Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 178: Unhappy: Ma Hongjun didn’t resist.

Chapter 178: Unhappy: Ma Hongjun didn’t resist.

(The end of the previous chapter has been changed,)

"Hey, wake up." Bu Le looked at Tang San and the others with disdain in his eyes and a smile on his lips.

Dai Yubai's confused face quickly returned to coldness. After some struggle, he understood his situation, "I advise you to let me go quickly. You can't afford to offend me."

"Hahaha, who do you think you are?" Bu Le laughed loudly and kicked his flip-flop feet four times in a row. There was a flip-flop mark on the faces of Tang San and others.

"You." Dai Yubai was angry and his whole body was weak. He still couldn't fully control his body, so he had no ability to resist.

"You? What are you?" Tianya shone with a cold and gloomy light, and his whiskers trembled with the trembling voice when he spoke, "You think we are scared? You can't afford to offend? Who in Soto City can be offended? Sorry, we don’t know yet?”

Ekao also stared at the four Shrek boys with disdain. They didn't even have school uniforms. Aren't they from Pheasant School?

"Even if we can't afford to offend you, we still want to fuck you." Ekao took a step forward, roared, and sprayed out the liquid from his mouth, making the four Shrek boys look furious.

Tianya also cooperated with Ekao, taking out the short blade and licking it on his lips.

The three of them are indeed not afraid of soul masters who are weaker than themselves. Even if the soul masters are stronger than the three of them, they are confident enough to fight.

If they really offend some force, for them, who have no father, no mother, and no home, the worst they can do is just slap their butts and leave. The Douluo is so big that there is room for their soul masters anywhere.

Dai Yubai was also frightened by the behavior of the three wretched Musketeers. He did not dare to speak and recovered silently.

There are indeed soul masters who lick blood from the tip of the knife and are fearless. Dai Yubai knew that he had hit a dead end.

Dai Yubai is cowardly, otherwise he would not leave his fiancée and come to Shrek Academy. At the same time, he is even more afraid of death.The cold and powerful appearance is the disguise he uses to cover up his timidity and cowardice.

Tang San had been thinking of ways to break free from the rope for a long time, but to no avail.

Tang San never would have thought that the three wretched Musketeers were so particular about their binding techniques.

Tie his feet to his hips, clasp his palms tightly, and twist his arms together to tie them to his chin.

Use a rope that goes under the span to increase the tightness.

Tang San was speechless, this guy was better at binding people than himself.

The current physical strength is simply not enough to support Tang San to open the rope.

How could the three wretched Musketeers gain fame in vain? They have long studied the binding method thoroughly and used it to do all kinds of bad things.

"I'm not a bad person. If you want to teach me a lesson, of course I can teach you a lesson too." Bu Le began to reason instead, "Kneel down and call Master Le, and I will let you go."


One person started to resist, and the other three followed suit.

"Yes, it's impossible."

"Unless I die."

"Haha, that's right." Bu Le didn't get angry, but smiled. The smile was so sinister and cold that the four Shrek boys couldn't help but tremble with a chill.

"I like straight men the most."

"It's fun to tame those with tempers."

The three wretched Musketeers are not rookies who have just entered the world of soul masters. They have experienced great storms and waves, so they will naturally not show mercy.

The three of them picked up their feet and kicked Tang San and the others in the face.

"Fuck, don't slap me in the face." Oscar shouted in pain.

The three of them kicked dozens of times before stopping.

Haha, we not only want to slap in the face, but also fight.Bu Le laughed, very vulgar and vulgar.

The four Shrek boys who were kicked into pig heads cried out inwardly. This was the most serious insult they had ever received in their memory.

At the same time, they also understood that the four girls were actually pretty good. At least they showed mercy every time they were beaten, and most of the injuries they suffered were physical injuries.

The three wretched Musketeers were not only physically crueler than those girls, they even attacked them psychologically and spiritually.Bu Le held a dagger, squatted down, and came to Oscar: "Tell me where my dagger will hit."

Looking at Bu Le's lewd smile, Oscar couldn't help but tremble all over, showing a frightened expression begging for mercy.

Bu Le smiled, he had found the right fun, blew his breath on the dagger, and looked at Oscar sideways.

Feeling the frightened look in Oscar's eyes, he smiled sadly and stabbed the dagger hard between Oscar's legs.

"No, I haven't experienced what it's like to be a man."

Even though Oscar's body has not recovered much yet, the voice he shouted was the most powerful he had ever shouted, and he was hoarse.

"Then what are you going to do?" Bu Le looked at Oscar with interest.

Oscar felt relieved, and even because of this relief, he made a few drops of original iced black tea and slowly dyed the wet cloth.

It turns out that Bu Le didn't actually hit Oscar's vital part. The dagger was just between Oscar's legs, but it was very close to Oscar's vital part.

Even Oscar's crotch is open.

Feeling Bu Le's devilish smile as he slowly moved the dagger to the critical point, Oscar finally gave in, "Bu Le, Le Ye! Le Ye! Please let me go!"

Bu Le burst out laughing, feeling an inexplicable sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"It's so sweet. You were the first one to say that even if you die, you won't call him Le Ye." Bu Le kicked Oscar away. He had no interest in playing the clown anymore.

Oscar was kicked to the ground, unable to curl up, and buried his head hard into his chest. I don't know if Bu Lu kicked him too hard, or if Oscar himself didn't want to get up.

Then Bu Le came to Ma Hongjun.

Ma Hongjun was already frightened to death. He could clearly see the series of inhumane actions Bu Huo had committed against Oscar just now.

Ma Hongjun really wanted to shout a friendly "Le Ye" right away, but for the sake of face, he decided to hold on for a while.

Bu Le came to Ma Hongjun and smiled obscenely:
"You've been able to call a helper after you've played it a few times. Now, who can you call after I play it a few more times?"

"What, do it again!!" Ma Hongjun's whole body was shaking, and he fell into the fear of losing his dignity again.

Seeing Ma Hongjun's face turned into a grimace, he didn't want this effect. Seeing the right moment, he stabbed Ma Hongjun between his legs with the dagger.

Ma Hongjun's crotch was torn, his vital area was alert, and his whole body was trembling. He was just about to become a young eunuch Ma.

Seeing Ma Hongjun being so humiliated, Dai Yubai gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Master Bu Le, Master Bu Le, Master Le, please stop playing, my brother can't bear it." Ma Hongjun looked flattering and begged for mercy, fearing that Bu Le would ruin his good fortune again.

"Haha, that's not possible. Criminals don't have the right to impose conditions." Bu Le popped his nose, which made Ma Hongjun's face look comfortable.

"That, that, that... Bu Le, can you play it a little softer?" Ma Hongjun suddenly made a butterfly clip sound.

"Hahaha." The three wretched Musketeers couldn't help but laugh.

But Bu Le did not satisfy Ma Hongjun's request and flicked the dagger at Ma Hongjun's vital parts.

"no no no……"

Ma Hongjun felt the cold and unknown coming from his vital parts. His mind was at a loss and fear was growing wildly. However, Ma Hongjun's body was extremely honest and did not resist.

Because Ma Hongjun understands that even if his body moves even a little bit, big problems may occur in critical areas.

"Hey, little bastard, that's right. You didn't resist. Lord Bu Le is looking down on you today."

Bu Le joked that if Ma Hongjun's body dared to struggle and resist, Bu Le would use this as an excuse to cut off a section so that Ma Hongjun's vitals would be less harmed.


Fanfiction, self-created plot, don’t compare, don’t disturb if you don’t like it.

(End of this chapter)

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