Chapter 21 Tang Xiaosan’s Love Story
"If you can really change the soul beast clan and help us, I, Brigitte, am willing to serve you and be your woman." Brigitte said without any hesitation.

Su Chen looked at Brigitte's serious look. Are all the women in Soul Beast so clean and tidy?willing to sacrifice oneself
"Someday I want to help you, I will come." Su Chen looked at the sky, very indifferent, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Can't you do it now?" Brigitte was disappointed.

"I don't want to think about it now, you soul beasts shouldn't be short of this much time." Su Chen said again.

"Well, thank you." Brigitte thought about it and it seemed right. She didn't know how many tens of thousands of years she had been waiting for her master to wake up.

"You go, I want to sleep, I don't want my life to be disturbed." Su Chen said.

"How should I find you and how should I address you?" Brigitte was helpless and even ordered her beautiful sister to be kicked out.

"Su Chen, we'll see you again if we have the chance." Su Chen closed his eyes after saying this and did not disturb anyone.

Bi Ji saw that Su Chen had laid down to rest, and she did not disturb him.

Su Chen's indifference, not even a trace of curiosity about what she said, and not asking her any more about the secrets of the soul beast, made her suspect that Su Chen might also be a soul beast with a cultivation level of tens of thousands or even more than a million years.Through his special means, he was able to escape from divine punishment and not be monitored by the divine world.

Otherwise, how could such a young person have such knowledge and skills?

Bi Ji looked at Su Chen who had fallen asleep, thought for a moment, slowly and gently leaned down, leaned into Su Chen's ear and said, "I look forward to the day when I become your woman."

This seductive way makes Brigitte a little shy, and has even completely exceeded her bottom line, but it is said that men like this way of saying goodbye.
Brigitte's beautiful eyes blinked, she put away her delicate body, waved her wings, and left gracefully, leaving behind waves of warm fragrance...

Su Chen opened his eyes, looking thoughtful.

"Soul beast? What happened to Xiao Wu, the girl who gave me chicken legs for the first time? Did she pretend to fall in love with Tang San, or did she dance on the tip of a knife, teasing Tang San and Ritian..."

[Sister Feng Biji is asking for votes, and all readers, please save the soul beast clan TT]

Notting City.

In the Seventh House of Notting Junior Soul Master Academy.

The boy Tang San looked at Xiao Wu's old bed. It was empty, just like his heart. ╰( ̄﹏ ̄)╯

Tang San would sometimes sleep on Xiao Wu's bed, thinking about Xiao Wu's pretty and cute appearance, pressing the pillow, just like Xiao Wu sleeping next to him, and then secretly do some strange things.

Naturally, the people in the dormitory didn't want to say anything. After all, Qishe Tang San had the biggest fist now, and they couldn't afford to offend him.

Xiao Wu moved out and rented a house. With Xiao Wu's strong talent, the school naturally agreed to Xiao Wu's request. They were afraid that Xiao Wu would go to another academy if they disagreed, and then they would lose more than they gained.

Nowadays, there are many intermediate colleges who come to Notting College to recruit Xiao Wu. In order to make Xiao Wu feel that the school attaches great importance to her, they also subsidized part of Xiao Wu's rent.

After all, a girl is getting older and older, and it is really not good to live with a group of boys. If a boy with bad intentions does something outrageous, the school will also worry about being missed by Xiao Wu in the future.

Tang San also wanted to live outside with Xiao Wu, but Xiao Wu cruelly refused, which made Xiao Wu even more cautious, which made Tang San feel very disappointed.

Tang San found that he had fallen deeply in love with Xiao Wu. Sometimes he would hint some unclear love to Xiao Wu, and Xiao Wu would accept it, but sometimes he would show some love and care to Xiao Wu but reject it in a very cute and natural way. , making Tang San jump back and forth between happiness and sadness.

Tang San thought about it, Xiao Wu probably liked him, but he was still too young to accept this feeling.

After all, I am now 10 years old, and combined with my age in my previous life, my mental age is far beyond 30.

I can face up to my feelings and understand what I want, but Xiao Wu is still a girl who is only a few months older than 10 years old, so obviously there is no comparison.

"Wait, when Xiao Wu grows up, he will eventually accept himself." Tang San said secretly.

Tang San walked out of the academy with a bright future fantasy and headed to Xiao Wu's residence...

Xiao Wu had just finished practicing at this moment and was extremely happy with her current cultivation level.

That titled Douluo Ritian had already left Notting College due to her acting skills.Xiao Wu was worried before that the titled Douluo really didn't want to practice anymore. He regarded his mistress as a treasure and followed his son all the time.

Thinking about her experiences over the years, Xiao Wu is very satisfied with her acting skills~( ̄▽ ̄~)~.

Xiao Wu looked at the configuration of soul rings that appeared on her body, yellow and black.

If anyone saw this scene, they would definitely think that their eyes were dazzled or that the soul ring was stained.

Soul Sect, this kind of configuration is simply impossible.

But this is indeed her true strength, the soul sect who is less than 10 years old.

Xiao Wu has achieved her current achievements with the talent that Su Chen brought to her.

For this reason, Xiao Wu is now full of expectations for her future for some reason.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, Xiao Wuwu transformed her strength into a yellow-yellow second-ring soul master with average soul power. This concealment was all due to the bracelet given to her by Brother Su Chen.

Because of this, Tang Hao didn't notice anything unusual, and he left safely after observing Tang San and Xiao Wu's fun interactions and slapstick.

"But that Tang San is really like a piece of dog-skin plaster, you can't get rid of it.

He also regarded the overnight buns I brought him as a treasure and ate them carefully. He also said that the buns I gave him tasted the most delicious? ? ? "Xiao Wu thought of this funny scene.

Ever since she learned that Tang San had a titled Douluo father, Tang Ritian, she had also paid a lot of attention to Tang San. Xiao Wu found that Tang San liked to show off his strength in front of her and show off in a high-profile manner.

It's just a pity that if he were more handsome, maybe Sister Xiao Wu would have a crush on him.

Most soul beasts have no IQ at all before they have cultivated for 10 years, and they only rely on their primitive nature.

The IQ of a 10-year-old soul beast is only at the level of a human child, just like Xiao Wu and Er Ming were before.

After Xiao Wu's soul has been strengthened, her IQ is online, and her growth and learning ability has also been greatly improved.

Tang San came to Xiao Wu's rented place, knocked on the door and asked, "Xiao Wu, are you there?"

When Xiao Wu heard it, wasn't this the blacksmith boy Tang Xiaosan?I have classes in the morning, blacksmithing in the afternoon, and some massage in the master's room in the evening.

"What's he doing here again?" Xiao Wu was confused. She concealed her strength, adjusted her expression, and stood up to open the door.

"Xiaosanzi, what are you doing here?" Xiaowu looked at Tang Xiaosan and asked curiously.

"Xiao Wu, today is Valentine's Day, this is my gift to you." Tang San picked up a bouquet of roses and gave it to Xiao Wu.

He believed that Xiao Wu would be able to recognize what kind of flower it was and accept his beautiful love.

"Little Sanzi, I'm allergic to pollen."

"I'm sorry, you are a good person, give it to someone else." Xiao Wu said regretfully, not forgetting to cover her nose with her hand.

Tang San was shocked and quickly wrote down the important information about Xiao Wu's pollen allergyヾ(^.^*).

"Xiao Wu, I'm sorry, I didn't know." Tang San said apologetically, not forgetting to slap his forehead with his hand.

"It's okay, mistress. Thank you for your kindness. Don't you want to blacksmith today?" Xiao Wu asked curiously.

"Xiao Wu, I'm on vacation today, are you free?" Tang San changed his mind, seized the opportunity and said excitedly again.

(End of this chapter)

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