Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 197 The evil fire white tiger shows its power

Chapter 197 The evil fire white tiger shows its power
Xiao Wu is like a fairy walking out of a scroll, with twinkling eyes, curved eyebrows, slender jade legs, white lotus-rooted arms, and dancing dresses.

If it weren't for the fact that such a woman is holding hands with another woman, it makes people feel more real and has the liveliness of a young girl, otherwise who would dare to have blasphemous thoughts.

Looking at Xiao Wu like this, Tang San had the thought for the first time that he was not worthy of Xiao Wu.

But now Tang San just wants to find a place to hide from Xiao Wu. If Xiao Wu sees his ugly defeated state...

Oscar also followed Tang San's gaze and saw Xiao Wu without a mask, and Rongrong wearing a mask.

In Oscar's eyes, Rong Rong is as holy and ethereal as a goddess, her brilliance surpasses everyone, even Xiao Wu.

Oscar has cruelty in his eyes, but there is more love in his heart.
Oscar didn't think about shrinking back and hiding. He was wearing a mask anyway.

Fortunately, it doesn't matter if he appreciates Rongrong as much as the people around him.

Tang San found that Oscar had no intention of retreating, so he could only shamelessly hide behind Oscar and look at Xiao Wu, hoping that Xiao Wu wouldn't recognize him with the mask on.

The two of them just passed by each other, and Tang San let out a long sigh of relief because Xiao Wu didn't recognize him.

"Xiao Wu, my soul fight is about to begin. You can't leave. You have to watch my performance." Rongrong shook Xiao Wu's forearm and begged.

"Depending on my mood, I am a person with status now." Xiao Wu brushed her bangs, still very proud.

"Can you please stop being so pretty all the time," Rongrong pouted, Xiao Wu had changed since she became the spokesperson for stockings.

"The two people wearing masks just now should be Oscar and Tang San.

It feels like Tang San is so miserable. Did he meet Tentacle Shura? They are still staring at us. "

The attentive Rongrong still recognized Tang San and Oscar
"I don't know, do you still remember them? I've almost forgotten them." Xiao Wu said nonchalantly.

He slapped Rongrong's butt again and urged, "Hurry up and go to the competition. I'm already calling your name."

"Oh, I can't remember exactly. It's just the lewd look under the mask that reminds me of it."


Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun, after participating in a single soul battle, ate a few Oscar's recovery sausages, and then started a double soul battle.

However, Dai Yubai's expression on the soul fighting stage was not good, even serious.

Because the host's introduction just now aroused Dai Yubai's vigilance.

"Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Soul Master? I hope he is not a direct descendant or a genius disciple of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, otherwise..."

Being vigilant, Dai Yubai believed that he was an ordinary Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Soul Master.

After all, compared to the Tiandou Empire, how could a talented disciple of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect come here to such a remote city as Soto City.

"Boss Dai, they're here, and they're quite aggressive." Ma Hongjun didn't know the content of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

He still had a smile on his face, thinking that wherever there was Boss Dai, there would be warmth.

The visitors were none other than Yu Tianheng, who had finished torturing Tang San, and another member of the royal team, Shi Mo.

A blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex with the strongest offensive beast spirit.

Another basalt turtle, the quality of the martial spirit is no less than that of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, and has the strongest defense power.

The combination of the two of them is a combination of offense and defense to the extreme.

Although Yu Tianheng and Shi Mo were not wearing luxurious clothes.

But Dai Yubai, who was also born in a wealthy family, saw the aristocratic temperament exuded by the two of them.

Under the plain expression, there is hidden the pride of the superior family.

As soon as he saw Yu Tianheng and Shi Mo walking on stage, Dai Yubai knew that he had met a tough guy.

But Ma Hongjun couldn't see that he believed that he was invincible when he was with Boss Dai, and he just wanted to fight Dai Yubai to achieve a bright future, whether in bed or on the field...

On the field, the four people's eyes met and collided, and the momentum of both sides also surged.

At this moment of impact, there seemed to be dragons roaring, tigers roaring, phoenixes wailing, and turtle shadows.

"Great Soul Master?" Yu Tianheng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the number of soul rings on Ma Hongjun.

Because after Yu Tianheng fought with Tang San before, he did not seek treatment from Ling Ling for the sake of face.

Therefore, he is not at his peak now.

The battle started and all four of them moved.

For the first time, the two sides collided tentatively. Dai Yubai and Yu Tianheng each took three steps back and were evenly matched.And Ma Hongjun, who was still a great soul master, slammed his fists hard on Shi Mo's giant arms, as if he had hit an iron shield made of hundreds of times.

Both arms were shaken by the strong defensive force, and there was a dull pain.

In their first encounter, they suffered a big loss due to Graphite's strong defense.

When Yu Tianheng saw this scene, the corner of his mouth tilted slightly, already knowing how to defeat this pair.

Ma Hongjun is the weakness of this team! !
Yu Tianheng grasped this point and had a clear understanding with Shi Mo. The two of them attacked and defended each other and charged forward, targeting Ma Hongjun.

"No, Fatty, don't stay too far away from me." Dai Yubai shouted loudly. Faced with this flaw, they had already had countermeasures after fighting these days.

After all, the two of them have perfect coordination in bed, and they also have a high level of understanding in battle.

However, not long after the fight, Dai Yubai's expression dropped.

Even though the two have perfect physical and mental coordination, they also use flexible combinations during battle.

But the martial soul combination of Yu Tianheng and Shi Mo was too perfect.

Most of the attacks and soul skills of Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai were easily defended by Shi Mo.

He was even injured by the counterattack of Graphite's powerful defense, creating a output environment for Yu Tianheng to move forward without any worries.

After dozens of rounds, under this highly concentrated attack and defense, Ma Hongjun finally couldn't resist and was knocked to the ground by Yu Tianheng's Thunder Dragon Claw.

"Fat man." Dai Yubai shouted with concern.

Yu Tianheng would not show mercy to a man, so he took advantage of Dai Yubai's moment of absence to strike again.

"The second soul skill, Thunderbolt."

A blue-purple electric light enveloped the evil fire and white tiger combination.

"Damn it, White Tiger Protective Shield." Dai Yubai hurriedly jumped in front of Ma Hongjun to protect Ma Hongjun from the bursting thunder.

Dai Yubai still underestimated the power of the lightning, or maybe he was more worried about Ma Hongjun. Although it offset most of the power of the thunder, he was still smoked by the electricity and his clothes were scorched black.

Ma Hongjun's eyes were red, and he stood up with difficulty. Looking at Dai Yubai's tall and straight back, the majestic wind that blocked the thunder made him feel at ease:
"Boss Dai, I'm too weak, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Fatty, let's admit defeat." Dai Yubai turned around and smiled.

It seemed that he was more worried about Ma Hongjun's safety than winning or losing.

The two showed their true feelings, and they only felt themselves.

"But Boss Dai, I don't want to lose." Ma Hongjun grabbed Dai Yubai's hands, his eyes filled with desire, "Tang San actually dares to mock you."

Dai Yubai felt warm in his heart and understood what Ma Hongjun meant.

Tang San lost a single match today, a disastrous defeat. If the two of them don't lose a single match today, then they can mock Tang San, who looks down on them.

Both of them won the singles match today, and the only thing that hindered them was the doubles match.

"Well, then I win." Dai Yubai smiled slightly and linked his fingers with Ma Hongjun.

In an instant, red, purple and yellow light erupted on the Soul Fighting Stage.

"At this moment, we are connected..."

"What the hell?" Yu Tianheng frowned slightly.

He just gave the two of them some time to discuss and admit defeat. He never thought that the two opponents had a trump card.

Yu Tianheng and Shi Mo stood ready because they felt a powerful force accumulating and erupting in the light.

However, the two still underestimated the terror of the evil fire white tiger.

When the two of them wanted to attack a part of the light, a huge tiger claw roared and pushed towards the two of them.

After two noises, when the two men came to their senses, their faces were full of disbelief and they had fallen outside the ring, vomiting blood.

This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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