Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 199 Xiao Wu: Your Bluesilver Grass is very similar to a classmate of mine

Chapter 199 Xiao Wu: Your Bluesilver Grass is very similar to a classmate of mine

When Xiao Wu saw the swarms of bluesilver grass approaching, her beautiful eyes flashed and she stopped trying to attack.

"The attack method of these Blue Silver Grass seems to have a strange rhythm."

Xiao Wu was puzzled, feeling that she would touch these bluesilver grasses no matter how she avoided them.

"I don't want to touch the bluesilver grass." Xiao Wu murmured softly and jumped backwards, instinctively refusing to touch the bluesilver grass.

Rongrong continued to move forward, instead of choosing Tang San, he launched an attack on Oscar.

Large tracts of bluesilver grass surrounded Xiao Wu step by step, narrowing Xiao Wu's movement range.

Tang San under the mask also went crazy because of this, and his long-awaited fantasy finally took the first step.
The world can't see his true face at this time, "Xiao Wu, are you scared? You can't hide from me, even if I let you touch me once."

Tang San's eyes were hot again, and the mask concealed his wretchedness at this time, and he was even as happy as Bu Bu.

He increased his soul power output just to touch Xiao Wu's ankle and achieve that wonderful and dreamy sharing of touch.

"Hey, this move is a bit like Tentacle Shura's style." Someone whispered, but the voice was quickly covered up by the shouts of the audience.

"God of Dance, God of Dance..."

"Blue silver grass? It's all boring stuff that rabbits won't eat." Xiao Wu felt nauseated when she saw the unhealthy colored blue silver grass chasing after her, trying to touch her.

"Damn it, why?" Tang San thought as he activated the Purple Demon Eyes, somewhat suspecting that there was something wrong with his eyes.

"You can see through all of Xiao Wu's actions, but you can't even touch Xiao Wu. Why!!"

Xiao Wu's long legs are not only admirable, but also have meticulous footwork.

She moved slightly, effectively avoiding the harassment of Bluesilver Grass.

The dancing figure is elegant and beautiful, and the long legs are pleasing to the eye.

The Blue Silver Grass failed again and again, and Tang San also failed again and again in his heart.

"Why, why don't you touch me even once?"


Tang San roared and moved.

The ghost shadow fan traces the steps to the extreme, taking advantage of the blue silver battlefield, covering himself with blue silver grass, and quickly approaches Xiao Wu.

Regardless of the excessive consumption of soul power, Tang San suddenly jumped up from a patch of blue silver grass, and simultaneously activated the instant soul skill, Spider Web Binding, with his left and right hands.

This was Tang San's inner obsession. He believed that the powerful terrifying control of the third soul skill could definitely trap Xiao Wu.

No matter what happens, you can always meet Xiao Wu and share your touch.

But Tang San was still disappointed. When the spider web restraint was about to touch Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu actually disappeared out of thin air.

Tang San's body was alert, Xiao Wu actually appeared behind him silently.

But Tang San was still a step too late.

The corners of Xiao Wu's mouth raised, and she spat out a few words, "Attack version of Eight Dancing."

When Tang San heard this, he trembled. Before he could make an effective response, Xiao Wu punched him into the air with soul power, almost causing Tang San to lose consciousness.

When Tang San reached the highest point, Xiao Wu teleported to Tang San with the soul bomb that was ready to be fired.

Tang San instinctively felt extremely dangerous, but seeing that extremely pretty face, Tang San couldn't think of resisting for a moment, for fear of accidentally hurting Xiao Wu, who was like a work of art.

But Tang San had no strength left to resist at this moment.

Xiao Wu didn't care what Tang San thought, she directly aimed a soul bomb at Tang San and released it.

"Why did Xiao Wu refuse to touch me directly with his fist even when he hit me?" Tang San took the blow forcefully.

The impact of the soul bomb made the free fall faster, and Tang San hit the ground with an earth-shattering roar.

Fortunately, when he was about to come into close contact with the ground, Tang San quickly let the many bluesilver grasses around him pull him up, and formed a bluesilver soft bed on the ground to reduce the impact of the fall.

But Xiao Wu had already anticipated that Tang San would be like this. While landing, she curled up her body and quickly spun a few times with her strong waist strength.The strength in the waist was therefore all concentrated on the toes, and it was a problem to aim fiercely at Tang San's waist.

When Tang San was about to touch the Blue Silver Grass Mat, Xiao Wu's attack had already arrived.


Tang San's face turned pale, and he quickly stretched out his limbs, using all of Xuantian's internal energy to keep his waist from collapsing, in a stalemate with Xiao Wu's strength.

But within three seconds, Tang San finally stepped forward, as if he heard the sound of bones breaking, followed by a heart-rending scream.


The impact force plunged Tang San's entire body into the soul fighting platform.

When Tang San turned up with difficulty, his mask was already broken.

But his face was still unclear. It was covered with crushed blue silver grass green juice and fine stones.

Xiao Wu glanced at it and said as if nothing had happened, "Hey, you look like a classmate of mine. We both have Blue Silver Grass martial spirits, but he should be better than you."

After Xiao Wu finished speaking, he showed a harmless smile and kicked Tang San out of the soul fighting platform.

"Xiao Wu, you're trying to kill someone." Rongrong also walked over, and she could clearly see the scene just now.

After Oscar was beaten violently by Rongrong, he had already voluntarily walked off the soul fighting stage.

"What kind of murder is heart-breaking." The two of them looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, a little cute.

With the host's announcement, the battle ended.

Xiao Wu and Rongrong happily left the soul fighting stage amidst the cheers of the audience.

Oscar looked at Tang San and muttered to himself, "Xiao Wu didn't recognize me as the mistress, that's great, that's great."

Oscar shook his head helplessly and stuffed a sausage into Tang San's mouth.


Oscar couldn't help but sympathize with Tang San. He fought with Rongrong. Although he was beaten violently, it was so good that he even touched Rongrong's fat skin.

Tang San, on the other hand, probably didn't touch Xiao Wu's shoes except his waist.

Oscar held Tang San in his arms and quietly walked out of the soul fighting passage.

"Xiao San, with your injury, if you don't find a healing soul master, you won't be able to participate in the soul fight tomorrow." Oscar said with concern.

Tang San nodded in response, he naturally understood how serious his injuries were, and even speaking would cause pain all over his body.

But Tang San didn't really blame Xiao Wu in his heart.

After all, we are opponents on the soul fighting stage, and she doesn't know that I am the mistress.

Tang San moved his head slightly, and when he saw Oscar's faint smile on his lips, he couldn't help but feel very unhappy.

Tang San roared in his heart: Obviously victory in the past was all thanks to me. I helped you win all your points. Why was it that I was the one who got hurt the most when we lost the game?You useless piece of trash

Not long after the two of them walked out of the soul fighting passage, they saw Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai, who were not in very good condition, coming to help them. However, their faces were very good, and they were talking and laughing.

"Xiao Ao, give us some sausages quickly." Dai Yubai raised the corners of his mouth, as if he was deliberately not looking at Tang San.

Ma Hongjun did the same, raising the corner of his mouth, as if sarcastically, "Xiao Ao, give me a few too, why did you win so miserably."

Tang San felt slightly cold in his heart, already understanding the ridicule meant by the two of them, he said with difficulty, "Lost, you won?"

"Yes, we won both games today." Ma Hongjun patted Tang San's shoulder carelessly.

Tang San felt a knot in his heart and almost screamed, but finally gritted his teeth and held back.

This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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