Chapter 202 Tang San becomes Tan San

"Ten Dimensions of Space is a m-scarf with extremely strong adsorption power produced by the Jiujianxian Sect. It is currently only sold in Tiandou City and has not been widely promoted."

Lingling explained patiently and took out some soul guides and gave them to Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu's eyes shone, and she quickly took it with her hands.

Without studying the specific appearance, he glanced at the other sisters and quickly stuffed the soul guide into it as if to guard against thieves.

Rongrong originally wanted to comment on Ten Dimensions Space. After all, she used the best and most expensive ones.

But at a glance, she had never seen anything so thin and delicate.

Rongrong couldn't help but blame Xiao Wu for being stingy, and followed Zhu Qing and Cheng Rou to look at Xiao Wu with disdain.

Xiao Wu didn't care what the sisters thought, and said happily, "Sister Lingling, you are so kind, you gave me such a good thing when we first met."

To be honest, Xiao Wu felt a little embarrassed. She had never seen such a warm-hearted girl.

Lingling rarely smiled, "It's all you need, but I can only give you so much."

The voice was ethereal and clear, he smiled, his face was as white as white, and his teeth were like jade.

Xiao Wu was distracted for a moment as she watched, and she felt a wave of kindness from Ling Ling.

"You look quite young. Is this scale real?"

At this time, Yanyan looked at Zhuqing's chest, his eyes full of disbelief, and even a little envious.

Her face is so tender, but it’s actually bigger than mine. I’ve been eating for nothing these past few years?

Lingling also glanced at Zhuqing. She hadn't noticed it before, but at this sight, she was shocked in her heart.

The ups and downs are proud, but the cold face is pure and childlike.

It's like this at such a young age, how can it be done when you grow up?
Feeling the kindness of Yanyan and Lingling, Zhuqing, who was already considerate, did not act coldly, "I'm 12 years old."

"Tsk, tsk, awesome, do you have any secrets?" Yanyan lowered her voice and asked embarrassedly.

"It's natural. If there is a secret, Zhu Qing must have told me early in the morning." Xiao Wu was not embarrassed, puffing up her chest and biting a bun.

Zhuqing: Nonsense, there is obviously a secret.

However, Xiao Wu had already started to explain, and Zhu Qing didn't want to say anything and answered with a smile.


Zhuqing and the others returned to the hotel, blocked Xiao Wu on the bed, and threatened Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu reluctantly gave part of Ten Dimensions to her sisters.

Finally, the four people began to study the mysterious ten-dimensional space that cannot be leaked...

On the street, Tang San was very reluctant, with a look of pain on his face.

Because treatment by a healing soul master is too expensive. Once you see a healing soul master, you have to work hard for a month to earn back T_T
After coming out of the healing spirit master, Tang San spent a lot of money to buy old ginseng and old hens.

I bought some precious herbs and used them with the old hen to replenish the lost energy and blood.

With the addition of Xuantian Kung, he felt that he could recover a lot.

In the hotel, Tang San drank a pot of old hen soup and closed his eyes.

"Xiao San, why are you so persistent? Let's not go to the soul fight tonight." Oscar looked at Tang San sitting cross-legged on the bed, still a little worried in his heart.

Tang San opened his eyes, revealing Brother Zhu's smile. He didn't look as miserable as yesterday, and he didn't know what kind of changes his mood had undergone during this time.

Tang Xiaosan is indeed extraordinary and can endure hardships better than ordinary people.

"This minor injury is difficult. If you can't get over it easily, then there's no point in practicing." Tang San said firmly, his eyes full of perseverance.

"Here, isn't it sad to lose to Xiao Wu and be beaten by Xiao Wu?" Oscar asked weakly.

Tang San's body trembled, but he continued to explain, "Losing to Xiao Wu is not considered a loss. She is the girl I like. How could I let Xiao Wu lose?"

"What a far-fetched explanation." Oscar whispered, not knowing what else to say to stop Tang San.

I had no choice but to calm down, adjust my state, and wait for the soul fight in the evening.However, in tonight's soul fight, Tang San miscalculated again.


On the single-person soul fighting stage, Tang San was fighting a soul master with a strange fire martial spirit.

This was the first time Tang San had seen the strange alien fire spirit. The intensity of the flames was not weaker than Ma Hongjun's purple flames.

Fire is the nemesis of Blue Silver Grass.

Ordinary flames can easily burn off the blue silver grass, and the toughness of the blue silver grass has no effect at all in front of the flames.

Not to mention the powerful Alien Fire Spirit, under the control of the young man, the flame easily restrained Tang San's Blue Silver Grass.

Bluesilver Grass attacking from any direction or angle was easily controlled by the flames.

Tang Sankong had a way to bind him, but without tools, he was defeated to death.

Faced with useless skills, Tang San looked gloomy and couldn't help but blame his own martial spirit: Damn Blue Silver Grass, why do I have such a weak Blue Silver Grass martial spirit.

As a young soul master with a strange fire martial soul, his ability to control flames and his level of soul power were far beyond what Ma Hongjun could compare to.

The Bluesilver Grass was unable to hide under the flames, and Tang San gradually felt helpless in his heart.

Tang San believed that even the roots of the Bluesilver Grass in his hand might be burned away if he fought with the martial spirit, so he had to give up the contest on the martial spirit.

Tang San narrowed his eyes slightly and charged forward strangely, his figure also erratic.

But faced with the sudden close combat, the young man remained calm.

Never would I have thought that the boy's melee strength was not weak! !
After resisting Tang San's first wave of melee combat, the boy distanced himself and chose to continue attacking Tang San with his martial spirit.

"If you don't use your trump card, you're going to lose. Damn it."

The young man's cunning made Tang San angry, and he complained in his heart about why the teacher Yu Xiaogang and the dean Flanders didn't come to watch the game.

If they were around, he could use it without fear of exposing the attached soul bone.

Just when Tang San was distracted and angry, the young man who used strange fire and wore the costume of the Wine Sword Immortal seized the opportunity.

"The third soul skill, Angry Lotus."

A fire lotus in the shape of a lotus illuminated the entire soul fighting platform with its unstoppable momentum.

The direction of the fire lotus' covering was exactly Tang San.

With an explosion all over his body, Tang San was knocked out of the soul fighting platform.

Outside the Soul Fighting Stage, Tang San turned into black coal. A gust of wind blew by, and the outermost layer of black coal was blown away.

Tang San broke out of his shell, his body was not covered by his clothes, and his hair was all burnt black.

Tang San knew that he had lost. In a fierce battle, even a hesitation would pave the way for failure.

Looking at the young man wearing the costume of the Wine Sword Immortal, standing under the light of victory, radiant.

Tang San was unwilling to give up, and finally lowered his head and turned around, absently walking towards the exit passage of the soul fight.

Xiao Yang, the victorious young man on the stage, was not overjoyed by the simple victory and walked towards another soul fighting passage indifferently.

Xiao Yang comes from the Xiao family, one of the eight great Douluo families.

Because when he awakened his martial soul at the age of six, the martial soul mutated and turned into a weak-heat alien fire martial soul.

The level of innate soul power is level three. Such talent is enough to become a soul master, but it is obviously not enough for a big family.

Because of this, the fiancée Najia, who had been friends for generations and was married by fingertips, came to cancel Xiao Yang's engagement.

Xiao Yang felt unwilling and was ridiculed by his family members, and finally quit the Xiao family.

Later, he moved around in many places, experienced hardships, and joined the Jiujianxian sect. He got the opportunity and is now a small leader in the Jiujianxian sect.

This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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