Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 20 The Pope’s decision, Brigitte’s joy and sorrow

Chapter 20 The Pope’s decision, Brigitte’s joy and sorrow
"The teacher is the most beautiful, beautiful, gentle, and outstanding woman in the world. The teacher has always been in her youth."

"The disciple doesn't want the teacher to feel wronged. The disciple is willing to marry him instead of the teacher." Cheng Rou said softly and seriously.

"Yes, teacher, Nana is also willing. It's all because Nana doesn't have the determination to take advantage of him." Hu Liena regretted that no one could be worthy of a teacher like him.

"Rourou, why are you so stupid? You are young and will meet better and more suitable people. The teacher doesn't want you to think that." Bibi Dong's starry eyes blinked, as if her heart was touched.

"Nana, you are right, this is your chance." Bibi Dong looked at Hu Liena again and said gently.

"Teacher, I don't want to leave you, even when I grow up. If you marry him, I will marry you too." Cheng Rou said again.

Even though we are both girls, we cannot resist the charm of the teacher. It is such a blessing to be able to stay with the teacher.

"Yes, teacher, Nana too, never wants to be separated from the teacher." Hu Liena said immediately.

The two girls sang together, one holding the teacher's side.The picture is so warm that Bibi Dong can't bear to break this beauty.

"You two, alas, the teacher asked him to join the Wuhun Palace just to sacrifice his status that I don't care about. I came to bind him and let him help the Wuhun Palace." Bibi Dong said her true intention reluctantly.

The two women naturally knew that the teacher wanted someone to be a tool.

"Teacher, if I were a man and could marry a woman like the teacher, how happy I would be." Cheng Rou looked at the teacher with infinite admiration and tenderness in her eyes.

Bibi Dong looked at Cheng Rou and her thoughts returned to the past.
Obviously I only wanted to be with one person at that time, and I was even willing to give up everything for him, but in the end I had nothing and even made myself suffer.

Even though he knew that the man had left him, it became his only thought of surviving in the secret room.

Bibi Dong held back her hatred and pain, how could she show off her behavior in front of the two disciples.

"Fool, maybe." Bibi Dong put her mind away and responded gently.

But Cheng Rou felt the teacher's sadness and pain at that moment. She didn't know why the teacher had such emotions, so she could only hug the teacher tighter and more considerately.

"Teacher, Rourou will always be here." Cheng Rou said obediently.

"Teacher, Nana will always be here." Hu Liena said innocently.

Bibi Dong once again felt the two women's thoughtfulness, and her heart gradually became better.

Yes, everything is over, right?Qianxun Jiyu and Xiaogang are all in the past, and the past self is also dead.Now I bravely embrace my two disciples and support their bright future, which also makes me not so tired now...

(The three beauties of Wuhundian ask for your support. Can you give me a five-star review using xdm in your browser^$^).
At this moment, Su Chen didn't know what was happening in Wuhun Palace. He was lying on a tree.But above him there was a green-haired woman waving her wings.

The beautiful lady shows her maturity, her slender body is wrapped in aquatic green dress, and surrounded by the breath of life, she is as breathtaking as a goddess of nature.

Su Chen also had the idea of ​​​​hugging this girl with waving wings into his arms, holding her tightly, and then taking a deep breath.

The two looked at each other and looked at each other for a long time.

Su Chen stared at her green eyes, the more he looked at them, the more he liked them.

Brigitte looked at the ordinary decoration of the boy, but he had a face that was not accepted by the world. When their eyes met, she felt like she was being sucked into a sea of ​​stars, which seemed to be filled with countless stars.

"Am I good-looking?" Su Chen said with a smile, closing his eyes.

Brigitte also came back to her senses, her face flushed a little, she was really fascinated just now. "My name is Brigitte, and I'm here to see you." Brigitte thought for a moment, and then explained her purpose directly. She hadn't interacted with anyone for a long time.

"I am a soul beast in the Star Forest with more than 50 years of cultivation." After saying this, Brigitte observed that there was no look of shock or confusion on the young man's face.
"My two followers, Yueling Cat and Bai Meihu, have received your help. Thank you very much."

"Beauty, you're welcome. I feel free to do it." Su Chen said calmly, with a look of nonchalance on his face.

Just doing it randomly?But it changed their destiny.Brigitte did not expect this answer.

"Little brother. I" Biji started but was interrupted by Su Chen before she could finish her sentence.

"It's too small." Su Chen disliked this title.

"Ah, I'm just young." Brigitte wondered, "Sister, I've been hundreds of thousands of years old, so what's wrong with calling you little brother (_)."


"I would like to ask you if you can break the shackles of all soul beasts, including me, so that we will no longer be affected by the catastrophe." Brigitte looked forward to it.

"Okay." Su Chen answered directly while sulking his drink.

After Brigitte heard this answer, she was filled with joy beyond words. Before that, her expectations had always been very small, and she just had the idea of ​​giving it a try.
Biji felt that Ditian and the others should be awakened, and then asked to contact the Lord. This matter was too important for the revival of the soul beast clan.

"Then can you help our soul beast clan?" Brigitte begged, looking forward to it.

"Can you tell me about your soul beast clan?" Su Chen asked.

"Hmm, we soul beasts don't know when our cultivation has become extremely difficult. It seems that a long time ago, the co-master of the soul beasts, Lord Dragon God, led many soul beasts and warcraft to launch a war in the God Realm.

At that time, the soul beasts had their own system of becoming gods. They were powerful and were not afraid of those gods.

In the end, under the leadership of Lord Dragon God, they fought against the God Realm. The battle was unprecedented, but it ended in failure.

Although the God Realm also lost a lot and even heard that half of the gods died, our soul beast clan was a complete failure.As the loser, the God Realm has also brought divine punishment to our soul beasts. As a result, our soul beast cultivation has become extremely difficult. The path to becoming a god has been interrupted, and it is impossible to become a god at all.Even becoming a 10-year-old soul beast has become extremely difficult. It can survive two thunder tribulations in a row, and it is even rarer to become a ferocious beast, let alone the increasingly difficult great tribulations in the future. The soul masters of Douluo Continent want to use soul beasts to practice, which leads to absolute opposition to soul beasts, and puts the soul beast clan in danger."

After saying that, Brigitte's eyes became red, and she seemed to have thought of a lot...

Su Chen thought for a while and decided that he should comfort this down-and-out beauty at this time.

"Beauty, don't be too sad, it's just a matter of success and failure." Su Chen comforted her.

When Su Chen said this, Brigitte seemed to become even more sad. There was sadness in her stunning beauty, which made people pity her.

Brigitte put away her useless sorrow and said helplessly: "Maybe."

She looked up at the sky again and said unwillingly: "The winner is the king or the loser. We spirit beasts are like prisoners locked up in a prison waiting for destruction."

"Are you willing to help us? Our soul beasts have many precious and rare soul bones that can be given to you as a thank you." Brigitte said seducingly.

No one can resist the temptation of soul bones to humans. There have been many soul masters who massacred and exterminated those young soul beasts just to explode a soul bone, which led to the extinction of some soul beast races. Later, the call of Wuhun Palace appeared. This phenomenon has been reduced.

"If possible, I would prefer a stunning woman like you from the soul beast clan." Su Chen said seriously.

Brigitte was shocked, she loves beauty but not treasure!It turns out that she is lustful, but she doesn't look too big, and she looks very cheerful, since she is...
(End of this chapter)

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