Chapter 19 The three beauties and warmth of Wuhun Palace

"Su Chen, you left, where can I find you?" Zhu Qing's beautiful eyes twinkled and she said expectantly.

"As long as you don't die, we can meet again." Su Chen acted inscrutable.

But these vague words felt like rejection in Zhuqing's ears.

"Oh, can't we meet again?" Zhuqing said sadly.

"Do what you want to do, I think we will meet again one day, one minute, one second."

"Really?" Zhuqing regained his energy, and the meat in the bowl became fragrant again.

Su Chen's existence was too abstract. Zhuqing knew that if Su Chen didn't want to meet again, it would be almost impossible to meet again after separation.

However, Su Chen's answer gave Zhuqing hope, and hope meant certainty.



"Su Chen, go wash the dishes." Zhu Qing said dissatisfied.

"I won't go." Su Chen refused.

"Go quickly, you have to wash the dishes after eating the food I cooked."

Zhuqing didn't flinch at all.

"Then I won't eat it next time." Su Chen replied nonchalantly.

"I hate you, Su Chen." Zhuqing complained, and she picked up the dishes and went to clean them herself.But soon, Zhuqing found that her hands were being held by another hand.

"wash together"



In the early morning of this day, Zhuqing fulfilled his obligations as usual, but the longer he followed Su Chen, the way he fulfilled his obligations was no longer a short kiss.

Zhuqing looked at the face that was getting deeper and deeper into her heart. She knew that she had fallen deeply and incredibly in love with this weird boy.

Zhuqing even wanted to seal it greedily again. She slowly approached the face again, but was stopped by a hand.

Zhuqing stamped her feet, punched Su Chen's chest with her pink fist, and looked at Su Chen complainingly.



Zhuqing desperately chased Su Chen ahead. Today Su Chen said he wanted to train her for the last time, and she naturally agreed happily.

Zhuqing faced the training with all her strength. All her soul and physical strength were exhausted. She leaned against the tree tiredly. She was looking forward to Su Chen returning to encourage her like before.

However, from noon to the afternoon, Su Chen still did not show up...

Hot tears flowed from the girl's starry eyes.

Didn't you promise not to leave? Didn't you promise to stay with me for seven days?
A missing minute does not count as seven days, let alone such a long period of missing time.

Su Chen, the big bad guy, I will never let you go next time we meet...

Zhuqing stood on the tree, with no sadness on his face.

She looked down at the forest with a cold face. She was like a woman who didn't know the world of fireworks, silently looking at the beautiful scenery of the forest.After a long time, she focused on a direction and moved forward quickly...


In the Zhu family of the Star Luo Empire, a girl with super lordosis and posterior curvature looked pained. Her sister Zhuqing was assassinated by her fiancé Davis without her knowledge.

She was so angry that she even now refuses to associate with Davis.Her sister is still her sister. She has always loved her sister, but due to the long-standing rules and regulations of the family, she has to show hostility to her sister, otherwise they will both be exploited by the family rules and leave only their bones...

Zhuqing returned to the Zhu family. Her return was not taken seriously. Many people even stayed away silently when they saw her. Zhuqing was not surprised by this.

Zhuqing walked back to her room silently. She wanted to find out where the coward Dai Yubai had fled, find the coward, and take action from him to see if she could dissolve the marriage early.

Because she wanted to have a perfect and innocent marriage with another person...Zhu Zhuyun also let go of his worries after seeing his sister returned safely...

(The Zhu sisters are asking all bosses for recommendation tickets of ¥-¥. Recommendation tickets are free)

In the Wuhun Palace, Bibi Dong looked at her precious apprentice Cheng Rou, her eyes full of love and care.

Bibi Dong gently picked up Cheng Rou. Hu Liena, who was already a saint next to her, felt envious. I also want the teacher's arms*-*.

"Rourou, you are the most talented person I have ever seen. In one year, you have been promoted to level 8. Even I am shocked. You are level 10 at the age of 38. Even she is not as exaggerated as you. "Bibi Dong looked at Cheng Rou and thought of her daughter Qian Renxue, who was also born at level 20, but her daughter was not as talented as Rou Rou.

"Teacher, I don't want to admit defeat. I have to work hard and become stronger in order to protect the teacher and the people I want to protect." Cheng Rou said firmly.

"But it's not a good thing that your soul power level rises too fast. Next, you should pay more attention to your basic and actual combat abilities, you know?" Bibi Dong said with concern.

"Teacher, I understand." Cheng Rou nodded obediently, naturally understanding the teacher's intention. She was of high rank, but was weak in other aspects and was still not a strong person.

"Sister, do you want to protect me, my sister, among the people you want to protect?" Hu Liena raised her chest in anticipation, but her fox eyes secretly looked at Rourou.

"Yeah, sister Nana." Cheng Rou said with a smile.

Hu Liena was very happy to get the answer she wanted, but the fox's tail was raised and wagging, but unfortunately it was not in the state of being possessed by a martial spirit.

"Xiaorou, let's compete later. I found that you are getting more and more powerful, and my control is becoming less and less effective on you." Hu Liena said seriously. In fact, she just wanted to bully this junior sister, who is too talented. Now, she felt that she would no longer be able to bully her junior sister soon.

"No, sister Nana, it's for both men and women, I can't stand it." Cheng Rou thought of some shy scene and refused.

"Okay, Rourou, it turns out you like me." Hu Liena had no intention of letting it go and teased her cute sister again.

"Why do you like Sister Nana?" Cheng Rou didn't flinch when Hu Liena said this.

"Then why don't you sleep with Sister Nana tonight? It's been a long time since I slept with Sister Nana. Sister Nana will teach you the charm skills again." Hu Liena said proudly.

"Okay, you two are getting bolder and bolder. You dare to talk about this in front of the teacher." Bibi Dong was helpless. Are these two disciples talking about love in front of her?

"Teacher, Nana is wrong. Nana doesn't dare anymore."

"Teacher, Rourou is also wrong. Rourou doesn't dare anymore."

The two women looked at Bibi Dong with aggrieved expressions of acknowledgment.

Bibi Dong looked at these two apprentices, who would definitely become the two most outstanding and beautiful women on Douluo Continent in the future, and felt a sense of satisfaction and pride in her heart.

But what the two women said next confirmed that Bibi Dong was in a bad mood...

"Teacher, Nana has been thinking about it for a long time. You are definitely not willing to marry Jiujian. As your disciple, and receiving the benefits of Jiujian, Nana wants to marry him on behalf of the teacher." Hu Liena's figure became smaller and smaller as she spoke. The more shy.

Both Bibi Dong and Cheng Rou were shocked by these words.

Cheng Rou looked at her senior sister thoughtfully.

Bibi Dong looked at Hu Liena as if she were meeting her disciple for the first time, and said, "Nana, do you like him?"

"Teacher, I...I don't know." Hu Liena lowered her head and didn't know how to answer such a straightforward question.

"Nana, regarding him and me, I already have a countermeasure. You don't need to sacrifice your own happiness. You are still young and will meet a more suitable person." Bibi Dong persuaded.

"But teacher, whenever I see someone wearing the same clothes as him, his figure will appear in my mind. Isn't the disciple very useless?" Hu Liena said and knelt down, looking at Bibi Dong pleadingly, as if Seek her forgiveness.

In Hu Liena's view, how could a teacher with such beauty and age be willing to marry a boy she had never met before?

However, what Bibi Dong said next surprised Hu Liena.

"Nana, if that boy is willing to let you take his place, the teacher doesn't mind," Bibi Dong said.

"Ah, teacher, have you planned to be his wife before?" Cheng Rou asked in surprise.

Hu Liena also stared in disbelief.

"Fool, my teacher's time has passed. It is even more impossible to marry someone else. I have no expectations for love and marriage.

But if this young man really has that kind of magical ability, and the teacher is willing to let him enter the Martial Soul Hall, it doesn't matter if I become his wife, it's just a status. "Bibi Dong didn't care at all and looked calm.

(End of this chapter)

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