Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 198 Tang 3: Xiao Wu, look at my blue and silver entanglement!

Chapter 198 Tang San: Xiao Wu, look at my blue and silver entanglement!

Outside the ring, Yu Tianheng and Shi Mo couldn't believe the result.

Not even paying attention to the injuries on his body, wanting to see what defeated them.

Don't blame them for being careless. Who would have thought that Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai had hidden secrets that could fuse their martial souls and unleash a powerful strength that far surpassed that of the Soul Sect! !

The light on the soul fighting stage dissipated, and the audience only saw Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai embracing each other, but they didn't know why the two turned defeat into victory.

"Fake match?" someone in the audience said hesitantly.

Just now, the evil fire and white tiger combination was so incompetent, how could they turn the situation around and turn defeat into victory with just a flash of light?

Yu Tianheng and Shi Mo were also confused, where were the huge tiger claws?
It was obviously an unstoppable tiger claw that defeated him...

After the host announced the results, Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun supported each other and walked out of the aisle with the joy and scars of the winners.

All that was left at the scene were the audience’s doubts and Yu Tianheng’s ugly faces…


Before this, after many attempts at martial soul fusion, Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai had already mastered the powerful strength of the martial soul fusion.

It is no longer the freshness and unfamiliarity of the first martial soul fusion.

Fusion of martial souls, using light to cover up the facts, sudden powerful charge to defeat the opponent with one blow, a set of operations, smooth and smooth.

It is undeniable that they have become much stronger because of love and trust...

Yu Tianheng and Shi Mo returned to the VIP room with dismay and scars.

They lowered their heads, not daring to face their teammates in the VIP room.

If one person loses, the whole team will be punished, let alone both of them losing.

Teacher Qin Ming will not miss any opportunity to punish them.

As soon as they returned to the VIP room, two red nine-hearted begonia petals fell on Yu Tianheng and Shi Mo. Their injuries were being treated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Thank you." The two of them immediately felt the injuries on their bodies disappear.

Even though the two of them have been treated by Lingling many times, they are always surprised every time they are treated. The effect of Lingling's treatment is really terrifying! !
"Sorry, we lost." The two lowered their heads and said.

Yufeng laughed and patted the two of them on the shoulders: "It doesn't matter, I have lost before."

"Did you lose too much?" Oslo glared at Yufeng and punched him on the shoulder.

"Brother, vice-captain, it doesn't matter. I have lost before, and we will all be punished together." Shi Mo was very honest, and he always lost when he won.

Everyone also turned their hopeful eyes towards the sofa in the room.

There were two young girls on the sofa.

There was a man with a graceful figure and a seductive sitting posture, but the boys present did not dare to show any overstepping expressions.

She smiled charmingly, only facing a girl with immortal muscles and jade bones next to her.

"Yanzi, stop making trouble, they are all looking at you." Lingling reminded.

In fact, Yanzi kept leaning on her short hair, which made her a little uncomfortable.

Dugu Yan smiled slightly, but did not mean to look down on Yu Tianhenghe and Shi Shi.

"If you lose, you lose. You understand why you lost. We are a team, and as usual, we all get punished together."

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief, fearing that Dugu Yan would be unhappy with them and abuse them! !

After being tortured, it is better to let Lingling give her treatment.


"Mistress, are you feeling better? Why don't we give up the soul battle tonight." Oscar's eyes were worried.

He made a few more sausages for Tang San, who was doubting his life, and stuffed them into Tang San's mouth.

"It's much better now, Xiao Ao, you are really a genius soul master." Tang San said in a low voice.

The quality of Oscar's martial spirit is indeed high, and the sausages produced are powerful and practical.

The fullness that gagged her mouth turned into heat and flowed through her limbs and bones.

Now that Tang San thought about it, he still wanted to buy a few more. Anyway, it was for nothing, no money.

"Hehe, I don't know if Boss Dai and the others have won." Oscar patted the back of his head humbly, a rare compliment from Tang San.Hearing Oscar mention Ma and Dai, Tang San couldn't help but think of Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai who had just failed in the solo competition not long ago, and Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai came to greet them, but they were actually being sarcastic.

Tang San's face darkened, "I hope they can win, we can't lose."

"It doesn't matter if you lose one game, the opponents you encounter are getting stronger and stronger." Oscar said worriedly, meaning that he wanted Tang San to give up tonight's double match.
Tang San looked at Oscar with a cold look in his eyes, which made Oscar tremble in his heart. He said weakly, "Xiao San, did I say something wrong?"

Tang San was far more mature than his peers, and because of this, his self-esteem was not that of a 12-year-old.

He has a competitive spirit that does not want to lose to his peers.

Oscar's words undoubtedly made Tang San feel that he wanted to see him make a fool of himself again.

"No, it's time for us to take the stage." Tang San regained his composure and walked into the soul fighting passage.

I thought to myself: I hope that my opponent in this game will be a girl, who can destroy flowers with ruthless hands, and be tied up with blue and silver, my favorite...

However, as soon as Tang San stepped onto the soul fighting stage, he regretted it.

The opponent waiting for him on the soul fighting stage turned out to be the Seven Treasures and Charming Rabbits.

Isn't that dazzling girl Xiao Wu?
When Oscar saw it was Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong, he jumped back fiercely. These two people were the opponents he least wanted to encounter.

"Seven Treasures Rabbit, Seven Treasures Rabbit"

The audience's stage also erupted with shouts like a stormy wave.

He didn't pay any attention to the two thin figures of Tang San and Oscar.

"The God of Dance, the God of Dance..."

Because Xiao Wu is already a Golden Fighting Soul, the Seven Treasures Charming Rabbit Team has also become a Golden Fighting Soul Team.

The Soul Arena was supposed to arrange for the Golden Soul Fighting Team to fight against them, but there were not so many Soul Masters who could get the Golden Soul Fighting Badge.

Xiao Wu originally wanted to go to the main soul arena to compete, but was rejected outright by Manager Ao.

Because he was not sure about making money, Manager Ao was also afraid of Xiao Wu.

In a magnificent VIP room, this room overlooks the entire fighting spirit arena.

"Manager Ao, would it be appropriate to arrange for the Iron Fighting Soul Team to fight against them?" A secretary dressed in sexy clothes said softly.

Manager Ao glanced at the secretary's figure and said lustfully, "Why is it inappropriate? Both teams have an auxiliary soul master, just to add to the fun."

The secretary was helpless, thinking that Manager Ao had lost money recently, so he swayed his body, walked up behind Manager Ao, and massaged him gently.

"Don't underestimate the Iron Fighting Soul Combination, and the Evil Fire White Tiger Combination. They saved some face for me tonight, but it's a pity that they won't be competing in the Central Main Soul Arena."

Manager Ao enjoyed it silently, looking at Xiehuo Baihu's information and wondering what he was thinking.

On the soul fighting stage, Tang San was depressed. He didn't expect to meet Xiao Wu in this situation.

He wanted to open his mouth to communicate with Xiao Wu, but he didn't know what to say in this situation.

After the host announced the start of the spirit fight, Tang San's ideological struggle also ended.

He wasted no time and took the lead in attacking.

Oscar also put away his disappointed mood and said, "I have a mushroom sausage."

Quickly throwing one to Tang San, he also swallowed one, wings sprouted from his back, ready to dodge the opponent's attack at any time.

Just like the usual battle plan, Oscar, who had no attack spirit skills, could only protect himself from the rear, casually replenishing sausages for Tang San.

If someone who is usually more difficult takes action against him, he will be happy to do so.

Use the effect of the flying sausage to avoid enemy attacks, contain the opponent, and then wait for Tang San to finish off one opponent before dealing with the remaining one together.

In the past, when the two won the game, they did not use flying mushroom sausage from the beginning, but this time their opponents were so powerful that they did not dare to be careless.

Tang San quickly spread his martial spirit, causing the surrounding area to be covered with blue silver grass.

His eyes were once again fixed on Xiao Wu's slender legs, which were wrapped in a layer of silk texture and full of beauty. He wanted to get closer and hold them.

He launched his famous stunt, "Blue Silver Coil."

Under the mask, his eyes were filled with enthusiasm. Countless bluesilver grasses sprouted rapidly, but they attacked Xiao Wu's anklets very regularly.

This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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