Chapter 200 Qin Ming's Invitation

Tang San grimaced and cursed, "You are still better, Xiao Ao, take me to the healing spirit master first."

However, I felt silently aggrieved in my heart.

Dai Yubai saw Tang San's green rotten face, tightened his mouth, and suppressed a smile.

"Boss Dai, you go back first, and I will take the mistress for treatment first." Oscar sighed, this person is extremely unlucky.

Dai Yubai gave the two of them a reassuring smile, silently watching their leaving figures until they disappeared around the corner.

Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai finally couldn't help laughing.

"Fat man, where do you think we should go to celebrate tonight?" Dai Yubai felt a little embarrassed and trotted along with Ma Hongjun, keeping up with Tang San and Oscar in front.

The four of them walked out of the Great Soul Arena together.

"Boss Dai, what are you celebrating? Isn't it just that you won a game?" Ma Hongjun asked in a carefree manner, raising his voice in a special way, pretending to be confused.

"No, it's Boss Dai who knows how to play." Oscar, who was in the front, was inexplicably envious and silently added in his heart, "I really want to team up with Boss Dai."

But after glancing at Tang San, he still couldn't bear to shake his head and rejected this beautiful idea.

Tang San remained silent and was silently carried by Oscar, but he made an oath in his heart.

From now on, never lose a single game...

The night market in Soto City is extremely bustling, and there are many more stalls on the road than during the day.

The four of them in Xiaowu happily enjoyed their leisure time, and occasionally ate street food, which had an authentic flavor not found in high-end restaurants.

The four girls also attracted the attention of many passers-by.

From time to time, a confident young man or a veteran in love would approach her.

But after Xiao Wu and others revealed their identities as soul masters, they all backed away silently, not daring to provoke them.

Not far from the four girls, there are two beautiful girls with short hair.

The girl with short purple hair is sassy and capable, her beautiful eyes are full of heroic spirit, but her figure is extremely enchanting, especially her waist, which is as soft as a bone.

The girl with short blue hair is as plain as water and as clear as water, with an indescribable beauty.

Her eyes glanced at Xiao Wu and the others from time to time, especially staying on Xiao Wu for the longest time.

Lingling said softly, "Yanzi, those four girls don't seem to be simple."

Even the talented and beautiful girls they had seen were nothing more than this.

How could the four of Xiao Wu be monsters? If their strength and talent were not enough, their appearance was also so stunning! !

And in a group of four best friends, it would be nice to have a monster in the group.

How could I meet a group of four best friends all at once, all of whom are amazing girls?

"Yes, they are a bit strange." Yanyan swallowed a beef meatball and showed a smile of enjoyment.

"Well, it's worth paying attention to. Let's do this for today. We have to run tomorrow." Lingling said calmly, seemingly not afraid of tomorrow's training.

"It's embarrassing again. Beauties like us are being laughed at when we follow a few men around the city." Compared to Lingling, Yanyan was less calm and a little annoyed.

"No, I feel like I still need to teach Yu Tianheng and Shi Shi a lesson to make them remember better. They will have to run away again next time they lose."

Ling Ling remained silent and smiled. She was thinking about whether it would be fun to understand and find Su Chen on her own, and then suddenly appear in front of him and give him an unexpected surprise.

And now the breakthrough point is the girl named Dance God...

The next morning.

After Xiao Wu and the others finished practicing, they went to the city gate stall where they often came to have breakfast.

"The broth here has the most authentic flavor and the steamed buns are the least greasy." Xiao Wu stuffed a steamed bun in her mouth and didn't forget to praise it.

"Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat. Is it half as delicious as me?" Rongrong said disdainfully, and after speaking, he took a big gulp of the soup.

Xiao Wu stepped on Rongrong's foot unceremoniously. Rongrong frowned, but still chose to force a smile.

"Which college are they from? They feel pretty strong." At this time, Cheng Rou spoke.

She looked at a group of royal troops running around the city wall.

Xiao Wu and others also looked over, glanced over, and were secretly surprised: These seven people, running in exactly the same pace, are an indestructible team. Which academy in Soto City can teach such students? ? "They should run with bamboo baskets on their backs and compete with Shrek." Rongrong saw this scene and started making up nonsense.

"Rongrong, be careful if they hear you, you will be in trouble." Xiao Wu didn't care much, and seemed to expect Rongrong to be taught a lesson.

Rongrong replied nonchalantly: "You're right, doesn't Shrek just run and train every day? Running can make you stronger, so why do you need to practice?"

"They are all very strong. There is a Soul Sect among them. Two girls even looked at us a few times. Rongrong, you must be in trouble." Xiao Wu looked at Rongrong sympathetically.

"Come on, I'm not even afraid of the Soul Emperor, but what about the Resurrection Sect, can they hear it?" Rongrong seemed to know Xiao Wu's little trick, and spread his hands to show that he didn't care.

Rongrong glanced at the two girls who were running. When he saw them running away, he lowered his voice and said, "You hear it when you hear it. I'll punch each one."


And Qin Ming happened to be here too.

While eating breakfast, he watched the students running, but he never thought that a girl at the table next to him would speak so wildly.

Qin Ming looked at the girl. He didn't know what to look at, but he was shocked when he saw her.

It turned out that there were four girls with such extraordinary looks next to them, no worse than the two female students in the team.

Although he is over thirty years old and is not good at old cows eating young grass, it does not prevent him from appreciating beauty.

"They are extraordinary, they are all excellent soul masters." This was Qin Ming's first thought. From the inside out, they exuded a kind of confidence and calmness in their behavior and conversation.

Moreover, they looked very young and young. Qin Ming had some ideas in his mind.

Qin Ming stood up, walked over, and said gently, "Hello, my name is Qin Ming."

Xiao Wu:? ?

Zhuqing:? ?

Cheng Rou:? ?

Rongrong took a look and said disgustedly: "You weird guy who likes lolita? We are not little lolita."

Qin Ming:? ? ?
"Ahem, I'm not, I'm a teacher, which college are you students from?" Qin Ming said awkwardly, feeling a little flustered for a moment when dealing with several little girls.

"Teacher? We are from Pheasant Academy." Xiao Wu looked at Qin Ming and said politely.

"Pheasant Academy?" Qin Ming was confused. He had never heard of such a school.

"You don't even understand Pheasant College? That college is too bad. It only charges tuition and has no teaching quality. Are you really a teacher?" Rongrong was confused.

In his eyes, this young man looked extraordinary and majestic, but as the little princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect, there was no such thing as a young man he had never seen before.

"I really don't know much about this." Qin Ming shook his head, "There should be no such academy. It is not easy to open a soul master academy. Which soul master would waste his time to establish a soul master academy just to cheat tuition fees?"

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. We have left Pheasant Academy. Who can teach geniuses like us?" Rongrong sighed, truly narcissistic.

Qin Ming wondered how the talkative girl in front of him, who had an extraordinary appearance and was supposed to be gentle and cute, seemed to be a narcissist.

"Ahem, are you interested in joining Tiandou Royal Academy?" Qin Ming finally stated his purpose.

"Uh? Not interested." Xiao Wu shook his head.With such a rustic name, it doesn't look like a good college at first glance.

"Thank you, I'm not interested either." Cheng Rou looked at Qin Ming and already had some guesses in her mind.

Zhuqing just shook his head and did not speak.

Seeing that the four girls did not agree immediately, Qin Ming smiled slightly and said: "If you pass the test and join the Royal Academy, I will let the academy give you the best training environment. Those seven are outstanding students of the Royal Academy."

"Running training? I'm talking about running the most. I'm not interested." Rongrong refused, "Dashu, you'd better go, we still have breakfast."

Qin Ming couldn't help but blush after being rejected by four girls, including one old-fashioned girl.

Qin Mingyou glanced at the dozen empty steamed buns on the table and couldn't help but be speechless:

"Okay, if you want to join, feel free to come to the Royal Academy."

After finishing speaking, Qin Ming turned around and left, heading to the city after paying the money.

"Weird uncle, the boss lady, is bringing me steamed buns." Xiao Wu enjoyed the happy time of breakfast very much, she must grow fat.

At this time, the seven members of the royal team who had just finished running also came here to have breakfast.

(End of this chapter)

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