Chapter 204 Qian Renxue's Decision
However, Su Chen's appearance appeared in her mind again. He was also a young man with extraordinary temperament, seemingly simple but with a certain strange attraction.

After that, the current pope appeared in his mind one after another, sitting alone on the papal chair, with no one he could trust, not even his own daughter. Bah, aloof and heartless.

"From now on, whether you are said to be a man's favorite or not, it will be you, Su Chen." Qian Renxue shook her head. For some reason, she had already made a decision in her heart.

Qian Renxue walked into the house, and this time she came to see Su Chen as a daughter only on a temporary basis.

Qian Renxue's figure was light and ethereal, quietly appearing in Su Chen's room.

But there was no figure of Su Chen in the room. Instead, there was a beautiful body lying on the bed.

Qian Renxuefeng narrowed her eyes and recognized the damn number one slut Tang Yuehua at a glance.

Tang Yuehua came to Su Chen's bed to spend the night several times, which made Qian Renxue inevitably unhappy.

No man can keep recruiting drivers with this shameless and action-oriented approach. As time goes by, Su Chen will inevitably take that step with Tang Yuehua.

Qian Renxue had tried Tang Yuehua's allure.

Looking at the sweet smile on Tang Yuehua's lips, Qian Renxue couldn't help but have the idea of ​​​​packing Tang Yuehua and throwing it to a group of homeless people on the street to do whatever they want.

After glaring at Tang Yuehua for a few times, he gave up the idea of ​​severely punishing her buttocks.

After all, Tang Yuehua was just asleep and might wake up at any time.

Not to mention using some means to make her unconscious for no reason. She is not an easy character to manipulate.

If an abnormality is discovered the next day, someone may be blamed.

He is as cunning as he is debauched.

Qian Renxue raised a bright smile and left. She already had a plan to punish Tang Yuehua again...


Unknowingly, almost a month has passed since Xiaowu and the four of them came to live in Soto City.

These days, Xiao Wu Zhuqing and Cheng Rou are living happily. Their lives can be summed up in four words:

Just practice.

Life is simple, but lived to the fullest.

Xiao Wu, in particular, has a job that she loves, wearing different styles of stockings and swinging her golden legs, which is a great pleasure.

Although she hasn't seen the person she wants to see these days, Xiao Wu believes that Su Chen must be looking at her somewhere.

As for Rongrong, life is more tiring.

Every day, I have to rush to the Great Soul Arena of Soto City to participate in the soul battle, hone myself and increase my combat experience.

It is a very strange thing for an auxiliary soul master to participate in a one-on-one soul battle alone.

Not to mention that Rongrong won most of the battles these days. He only encountered a few ruthless characters and lost a few times.

Rongrong's extraordinary performance also made many viewers question the authenticity of Rongrong's auxiliary martial arts.

But more importantly, it pushed Rongrong's popularity to a higher level, and now he is somewhat famous in Soto City's Great Soul Arena.

During this period, Xiao Wu only accompanied Rongrong in two soul battles.

The appearance of the God of Dance has undoubtedly pushed Rongrong's popularity to a climax. Some fans who usually look forward to seeing the God of Dance also use their enthusiasm for Rongrong.

Rongrong was extremely happy about this, especially after receiving the title of the number one goddess in Soto City Soul Arena, she even showed off to Xiao Wu and the others for several days and nights.

Xiao Wu is disdainful, it was given to you by my sister.

After so many soul battles, there were times when Rongrong's body was damaged. Lingling, who was watching Rongrong's competition, happened to appear and heal Rongrong's injuries.At that time, Rongrong felt the terrifying healing effect of Jiuxin Begonia for the first time.

The whole body seemed to be being washed and reborn, and physical fatigue was swept away.

The holes left in the body after many battles seemed to have been filled and repaired.

Rongrong also took advantage of this and successfully reached level 28.

Rongrong was so happy about this that he hugged Lingling, making Lingling feel embarrassed.

If it weren't for Yanyan's pull, Lingling would have been abducted by the enthusiastic Rongrong.

You must know that these days, no, from the time when Rongrong ran away from home, he spent less time cultivating his soul power than before. He basically spent it studying and fighting with Xiao Wu and others.

It only took about four months to go from level 26 when I was away from home to level 28 now.

It's not just the changes brought about by level, but more importantly, the earth-shaking changes in strength. How could this not make Rongrong happy?

Therefore, Lingling, Yanyan, Xiaowu and the others slowly interacted with each other, and occasionally went shopping and ate together.

And the situation of the four Shrek boys for almost a month has gradually become more and more satisfactory.

Since the four-game losing streak in those two days, Tang San found the lame teacher Yu Xiaogang from the city lord's mansion.

Yu Xiaogang didn't recognize Tang San at first. Tang San had been tortured for two days and how could he still look intact?

His hair was burnt black, his skin was sore and red, and he still had trouble walking.

It wasn't until Tang San showed off his twin martial spirits that he was sure they were his handsome, sensible and pleasant disciples.

Yu Xiaogang was so distressed that he immediately hugged the important chess piece and gave him love.

Tang San couldn't bear it anymore and cried loudly in Yu Xiaogang's arms, venting his grievances over the past few days.

He explained the situation to him and hoped that a teacher would follow him to the Soul Arena every day.

Yu Xiaogang's face turned ugly as soon as he heard Tang San's words.
He had always thought that Flanders had accompanied his students to the Great Soul Arena in Soto City in the past few days, but he never thought that a group of monsters would be ignored.

So Yu Xiaogang called together students and teachers to hold a meeting to criticize Flanders.

Faced with Yu Xiaogang’s doubts and criticism, Flanders just replied calmly:
"I thought you were gone. Aren't you fully responsible for these students? I have to run the store. What have you been doing these days?"

This made Yu Xiaogang feel ashamed for a long time, and finally everyone decided that from now on, two teachers from the academy must follow him in every day's soul fighting.

From then on, Tang San's soul fighting was smooth sailing, and he had the confidence to use the attached soul bone.

But the opponents I encountered afterward no longer had strong players like Yu Tianheng and Xiao Yang, and the externally attached soul bones had been useless.

As for Oscar, who was on the same team as Tang San, he didn't quarrel with each other. He just cooperated with Tang San in a two-on-two spirit fight.

Sometimes, facing Tang San who was smiling and friendly, Oscar even thought that he had misunderstood Tang San about what happened before.

But seeing Tang San's perverted blue silver entanglement and torture on his opponent, Oscar was convinced that Tang San was a hypocrite.

This also made Oscar even more frightened. Tang San couldn't afford to offend him for the time being, so he could only greet Tang San with a smile.

As for Dai Yu, Baima Hongjun, they have also had a winning streak since the day they used martial arts fusion.

Even though the reputation of the four people in the Soul Arena is not very good, they are still very proud of themselves. They attracted the attention of Manager Ao and passed the test set by Manager Ao.

Manager Ao officially sent an invitation letter to them...

End of this chapter

(End of this chapter)

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