Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 186 Tang 3: What is the use of my cultivation?

Chapter 186 Tang San: What is the use of my cultivation?

Oscar was still holding a copy of the Daily Mail of Jiujianxian that had just arrived.

After sniffing the smell in the air, Oscar raised his dim eyes and looked at Ma Hongjun.

He said feebly: "Boss Dai, fat man, what does it smell like? It's so strange and yet a bit familiar."

Ma Hongjun's face heated up, and Dai Yubai smiled and said, "Let's not talk about it for now. What's going on with you guys? Why are you so lethargic?"

"Boss Dai, you can see for yourself." Tang San looked pale and handed the Jiu Sword Immortal Daily to Dai Yubai.

Dai Yubai took the newspaper and soon saw something in the newspaper that made his heart collapse.

In the back alleys of Soto City, the bodies of the powerful soul master and the wretched Three Musketeers Bu Le Tian Ya E Kao were found...

After Dai Yubai saw the news, his eyes were dull and he slumped on the ground helplessly, even ignoring the pain coming from his butt.

Ma Hongjun's eyes also fell on this news, and he sat helplessly next to Dai Yubai.

Looking at the two people who were exhausted and hopeless, the listless Tang San seemed to find a contrast, and felt disdain in his heart: As for that?Is this all?

Oscar couldn't help but wonder: "Boss Dai, what's wrong with you? Are you so unbearable?"

Dai Yubai said hoarsely:

"Could it be that if you are unhappy and die in our hands, can you let go of your inner demons?"

"What." Tang San and Oscar's expressions changed again, "They were obviously fine yesterday, how could they be dead? Boss Dai, don't lie to us?"

"Isn't it written in the newspaper you gave me? It can't be false, right?" Dai Yubai looked at Tang San in confusion.

Tang San:? ?

Oscar:? ?
Oscar Tang San hurriedly picked up the Jiujianxian Daily to browse, and sure enough there was a piece of information that made them collapse on the ground.

Tang San was lying on the ground, a Xuantian inner force that had nowhere to vent, running wildly in his body. This was a sign that he was about to go crazy.

As a time traveler and a genius, the man's dignity was wantonly destroyed last night.

How could this not create a thorn in his heart, and even affect his future cultivation and mental development.

For this reason, Tang San endured the shame in his heart last night, hypnotized his mind, and turned into the motivation for revenge, so passionate.

Become stronger as soon as possible, then capture the Dao Bu Le trio, torture them to your heart's content, and gradually erase the inner demons of the shadows from the process of torturing them.

The three Oscars also had the same idea as Tang San.

But now it's all gone, the illusion is shattered.

The three wretched Musketeers were actually killed by others, so the demon in their hearts will always exist, and the shame of that night will never have anywhere to vent...

"What's the use of my cultivation..."

Tang San's face turned red and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

When practicing Kung Fu, the most taboo thing is inner demons.

The four of them lay on the ground decadently for a long time. Dai Yubai spoke feebly: "Didn't you see this news before?"

"Boss Dai, there is another article in the newspaper, which is about us walking around with birds under the moonlight." Oscar said decadently.

Dai Yubai was shocked, suddenly jumped up, and looked at the newspaper seriously: "What, are there pictures? You probably don't know our names."

Oscar was startled. Thinking of what happened last night being exposed, he felt ashamed and said:
"I don't think I know. I only wrote about the four Shrek boys. But there are images."

Dai Yubai also saw the content about them, but Dai Yubai was more concerned about the images.

Dai Mubai stared at the image closely, with fear, anger and humiliation in his eyes.

The image is pieced together from several different scenes.

There are scenes of the four of them walking birds, there are also scenes of the four of them fighting with dogs, and there are even scenes of the four of them being thrown eggs by the aunt and uncle.

The title is about the strange hobbies of the four boys at Shrek Academy. Is it nature or family inheritance... "Can the whole continent see our content in this newspaper?" Dai Yubai trembled, with fear in his eyes.

If this kind of thing is discovered by spies from the Star Luo Empire, and someone recognizes Dai Mubai in the newspaper, he is the third prince who ran away from home.

Then this is a report that insults the dignity of the Star Luo Empire's royal family. It will also be a reminder that I will be disliked by the empire or even be expelled...

"Boss Dai, the section of the newspaper where we are located is the Fun Facts section of Soto City. It is only available in newspapers published by Soto City." Oscar responded helplessly, knowing that Boss Dai cared too much about face.

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, they have sex knives in their hearts, and their lives are relatively full and sporty.

In addition to training and practice, Oscar could only stare at the blue sky, white clouds and moon in a daze. Later, when he got the Jiujianxian Daily, he would read the daily newspaper to pass the time, and he also learned a little about the daily newspaper.

Although Oscar is wretched, he has never thought about it since his last attempt to become a man with Boss Dai failed. He still can't let go of his first confession in the brothel.

"Yeah, that's great." Dai Yubai breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the news.

"Boss Dai, where are you going? Wait for me." Seeing Dai Mubai staggeringly getting up and leaving, Ma Hongjun also got up and hurriedly followed.

"Boss Dai is indeed Boss Dai. His heart is bigger than ours. How can I have the shame to go to the city to find a girlfriend from now on? Do I have to wear a mask all the time?" Oscar leaned on the wooden beam, feeling very depressed.

Oscar saw Tang San lying on the ground bleeding again, and couldn't help but shake his head: "Xiao San, you vomited blood, are you okay? You are too petty."

But seeing that Tang San didn't reply, Oscar knew that things were not simple. This Tang San couldn't be petty, he was simply uneducated.

"Little three, little three."

Oscar hurriedly shook Tang San. It didn't matter if he didn't shake. With this shake, Tang San spurted out a few more mouthfuls of blood.

Oscar knew that the matter was a bit serious, so he hurriedly made big sausages and forced a dozen of them to Tang San.

After making more than a dozen sticks, Oscar's soul power was drained a lot, and Tang San leisurely opened his eyes.

"Xiao Xiao'ao, thank you." Tang San looked at the black blood spitting out beside him, and couldn't help but feel happy in his heart.

Before, he went crazy without any warning. Qi and blood flowed backwards, his meridians almost burst, and he vomited blood.

Fortunately, Oscar woke him up in a hurry and ate a big sausage.

Otherwise, hemiplegia may occur, and in severe cases, Xuantian Gong may be completely useless or he may die.
I, Tang San, am indeed a master of luck.


Inner demons, shame, and the boy's unwillingness could not find a target to vent to.

But how could the boy's innate resilience be defeated so easily...

Xiao Wu and the others got up early and came to Soto City again.

"Xiao Wu, why is the city more lively? Why are there so many girls playing on the street at this time?" Rongrong looked around and noticed something unusual.

Cheng Rou had been paying attention to the conversations of passers-by around her, and she got the answer she wanted. She said, "It has something to do with the people we killed yesterday. They were celebrating the death of the three wretched Musketeers."

"Ah, it seems we have done a great thing." Rongrong's face was filled with joy. Anyone who has done something chivalrous will feel proud.

Indeed, the four girls were the Soto City women in addition to the three pests.

After the news of the death of the three wretched Musketeers was confirmed through the Jiujianxian Daily, and the Jiujianxian Daily narrated what they had done, countless men and women rushed towards the corpses of the Buhe people and smashed out the stinky smell in their hands. Eggs, rotten vegetables, stones, smelly socks...

There is no peace even after death

There was even a fierce civilian man who, carrying a kitchen knife, cut into pieces the bodies of five horses from the end of the world. The scene was so brutal that countless passers-by couldn't help but turn their heads.

"Husband, that's enough, that's enough." At this time, a woman rushed out crying and grabbed the man.

"What he did to you, even a thousand deaths would not be enough." The man was helpless, and the kitchen knife fell to the ground.

Passers-by were already frantically thinking about what happened between Tianya and the woman.

End of this chapter

(End of this chapter)

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