Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 185 Ma Hongjun: It turns out that the secret code for martial soul fusion is this!

Chapter 185 Ma Hongjun: It turns out that the secret code for martial soul fusion is this!

Rongrong entered the tent, but Xiao Wu was nowhere to be seen in the tent.

Rongrong's expression changed when he noticed the clothes Xiao Wu had changed into in the tent.

Could it be that Xiao Wu is riding two boats? !

Rongrong took a lot of steps and rushed towards Cheng Rou's tent.

However, there was still no one in Chengrou's tent, and finally his eyes were fixed on Zhuqing's tent.

Rongrong lowered his steps and sneaked closer to Zhuqing's tent, wanting to hear if there were any strange sounds in the tent.

But Rongrong's actions could not be hidden from the three people in the tent.

"Rongrong, since you're here, come in. The sisters have to get together." Xiao Wu said to Rongrong outside the tent.

"I, I, I, I don't want to come in. I'm just passing by to go to the toilet. You must be up to no good in there." Rongrong stammered, speaking incoherently.

It seems that because his guilty behavior was discovered, he wanted to bite back.

"Oh, it turns out that the eldest lady is peeing." Xiao Wu teased, with a little pleasure in her eyebrows.

Rongrong sounded a little angry and criticized the three people in the tent:
"You, you, you just peed, am I wrong? What good can three people do hiding in a tent at night?"

"What do you think we are doing?" Cheng Rou found it interesting and said softly to Rongrong outside the tent.

Rongrong's face turned red, and he unconsciously thought of the scene he had read in a book, "How do I know what good things you are doing?"


"Rongrong, do you want to come in? If you don't want to come in, go pee quickly." Xiao Wu couldn't help but joke, it turned out that the eldest lady Rongrong was the one with the most unruly thoughts.

Rongrong is good at everything, especially being rich, but sometimes he wants to save face.

"Humph, of course I want to come in, but I want to see what you are doing behind my back." Rongrong's face lit up and he smiled secretly, but his tone was very critical.

Rongrong pulled it away, put his head in, and carefully looked at the three people in the tent.

Although the tent was crowded, the three of them didn't do anything excessive, they just stayed close to each other.

Rongrong sniffed the air in the tent and found three different familiar scents, but there was nothing weird about them.

"You didn't do anything bad?"

Disappointment flashed across Rongrong's face.

Zhuqing:? ?

Cheng Rou:? ? ?
Xiao Wu:.
"Hey, I'm in then."

Rongrong ignored the weird looks on the three people's faces and entered the tent on his own and came to the seat next to Xiao Wu.

There is room for one person per tent.

Perfect use of space for two people, limited mobility for three people, four people together...

With Rongrong joining in, Zhuqing and the others had no choice but to stick to each other.

"It's fun, but a little hot." Feeling the softness of each other's bodies, Xiao Wu couldn't help but find it interesting.

"Yes, yes, I'm sweating." Rongrong raised his hand and kept fanning himself.

Xiao Wu: Stealing my lines?
"Where are you sweating?" Xiao Wu bumped into Rongrong and said with a malicious smile.

"What do you want me to do?" Rongrong rolled his eyes at Xiao Wu and bumped Xiao Wu with his arm.

In the tent, in the crowded space of four people, a small fight began.

"watch out"

"Don't think about it"



After playing for a long time, the tent was already filled with the girl's unique fragrance.

After getting tired, the four of them still leaned together and fell asleep with the most comfortable smiles of girls...


the other side.

After the four Shrek boys escaped from Soto City, they did not return to Shrek immediately.

They thought about life for a long time in the small pool, washing away the stench from their bodies until it dissipated.

But the shame of tonight cannot be washed away or forgotten.

In order to face the future and step out of the shadows, the four boys have made a vow.They want to kill the three wretched Musketeers with their own hands and understand the devil in their hearts.

The four boys returned to Shrek Academy in embarrassment in the dark with their broken bodies.

Even though he ate Oscar's sausage again, the injuries and bleeding could not be recovered so quickly, not to mention the shadow in the hearts of the four of them.

In Oscar and Tang San's room, they hid under the quilt and secretly rejoiced.

"Fortunately, Rongrong is not here." Oscar's face was filled with sadness, but for some reason he still cared about Ning Rongrong.

"Fortunately, Xiao Wu didn't see it, but if Xiao Wu was here, I would definitely be able to defeat the three wretched Musketeers..."

The two of them had their own concerns and struggled to maintain an optimistic attitude and fell asleep.

But in Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun's room, the two did not fall asleep. Their beds were opposite to each other, just like their faces.
against each other.

The two stared at each other's faces, each falling into memories.

From the little bits and pieces of acquaintance, to the brotherhood of playing together, the love in the hotel, and finally the fusion of martial arts...

Tonight again, the feeling of powerlessness when seeing each other hurt and insulted.

"Boss Dai, let's give it a try." Ma Hongjun said.

Dai Yubai was hesitating, and it was hard for him to choose for a while.

"Fat man, have you really thought about it? Although I don't reject you, it was under the influence of drugs last time."

It turns out that the two of them had already thought about taking that step in order to try to fuse their martial souls again and become stronger, able to protect each other and themselves.

Some time ago, they tried many conditions for martial soul fusion.

We slept together, played together, hugged each other, and even wore the same pair of underwear together.

But it never works.

When you walk through your heart, you just have to walk through someone else.

Ma Hongjun spoke affectionately and declared forcefully: "Boss Dai, I'm not afraid. I, Ma Hongjun, am willing to go to the sword and into the sea of ​​fire for Boss Dai. This doesn't matter."

Ma Hongjun's words seemed to have opened Dai Yubai's heart, and he no longer had any scruples.

"Yes, in order to get rid of the inner demons as soon as possible and in order to protect each other, we should take that step. Women are like clothes to us men, but you are the only one to me. Men are not clothes."

Ma Hongjun's face couldn't help but turn red, "Boss Dai, you are also my only one."

For a moment, the beds of Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai merged into one, and the two of them...


Tang San, who had fallen asleep, felt the vibration frequency and his bed was shaking, and he couldn't help but wince in a strange way.

However, Tang San and Oscar, who had fallen asleep and were unconscious, were still groggy even if they were shaken awake, let alone the shadow of the devil in their hearts.

They don't want to leave the bed at all.

"Where does the pig noise come from? It disturbs people's sleep." Oscar cursed in a daze and irritability.

Tang San also said the same thing, "Don't bray like a pig."

After saying that, he was tired again and fell asleep into a nightmare.

The next day, both Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai had the shyness of a young girl and a hint of maturity on their faces! !
The two excitedly separated the bed, arranged it, and slowly got up from the bed, their legs shaking a few times.

But they still said excitedly, "Boss Dai, do you feel it?"

"Fat man, do you feel it too?"

The two of them couldn't help but feel happy.

It turns out that the secret of martial soul fusion is this! ! !

Dai Yubai looked at Ma Hongjun and said confidently: "From now on, as long as I have a mouthful of soup, I will have food for you."

"Boss Dai, thank you, little brother, as long as I have a breath, I am willing to do anything for Boss Dai,"

Both of them were saying their own vows.


Ma Hongjun, Dai Yubai and others walked out of the room and happened to see Oscar and Tang San walking towards them.

Oscar and Tang San had extremely gloomy faces at the moment, probably because of the pig's braying last night.

End of this chapter

Fanfiction, self-created plot, don’t disturb if you don’t like it.

(End of this chapter)

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