Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 196 Yu Tianheng: I heard that you are Tentacle Shura

Chapter 196 Yu Tianheng: I heard that you are Tentacle Shura

"Dai Mubai's mouth does stink, but it doesn't bother me."

Tang San muttered in his heart, the plan for the entire battle has already begun...

After learning some information about Tang San, Yu Tianheng also had some concerns.

"Martial Spirit Blue Silver Grass? You must have some merits, but facing me, you have to attack with all your strength, otherwise you will have no chance."

Yu Tianheng did not despise Lan Yincao, who was regarded as a useless martial spirit by the people in the mainland.

However, facing an opponent who is lower in level and younger than himself, he wants to end the battle quickly and establish a strong image in Yanyan's heart.

"Yanyan, are you watching my game..."

A smug smile appeared on Yu Tianheng's lips, and a blue light lit up between his eyebrows. The blue light spread rapidly, and blue-purple electricity appeared all over his body, swimming around his body like a small snake.

His right arm swelled violently, and his sleeve exploded and turned into ashes.

The exposed arms became thicker and longer, and were covered with blue-purple scales.

Those powerful hands turned into claws and rushed forward, heading straight for Tang San.

All these changes happened in an instant. Tang San had no time to arrange the battlefield, so he could only bite the bullet and resist Yu Tianheng's powerful explosion...


While Yu Tianheng was fighting with Tang San, there were two stunning women on the sofa in a VIP private room in the Soul Arena.

"Lingling, why don't we get closer and get to know the God of Dance?" Dugu Yan opened his arms and raised his head in thought.

These days, driven by the girls' curiosity, they followed Xiao Wu secretly, observed Xiao Wu for a long time, and got some good information.

This also makes them understand that the answers they discover by themselves are always more interesting and exciting than what others tell them.

"It's not a good idea to suddenly approach her and make friends with her. You have to find an opportunity." Lingling's eyes were empty and wise.

It involves Su Chen and makes her a special little girl.

He even wanted to dig out some secrets, but suddenly appeared in front of Su Chen...

In another compartment.

"I always feel like someone is following me recently." Xiao Wu said leisurely, not really paying attention.

"After all, he is a somewhat famous person, so it is inevitable that he will be followed by enthusiastic fans."

"How shameless? It's me they're following, okay?" Rongrong was unconvinced and retorted directly.

"Then the Tentacle Shura must be following you and wants to do something to you. Hehehehe." Xiao Wu danced her hands, as soft as willow branches, wrapping around Rongrong's body.

"Go away, I'm not afraid of any tentacle Shura." Rongrong trembled all over and broke away from Xiao Wu's grasp.

Tentacle Shura is spread among many girls, and Xiao Wu and others have also heard of it.

Rongrong felt weak at the thought of such a disgusting thing, but when he found Xiao Wu staring at him, he was still filled with indignation.

"Tentacle Shura? He is definitely a pervert. It's a pity that he couldn't meet me, otherwise I would have cut off his tentacles."

Zhuqing and Cheng Rou did not participate in the chat between Rongrong and Xiaowu. They had been meditating and practicing...

On the soul fighting stage, the battle between Tang San and Yu Tianheng also reached a fever pitch.

Tang San also didn't expect that Yu Tianheng would be so difficult to deal with, and that the Soul Arena would actually arrange a soul master whose soul power level was much higher than his own.

Yu Tianheng's soul power was even more bottomless, which kept Tang San passive.

Tang San thought about it, Yu Tianheng's soul power definitely surpassed Dai Yubai's, maybe level 39, maybe level 40.

Knowing that the total amount of soul power was his weakness, Tang San could only compete with Yu Tianheng in terms of physical strength.

The Tang Sect's special skills were used many times.Control the crane and capture the dragon, use ghost shadows to follow the steps, Xuanyu Hands and other methods to resist Yu Tianheng's strong attack.

But I never thought that the opponent's physical strength was not weaker than my own.

If it weren't for the Xuantian Technique to regulate his inner breath, Tang San would have been out of breath by now.

Tang San couldn't wait to take out the Zhuge Divine Crossbow and hit Yu Tianheng directly a few times to end the battle.

Or use the Eight Spear Spider with attached soul bone to reverse the situation, show off forcefully, defeat Yu Tianheng, and end the battle.

But neither of these will work, especially using externally attached soul bones.

Displaying it in front of everyone's eyes, there is no guarantee that these people will not recognize the external soul bone, which will attract countless crises.

What's more important is that none of the deans or teachers are here to watch the battle. After being exposed, they probably won't be able to leave the Soul Arena.

Yu Tianheng was also surprised. A low-level soul master was still a useless martial soul. He should have easily defeated him.

However, the opponent is still fighting against him, and is even somewhat evenly matched. The opponent's physical strength is far superior to that of his peers.

However, he was surprised, and Yu Tianheng knew it was time to end the battle.

After this period of terrifying and crazy training, as well as Lingling's perfect treatments, my physical strength and endurance have already been completely transformed.

The physical strength, soul power and even the quality of the martial soul are far superior to those of his opponents. What can Tentacle Shura do to fight against him?

"The Wrath of Thunder." Yu Tianheng roared, his combat power soared again, and he was about to enter a state of rage.

With the collision of fists and feet, and the collision of the body, Tang San's Xuantian internal energy was finally exhausted.

Xuanyu's hands also lost their luster and could no longer withstand Yu Tianheng's fierce attack.

Finally, watching the blue silver grass being easily torn apart by Yu Tianheng's dragon claws, he chose to admit defeat and fell down helplessly...

"Damn it, if I were a few levels higher, I would definitely be able to defeat him."

But Yu Tianheng refused to give up. The dragon claws hugged Tang San who was about to fall to the ground and said lightly:

"You are the tentacle Shura that has been rumored recently. Fortunately, you can't meet my wild goose. The thought of your blue silver grass touching my wild goose makes you feel sick. I heard that you like to tie up and play with the failed ones. opponent?"

When Tang San, who was about to close his eyes, heard this, his body trembled and he instinctively wanted to resist.

Tang San's body trembled, he wanted to shout out the frustration in his heart, he looked at the leaving Yu Tianheng with gloomy eyes, and swore secretly in his heart:
Don't let me meet the Yanyan you mentioned, otherwise I will definitely give her the cruelest and most delicious bondage experience.

Yu Tianheng left the stage amidst the cheers of the audience, while Tang San left the stage sadly amidst the ridicule of the audience, being carried by Oscar...

Tang San's clothes were damaged, and although there was no heavy bleeding, the internal injuries such as the bones were more serious.

Oscar shook his head and sympathized: "Mistress, come on, open your mouth and eat a few sausages. The pain will soon disappear."

"Don't touch it, I'll figure it out myself." Tang San said reluctantly, chewing the sausage, with resentful eyes.

"Mistress, it's okay. What kind of relationship do we have? I don't know that you are at a disadvantage? I won't laugh at you." Oscar wore a mask, and his face became thicker.

Tang San's face turned red and he was very embarrassed.

He really wanted to erase the people who knew his secret from the world.

At this time, Tang San's face turned dark, and his tattered body was a little panicked.

He looked around and dodged, as if he was looking for something.

Because in his sight, Xiao Wu appeared...

This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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