man in this way, Dai Yubai was naturally angry. He was about to rush out and fight Bu Le for hundreds of rounds, but was immediately stopped by Tang San, "Boss Dai, no."

Dai Yubai reacted immediately when Tang San stopped him like this.

The soul power has been consumed too much. If I take action now, I will be beaten instead.

"Yes, Boss Dai, sooner or later we will surpass them. A gentleman's revenge is never too late in ten years." Ma Hongjun was worried. The situation was not good now. If he was caught by Bu Le again, Ma Xiaoruan, who bullied him, would never be forgotten in his life. Yes.

"Wangwang." At this time, Tang San barked twice like a dog.

The three Oscars immediately understood that this was the signal to withdraw.

"Hey, where is the barking of the dog coming from?" Bu Le looked around in confusion.

"Idiot, it's that ugly guy who shouted, they're going to run away." Old Goose pointed at Tang San and reminded Bu Ledao.

Bu Le looked at Tang San and found that Tang San and the others had already devoured a sausage.

"Want to run away? Dreaming. Tianya, old goose, let's go."

Bu Huan, who originally wanted to play tricks on a few boys, found something was wrong. The four Shrek people actually had a back-up move, and it was also a rare flying auxiliary soul skill.

"886, I will definitely let you try the roast chicken next time." Ma Hongjun, who had already eaten the flying mushroom sausage and took off, raised his middle finger to Bu Le below.

"Just Soul Lord, do you think you can run away like this? Tianya Old Goose, help me cover." Bu Le said hurriedly.

"it is good."

"Stop playing, retreat quickly, they may have back-up moves." Tang San urged his teammates, taking out the Zhuge Divine Crossbow and pointing it at Bu Le, confidently launching it.

With a distance of less than 20 meters, Tang San was confident that the Soul Sect would also have to drink a pot.

Facing Tang San's strange attack, Ekao felt a chill in his heart. Standing in front of Bu Le, he had completed the possession of his martial spirit, with countless white feathers sprouting from his arms.

I saw Ekao flapping his arms vigorously, and countless white feathers emerged like sharp blades, turning into tornadoes and colliding with the Zhuge Divine Crossbow.

The result was also obvious. Ekao's fourth soul skill was victorious, and he still had enough energy left to hit Tang San.

Tang San's expression darkened, he weaved a blue-silver barrier, and he quickly retreated in the air to avoid it.

The barrier woven by bluesilver grass didn't last long before it was penetrated by countless feathers, but Tang San also managed to avoid it with many narrow escapes.

Dai Yubai and the others also knew the terror of the powerful Soul Sect. Facing the pursuit of the powerful Soul Sect, the three of them could not fly at full speed without avoiding the attack of the Soul Sect.

Flying too high consumes more energy and cannot fly far. It will be even worse if it is shot down by a strong soul sect.

Flying low and having to avoid the Soul Sect's attacks, sooner or later one of the four will be caught.

In addition to having one more soul ring and stronger physical fitness than Hun Zong, Hun Zong has further developed his own martial soul.

Dai Yubai Ma Hongjun also noticed the difficulty of the Soul Sect, so he had to use his remaining soul power to retreat while releasing the White Tiger Splitting Light Wave and Phoenix Fire Line.

But they were still a bit unlucky. Tianya turned out to be an experienced agility-based soul master. He was faster than Goose Kao's fourth soul skill. He easily dodged Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai's attack, and the short knife in his hand turned into a A green afterimage struck the necks of Ma Hongjun, Dai Yubai and Oscar in mid-air.

Under the moonlight, the green afterimage looked like a life-threatening talisman in the eyes of the three Oscars.But after all, Tianya was too greedy. He regarded Dai Yubai and the others as ordinary soul masters, and wanted to kill them in one attack.

It was not an attack that could kill one person, but it also gave Dai Yubai and the others room to dodge.

The short blade slid across Ma Hongjun's arms, splashing layers of blood.

It was stabbed from Dai Yubai's right arm again. When it was Oscar's turn, Oscar narrowly avoided it.

But Oscar was also very frightened. Just now, the handsome pretty boy he was most proud of was almost disfigured by a broken blade...

"Ah." Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai shouted angrily at the same time.

Oscar knew that the injuries had been borne by Fatty and Boss Dai, so he could be thankful that he was not injured.

"Boss Dai, fat man, eat the sausage quickly." Oscar became extremely calm.

"Oh, that's not bad, you didn't run away." Tianya looked at Oscar with a wicked look, which made Oscar feel cold.

At this time, Tang San also joined the three of them.

"Boss Dai, are you okay? Let's go quickly, I can't stop you anymore." Tang San said with concern, but in fact he had already cursed Dai Yubai and the others hundreds of times in his heart.

Dai Yubai said fiercely: "Aren't you willing to throw away your poisonous gas pills?"

"Throw it away right away. I didn't expect them to be so difficult to deal with." Tang San apologized. He really didn't expect the Soul Sect to be so powerful.

As for the Eight-Spear Spider with External Soul Bone, Tang San didn't dare to use it as a show-off card. According to the teacher, the value of externally attached soul bone was much higher than ordinary soul bones.

If there is no guarantee that these people can be killed, using externally attached soul bones will be even more dangerous in the future.

Even if a sect like the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect had money, they couldn't buy the temptation of an attached soul bone.

Tang San couldn't guarantee that these people would not be able to recognize the externally possessed soul bones.

Tang San threw three poisonous gas pellets in succession, but before they hit the ground, they were pierced by the vigilant Tianya's broken blade in mid-air, and the poisonous gas was released in advance.

The four boys were closest to the poison gas pills and took a few puffs first, with rainbows spraying out of their mouths.

"Let's go before the poisonous gas spreads." Tang San raised his voice and was about to retreat with Oscar and the others.

"You want to leave, but you don't have my permission." At this time, Bu Le, who had been silent for a while, finally made some movement, and saw the fourth soul ring on his body light up.

"The fourth soul skill - dynamic light wave."

But Bu Le seemed to be much weaker after using this soul skill.

Pink light waves shot out from the pink Tianluo double mask, passing through the poison that had not yet spread, and directly hit Ma Hongjun and the four of them.

"What, is it a spiritual locking soul skill?" Tang San and others were shocked.

The four people who were hit also experienced obvious changes. Ma Hongjun had a pink Tianluo double mask on his chest. His chest was tightly strangled, but it buckled into a shape.

If Dai Yubai could see it, he would probably have a special feeling in his heart.

However, Dai Yubai and Oscar had their faces covered with Tianluo double masks, which looked just like Bu Le and looked indescribably vulgar.

Tang San seemed to be special. He was only strangled by the double shield of Tianluo from the bottom up, feeling a faint pain...

The dynamic light waves slowed down the movements of the four boys. They found that their bodies seemed to be imprisoned by the double shields of Tianluo, and every move consumed more energy than normal.

Just as Bu Le and the other three were about to catch the four boys who were moving slowly, the poisonous gas finally spread.

Even the wretched Three Musketeers couldn't stand the poisonous gas after taking a sip, so they could only avoid the sharp edge temporarily.



Fanfiction, self-created plot, don’t disturb if you don’t like it.

(End of this chapter)

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