Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 177 Shrek Boy and the Dirty Three Swordsmen

Chapter 177 Shrek Boy and the Dirty Three Musketeers ([-])
Xiao Wu and the other two witnessed the whole process in secret.

"Why is that Wuhun named Bule so disgusting? Isn't it, isn't it the new generation of underwear launched by the Jiujianxian Sect? We are using it recently." Rongrong was speechless. This world is so unbelievable, why is it even like this? They all have martial arts spirits.

"Yes, soul skills are as disgusting as martial arts. I miss him so much." Xiao Wu was unhappy, feeling that his brother's property had been insulted.

"I have the same idea." Zhuqing Chengrou also said in unison, with disgust in his eyes.

"But the four Shrek boys are a bit miserable. They haven't broken out of the poisonous fog yet." Rongrong's voice was smooth and he was laughing endlessly.

"Yes, I probably fainted inside, but I want to capture the scene of them just putting on the masks. It would be great if I had the kind of charting method from Jiujianxian Daily." Xiao Wu shook his head, feeling regretful that he had missed it. One hundred thousand gold coins.

"Do your own fault, don't live."


In the poisonous mist, the four Shrek boys were miserable. They originally thought that after throwing the poisonous gas pills, they could use the power of the poisonous mist to stop Bu Le and the three of them, and they could take advantage of this to flap their wings and run away.

But who would have thought that such a terrifying soul control skill would not only increase their physical strength, but also limit their movement speed, making them unable to fly out of the poison range.

Although the four boys had already put on the masks they had prepared in advance, they were of no use.

The role of masks is only to protect them when poisons are on the edge. Now that they are surrounded by poisons, like stones sinking into the sea, masks cannot stop a few people from smelling poisons.

What's more, poison can also enter the body through the ears and eyes of several people. The poison gas pills prepared by Tang San are not only smelly, but also have traces of paralyzing toxins.

In addition, everyone now has to expend more energy to flush out the poison, resulting in a significant reduction in breath holding time.

Finally, the first person who couldn't hold his breath appeared, it was Oscar, "No, I can't hold it anymore. It shouldn't matter if I take a few puffs."

The second one was Ma Hongjun: "I can't hold it in anymore."

Next came Tang San and Dai Yubai, who was already blushing.

But they regretted it after taking two puffs of the poisonous mist

Oscar covered his nose, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes: "It smells so bad, I can't stand it anymore."

"What should I do? After taking a breath, I can't lift it off at all. The poisonous gas will automatically go into my nose." Ma Hongjun also panicked and looked at Boss Dai.

Dai Yubai felt equally uncomfortable at the moment, his mouth was full of dinner gushing out of his stomach, almost spitting out.

"Tang San, your poisonous gas pills are useless against the enemy. Use them against your own people." Dai Yubai finally couldn't help it and sprayed out a rainbow.

Tang San's face darkened, but he didn't know how to refute.He also felt uncomfortable. The purple demon pupil was now a red demon pupil.

"Persevere, we will definitely be able to flush out the poison." Dai Yubai could only encourage Ma Hongjun sadly and give him a sense of comfort.

"But Boss Dai, it's almost a minute and we have only flown 1 meters."

Oscar's face darkened again, one can imagine the power of the poison.

He no longer had the soul power to make flying sausages, and everyone had swallowed the made flying sausages a minute ago.

"Tang San, you made this, there's nothing you can do about it." Dai Yubai looked at Tang San again.

Tang San shook his head, even he himself was fainting from the stench. The biggest harm this poisonous gas did to them was not the paralysis poison, but the most normal stench, but this stench was like...

"Now we can only bet on whether this soul control skill will fail first, or whether we won't be able to hold on first." Tang San said firmly, as long as we can hold on, we can win.

"Then bet."

The wings disappeared behind Dai Yubai and others, and Oscar's flying sausage failed! !
The four of them moved forward slowly in the poisonous mist, but as they moved, the poisonous mist also spread.

Time flickers.

5 minute later.

"Bet nm." After Ma Hongjun swore, green foam came out of his mouth and he staggered.

"Bet nm." Oscar also cursed, with a green face and green eyes.

"Bet nm." Dai Yubai did the same, and his yellow hair had turned green. "Bet nmm." Tang San, an ordinary boy, couldn't help but curse. Having had enough, the purple demon pupil had turned into a green demon pupil.

The four of them placed one hand on the shoulder of the person in front and formed a circle.

"We are brothers, no one can run away, 123..."

The four of them leaned on the shoulders of the person in front, fell to the ground, and fainted...

They lost the bet, and five minutes passed. Because there was no wind, the poisonous fog could not dissipate for a long time.

"Bu Le, how long is the control time of your fourth soul ring?" Tianya said suddenly.

"You guys, it should take 10 minutes." Bu Le looked at the poison and said indifferently.

"Haha, I'll kidnap a girl later. You can help me control her with this soul skill. It feels so good." Tianya said obscenely. The previous scene of four boys being tied up by Bu Le made him discover the new world.

Bu Le's eyes lit up, "You still know how to play, but it only consumes my soul power."

After another ten minutes, the poisonous mist dissipated, and Bu Le and the other three finally saw the four Shrek boys.

They fell together, their whole bodies glowing green, with green skin, green faces like miniature Hulks, green hair, green foam coming out of their mouths, and green foam flowing onto their bodies...

"Let me go, why is this poisonous mist so scary? What have they been through?" Bu Le looked at the hopeless expressions on the four people's faces and couldn't help but laugh.

"You will not be able to live if you do something wrong to yourself." Ekao said wretchedly.

The wretched Three Musketeers had no sympathy for these four boys. They took out a rope, entangled Tang San and the four of them together, and dragged them towards a shabby gathering place.


"Not happy, let's pee and wake them up." Seeing that several boys were still awake, Ekao couldn't wait any longer and said impatiently.

"I'll go, why should I be the one?" Bu Le was unhappy.

"To vent your anger, of course it's you." Tianya said wretchedly, "What's the point of torturing a comatose person?"

"Ha, of course there are three of us together, I'm not enough on my own." Bu Le smiled evilly as he watched the other two people step down.

Ekao Tianya obviously understood what Bu Le meant.

"It's a competition, who is afraid of whom?" Ekao agreed, looking at Bu Le Qiao with a lewd look.

"I've never been afraid of this since I was little." Tianya took the lead in unbuttoning his belt, ready to show off his skills.

The three wretched Musketeers are already middle-aged, but they still have childlike innocence and play games played by children.


Three water jets fell from the sky, swaying, hitting the four Shrek boys without any bias, washing their green faces, green eyes, and green appearance.

After a minute and a half, it stopped raining in places.

The three wretched Musketeers let out a long sigh of relief, "Comfortable."

The operation of the three wretched Musketeers was actually effective, flushing away the stench that existed in the nose, nose and stomach of the four Shrek boys that were covered by the poisonous mist!
After some refreshing nourishment, the green color on the faces of the four Shrek boys finally began to fade and they slowly opened their eyes.

The first reaction of the four boys when they opened their eyes was to swallow their throats.

Because too much poisonous mist poured into their bodies, their bodies consumed too much water. At this moment, they were extremely thirsty and their throats were very dry.

"Water, I want to drink water."

"I'm so thirsty and uncomfortable."


Fanfiction, self-created plot, please do not compare.

(End of this chapter)

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