Chapter 18 Zhuqing is reluctant to leave
"Awwww (╭)╭" the white charming spirit fox urged excitedly, hoping that the green-haired woman would get such an opportunity.

"I also want to chase him to see if he is willing to help our soul beast clan, but the auspicious beast still needs my care." Brigitte shook her head helplessly. The auspicious beast is her most important task now, and there must be no loss.

Meow ~


At this time, a blue silver grass with fine golden lines on the river bank emitted a dazzling aura.The blue light dissipated and turned into a girl wrapped in a blue and gold dress, exuding a noble and extraordinary temperament.

Her unique beauty is unlike any ordinary woman's, and her eyes are as blue as crystal and are flawless.

"Ah Yin, why are you awake?" the green-haired woman asked happily.

"Sister Brigitte, I heard the conversation you just had. I am willing to take care of and protect the unborn Lord Auspicious Beast. Sister, go find the boy." A Yin explained kindly, and she happened to hear the conversation between several people just now.

"But you" Biji was a little worried, after all, Ah Yin was in a special situation.


Sister, when I wanted to break through 10 years of cultivation, I felt vigilant in my heart. I realized that if I rashly broke through 10 years, there would be a catastrophe, so I gave my extra cultivation and some Blue Silver Emperor blood to the clan. An elder of the Blue Silver King.

And I came to see you, sister, and stayed here to silently feel the strong natural breath of life. Sister, you even gave me the vitality of heaven and earth that I should have absorbed, giving me the ability to transform. Thank you sister for taking me in. I It feels like the disaster is over and it’s time to wake up. "A Yin smiled slightly and said gently.

"That's great A Yin, I believe you can become one of us." Brigitte was also very happy to hear that A Yin survived the disaster.Although she has only known Ah Yin for a few decades, she can feel his kindness and extraordinaryness.

"Well, sister Biji, go chase that boy and see if he can help our soul beast." Ah Yin urged. Over the years, she also learned some shocking secrets about the soul beast from Biji.

"Okay, if we don't find that boy within 2 years, I will come back and leave Master Ruishu to you." Brigitte was not pretentious, and she trusted Ah Yin 100%.

"Yes." Ah Yin nodded and accepted the important task.

Brigitte did not hesitate, and quickly and elegantly dressed, her delicate body was perfectly outlined by the long skirt that wrapped her body.

Biji turned around and gave instructions to the Yueling civet cat, then flapped her dazzling green wings and lifted off the ground. A rich breath of life radiated from every feather, which was even more thrilling.
Ah Yin looked at Brigitte who was quickly moving away from the Star Forest, and could only silently say sorry in her heart...

"Ouch, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow" Yue Ling and Bai Meimei begged the master to vote
A few days later, in the Pope's Palace in Wuhun City, Bibi Dong sat on the majestic Pope's chair.

Her beautiful eyes calmly looked at the secret letter in her hand, but the letter was shattered into pieces again. It was obvious that beneath her calm appearance, her heart was not without fluctuations.

That boy actually took a girl to stay in the Star Forest for several days before coming out. Anything that can happen in these days can happen. Damn it (◣д◢), does this man regard this Pope as a joke...

The trip to the Star Forest was also a dreamy experience for Zhuqing.

Zhuqing obtained the terrifying purple second soul ring, and also obtained the treasured external soul bone that a soul master dreams of.

But more importantly, Zhuqing realized the freedom and strength that he had been looking forward to but never had, and... his heart became fiery.
Zhuqing looked happily at the boy next to him and said softly: "Thank you, Su Chen."

"Well, I'm leaving. You're on your own now." Su Chen looked at the sky and replied calmly.

An unreasonable feeling of discomfort emerged in Zhuqing's heart, hitting his heart directly.

"No, are you going to leave me?" Zhu Qing grabbed Su Chen's arm with both hands, as if afraid that he would disappear suddenly.

"The strong are always lonely. How can you become stronger if you follow me all the time." Su Chen did not respond to Zhu Qing's tenderness.

"Oh, but I still want to follow you." Zhuqing felt uncomfortable and used excuses to cover up his inner reluctance.

Su Chen raised his right hand and gently brought it close to Zhu Qing's face, which made Zhu Qing's heart soften.

"The skin is tender and the meat is delicious."

"If you eat me...will you not leave me?" Zhuqing said seriously with firm eyes.

"No, am I someone who picks up girls casually? Unless it's my wife, it's time for us to say goodbye." Su Chen turned around and answered seriously while drinking.

The beautiful Zhu Qing eyes reflected Su Chen's back, his hands were clenched into fists, and his nails seemed to be digging into his flesh. "Can you stay with me for seven days? Give me some preparations for leaving." Zhuqing said coldly, but there was tension in her eyes.

Su Chen turned around and looked at Zhu Qing, whose face turned cold. Her eyes were already moist, as if she would do something excessive if Su Chen didn't agree.

"Well, there are only 7 days." Su Chen smiled brightly like the sun.

"Yes, seven days." Zhuqing responded gently, and his cold face returned to an extremely pure smile.

The two of them didn't walk very fast, and there were always some unusual views on the remote trails.Zhuqing knew that what was before her was her innocent romance and the memories after parting. The girl's fiery heart drove her closer to Su Chen.

"Wait for me here while I go to the town to buy some things. Don't run away, okay?" Zhu Qing warned Su Chen seriously.

"Yeah." Su Chen came to a tree, closed his eyes, and lay down leisurely.

Seeing this scene, Zhuqing was relieved and turned around to head to the town not far away.


Looking at the bustling town with people coming and going, what Zhuqing thought of was the world between the two of them these days...

Zhuqing bought a lot of things in the town, including pots and pans, some kitchen utensils, and some vegetables and meat.

But what Zhuqing wanted to do more was something else.

When Zhuqing came to an uninhabited alley, a black cat's tail suddenly appeared behind him, and a black rune flashed. Zhuqing's figure disappeared, and there was a restaurant next to the alley.
Su Chen looked at the blue sky, and his eyes kept extending outward. He saw the Douluo God Realm, and there were actually people who were caught repairing sewers, and he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Su Chen, I'm back." Zhu Qing shouted happily when he saw Su Chen still on the tree.

"Yeah" Su Chen calmed down.


At night, Zhuqing took out the kitchen utensils she bought today and started cooking. As she lived in the wild, she became more and more confident in her craftsmanship.

It didn't take long for Zhuqing to come up with three dishes and one soup. Although it didn't have a fragrant aroma, it didn't seem like even dogs would eat it.

Zhuqing looked at the masterpiece with a happy expression and shouted happily: "Su Chen, come here quickly,"

Su Chen looked at Zhu Qing who was excited and happy, and didn't want to break the beauty, so he walked over.

"This bowl of rice is for you, you must eat it." Zhu Qingxiu said seriously with wide eyes.

"Oh." Su Chen began to eat slowly. Is this the first bowl of rice since he was 3 years old?Su Chen thought.

"Then, there will be no more?" Zhu Qing was dissatisfied, but still put a piece of meat into Su Chen's bowl.

"Keep up the good work and make more delicious food next time." Su Chenxiu thought about it and said with a smile.

"Well, I'll do my best." Zhuqing was extremely satisfied.

What the hell is this damn satisfaction^0^.

"Su Chen, eat more meat to grow taller. Look at you, you are older than me, but maybe not much heavier than me." Zhuqing said with some distress.

"Maybe you carry too much weight in front of you." Su Chen looked at it and said.

"Bad guy, do you like them so much that you talk about them and stare at them while eating?" Zhuqing stared at Su Chen seriously, trying to see the truth in Su Chen's eyes, but she was disappointed. Su Chen stared, but there was no greed in his eyes.

Zhuqing even felt a little disappointed...

(End of this chapter)

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