Chapter 201 Xiao Wu: Why do I bleed?
"Captain, really, why do you have to get up early in the morning and run? What's wrong with running during the day?" Yufeng cursed and rubbed his eyes.
"I'm so sleepy. I finally finished 20 laps."

Dugu Yan remained silent and looked at Yu Feng coldly.

Dugu Yan's cold eyes seemed to have a terrifying and intimidating effect, which made Yu Feng feel cold and said quickly:

"The captain is still thoughtful. The sun is strong during the day and there are many people, which affects our cold image. Hee. Hee."

Lingling poked Yanzi to signal her not to be angry, and Yanyan relaxed her brows.

Yufeng let out a long sigh of relief. He must control his bad mouth next time because of the captain's bad temper.

However, Yufeng still looked at the breakfast stall with keen eyes. After taking a closer look, he discovered four girls who were not like ordinary people.

"There is a beauty." Yufeng said softly, and poked his companion who had just moved away from him.

The Shi brothers, Osluo and Yu Tianheng looked in the direction indicated by Yu Feng, and sure enough there was a beautiful girl! ! !

Still four! !
Two of them, in particular, have plump and round figures and are very attractive.

Some people murmured in their hearts: "No worse than the tigress in the team."

"Beauty, can I get to know you?" Although Yufeng was still a virgin, he still approached Zhuqing very familiarly.

He wanted to get to know Zhuqing, but his eyes didn't just stay on Zhuqing.

Oslo also had a rare heartbeat, and was inexplicably attracted to Cheng Rou. He approached Cheng Rou, showed noble etiquette, and wanted to get to know her.

As the children of outstanding soul master nobles, the family naturally has requirements for them, one of which is to prohibit trying forbidden fruits too early.

The Shi brothers ignored Zhuqing and the others, stared directly at Xiao Wu, and exclaimed:

"The God of Dance, the goddess of my dreams."

Rongrong: What about me? ?
Xiao Wu looked for fame and went out. When she saw the person, she said mischievously, "Where did the turtle come from? I hate turtles the most."

Although they were slandered, the Shi brothers were still shameless and wanted to ask Xiao Wu for an autograph.

When Dugu Yan saw that the team members were going to harass the girls, she felt displeased and yelled, "Come back."

When the boys heard the captain's voice, they regretted that they had moved too slowly, so they had no choice but to stop harassing Xiao Wu and the others and retreat silently.

When Zhuqing saw the person retreating, he secretly put away his sharp claws, and Cheng Rou also smiled softly.

"You can only eat one cage of steamed buns as a punishment. It won't be that simple next time." Dugu Yan said in a deep voice.

"Yes, boss." Several people answered in unison. Only Yu Tianheng stood aside and remained silent.

"Boss, why don't you join us at the same table?" Yu Feng felt chilled when he saw the captain pulling Ling Ling to another table.

Two girls in the team have run away, what else is there for breakfast?
"Do you mind if we take this seat?" Dugu Yan said gently.

"You don't mind, just sit down wherever you want." Xiao Wu said with a smile, but when her beautiful eyes looked at Rongrong, they were extremely cunning.

Yanyan and Lingling smiled back and sat at the same table with Xiaowu and the other four.

Silently, everyone was sizing each other up.

"You two ladies, you are so beautiful." Xiao Wu was very polite, with a smile on her face.

"Thank you, you're very good-looking too." Lingling looked at Xiao Wu, it was the first time she got so close, and she found a pleasant feeling in Xiao Wu, which made her fall in love.

Seeing that Lingling was easy to communicate with, Xiaowu felt relieved and patted Rongrong on the shoulder, her smile becoming more and more evil.

Rongrong noticed something strange about Xiao Wu, and cold sweat broke out on his back for no apparent reason, but there was still the slightest trace of body fragrance.

"Little sister, when you were running just now, the little sister next to me was so envious. She wished she could run with you, and even said she would fight you for hundreds of rounds."

"No," Rongrong slapped Xiao Wu's arms, "Little sister, you even look good when you run."

Rongrong had a friendly face and a smile that made people feel sincere.

But Rongrong was muttering in his heart: Stinky Xiaowu, you want to throw dirty water on me, but you are still far from it.I, Ning Rongrong, am not only articulate but also very smart.

"While I was running, I vaguely heard a punch, and the sound was very similar to yours." Lingling recalled thoughtfully.

Yanyan swung his legs and said, "Huh? Lingling, when you said that, I seem to have heard someone talking about running and Shrek."

Rongrong's body trembled. If he was beaten by a crowd, Xiao Wu would definitely be the one to watch the fun and add insult to injury. "I'll punch each of the Shrek students. The two sisters have extraordinary temperament and are incomparably beautiful. They are really beautiful. I wonder if they are students from the Royal Academy." Rongrong quickly changed the subject.

"Yes, how do you know?" Yanyan looked at Rongrong curiously, always feeling that he looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

"It's like this. There was a teacher who called himself Qin Ming. He said he was from Tiandou Royal Academy and wanted to invite us to join." Rongrong said with a smile, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is that so?" Yan Yan whispered, "To be invited by Teacher Qin Ming, you must be extraordinary. You are all geniuses."

"Haha, yes, sister, what is your martial spirit?" Rongrong looked at Lingling and asked.

"Jiu Xin Begonia." Ling Ling replied lightly.

"Nine-hearted Begonia?" Rongrong was so shocked that he repeated it.

I didn’t expect that the only Nine-Hearted Begonia owner of this generation would be met by me, on such an occasion.

Even Cheng Rou set her sights on Lingling, as if she wanted to see something.

"What's wrong with Jiuxin Begonia?" Xiao Wu was very puzzled when she saw Rongrong's surprised look.

"Illiterate, I don't know anything except eating." Rongrong looked at Xiao Wu with disdain.

But when she saw Zhuqing's dissatisfied look, she quickly said, "I don't understand either, hehe."

"You like to scold yourself?" Xiao Wu laughed, "And there is such a stupid girl?"

Rongrong said nothing: If I were not afraid of offending Zhuqing again, it would be easier for you, I would bear it (_)

"If you are injured and need treatment, you can come to me." Lingling said very briefly, but also very clearly.

"A powerful auxiliary system of healing ability?" Zhuqing guessed in his mind that Jiuxin Haitang was a relatively rare top-level healing spirit.

"Really?" Xiao Wu's beautiful eyes widened and she looked at Ling Ling, as if she had something on her mind.

Being stared at by Xiao Wu, Ling Ling felt a little embarrassed and nodded slightly.

"I just... seem to be bleeding recently. I don't know what the disease is and whether it will be serious. Sometimes I feel very upset and upset, and I feel like I am going to die." Xiao Wu said depressedly in a very small voice.

Zhuqing and others were confused after hearing this? ?

Xiao Wu was not injured, so how could she bleed?Is it intentional?
Lingling looked at Xiao Wu and asked seriously: "Where is the wound?"

Xiao Wu's face turned red, she stepped lightly on her lotus steps, and whispered into Ling Ling's ear: "..."

After listening to this, Lingling, who usually had a clear and calm face and kept away from strangers, looked at Xiao Wu with a strange look on her face.

Xiao Wu saw that Ling Ling frowned slightly, and her heart tightened, and she asked weakly, "Is it serious? Can it be cured..."

Lingling didn't know whether Xiao Wu really didn't understand or did it on purpose.

If you really don’t understand, it’s quite pitiful. Wen Wen replied, “If you can’t die, I recommend Ten Dimensions of Space.”

Rongrong and others also guessed something from Lingling's strange expression.

"Xiao Wu, you don't even know this basic common sense, right? No wonder you always feel weird these past few nights and you stay in the bathroom for hours at a time."

Xiao Wu also seemed to realize that she was in a big embarrassment and stamped her feet, "No way."

"It's all on your face." Rongrong and others pursed their lips and chuckled.

Shi Mo and others were at another table and couldn't help but feel elated when they saw the cute scene of Xiao Wu stamping her feet.

"Brother, what are they talking about? They seem to be joining in." Shi Mo looked expectant, with love in his eyes.

Shi Mo didn't answer, his eyes also filled with love as he stared at Xiao Wu.

"Well, what is the ten-dimensional space? Where can it be found?" Xiao Wu ignored the sisters' jokes and asked Ling Ling directly.

Cheng Rou and others were also a little curious about what the ten-dimensional space Lingling mentioned was, which could be used to stop bleeding.

They couldn't help but focus on Lingling.
This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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